Quiet Read, the application from Bambooapps that lets you quickly save links for later by simply dragging them onto a menubar icon, has been updated and now comes in both a free and Pro version.
While the free version doesn’t sport any significant change, allowing you to do the same stuff you could do before (drag a link, the menubar icon indicated how many items you saved for later) the Pro counterpart is really interesting. You can save links for later and access them through the menubar, but if you’re feeling a little web 2.0 and want to save that link to services like Instapaper and Read It Later, now you can. So, basically, Quiet Read Pro is now a “gate” between your Mac and the online services you’ve gotten used to. You already know that the page will be read in 15 minutes? Save it in QR. Maybe tomorrow? Then forward it to Read It Later (and perhaps use the Digest to read it).
Also, the Pro version introduces the support for global shortcut, list and search, url shortening via tr.im. If you think you might need an app like this (personally, I’m having it running for some days now) $9.95 is a good price. Go download.