Hosted on Google Code, Subler (by Damiano Galassi) is an open source application for Mac OS X that enables you to mux .mp4 files. For those who don’t know mux (from multiplexing), it’s a device that selects one of many analog or digital input signals and forwards the selected input into a single line. (Wikipedia)
Basically, Mux allows the creation of tx3g subtitle tracks compatible with most every Apple product out there, not to mention full Quicktime compatibility. It’s got tagChimp support, you can play around with the iTunes metadata (you can even add metadata unavailable in other apps, such as the HD tag) and it supports the following formats: .h264, .264, .aac, .ac3 and .scc.
What’s so great about Subler is how easily it lets you edit stuff. Whether you need to add soft subtitles, remove audio tracks and cut chapters Subler is just perfect. Also, with this process you can avoid the conversion time of burning subtitles in the video with Quicktime or Perian: you can just use Subler to mux the .srt file.
Overall, Subler is the best solution to quickly embed subtitles in a Quicktime movie. And I think that’s a great achievement.