We’re all familiar with Private Browsing. While I use it for my financial activities, people will use it for more nefarious deeds. Imagine if we can take everything on our Macs, and apply Private Browsing to it. You know, like iChat for example? So if you’ve ever wanted to be super sneaky on your Mac, perhaps to keep your little brother from blackmailing you with your latest GF talk, then Tiptoe is for you.
Tiptoe is interesting because apps have to be launched from Tiptoe so it can conceal your footsteps. Not every application can be “tiptoed,” but those supported will appear in the list. Simply select the app you want to launch, then click the Open button.
The same idea can be applied to closing down applications. Just highlight the app you want to close down, and press the Remove button.
If you’re ever interested in what exactly you’re covering up, you can press the Info button for more information. Most of the stuff is pretty basic, but it automates tasks that you could do yourself.
You can also reset applications to their default state by clicking the Reset button. So even if you’ve never snuck around before, you can clear your previous information out.
Those looking for a simple solution for hiding their activities should look no further than Tiptoe. It’s tiny, it works, and I never noticed any performance issues while using the app. For $19.99, Tiptoe is a small price to pay when it comes to concealing your privacy.