Today, Federico posted a review of Weet, his new default twitter client for iPhone. @WeetApp posted a tweet a few minutes ago and they revealed their change log. Seems like a biggie for only a 1.0.1 release. This update was sent to Apple on September 16th, so we can hope Apple will approves it any day. Here is the list of fixes/changes/additions:
- Scroll position on timeline issue
- Favorite added as new tweet when favoriting
- Orientation issue when flipped
- Tab bar icons issue
- Tweets showed as mentions (blue)
- Uploading images fail (CloudApp)
- Blank content (twtmore)
- Done button on conversations
- Quick actions on Lists, Retweets, Favorites, etc
- Retweet issue (doubled up)
- New action button on profile
- And much more…
We’re already working hard in a few bug fixes and new features. If you noticed anything else, please fire us an email to [email protected]
Note: Again, we are reading all feedbacks on Twitter and emails - and we really do appreciate that. Just keep in mind it’s the very first version of the app that you have in hands (1.0.0), and of course it will get even better really soon. Trust in us.