Yahoo CEO: “iAd Will Fall Apart”

Yahoo CEO: “iAd Will Fall Apart”

Apple’s iAd system has won the scorn of Yahoo CEO, Carol Bartz, who told Reuters last night the ad system will “fall apart for them”.

Bartz believes most advertisers will eventually reject Apple’s ad system because the company demands too much control over what advertisers do.

“Advertisers are not going to have that type of control over them. Apple wants total control over those ads,” she said, though she conceded that Apple’s effort is “ok for experimentation.

She has a point: advertisers want to be in control of their campaigns, and Apple is telling them to follow its rules and tastes. Just like with the iPod in 2001, though, this might just need some more time. Time is money, I know, but I frankly don’t see Apple letting something fall apart after a few months of introduction.

I mean, the Apple TV is still around.