Together with Applescript, Automator is the best automation tool a Mac user can have. It lets you automate anything, from repeating tasks such as batch renaming a large list of files to automatically backup you blog into a local folder.
In this roundup we’ve collected 70 of the best Automator resources: actions, workflows and tutorials aimed at designers and bloggers.
- OS X Workflow: Batch Editing – Renaming a Long List of Files
- Automator Actions for XML Processing Pipelines
- Simple Tunnel Screen Sharing with Automator
- Text to Audio Track
- Snow Leopard Services in practice: Amazon S3 uploader
- Automator Action: Final Cut Pro XML to Tape Log via Markers
- Using Automator and scripting to open a URL in QuickTime Player X on Snow Leopard
- Lock your Mac’s screen like in Windows, Snow Leopard edition
- 10.5: Take and upload screenshots via Automator
- Running shell commands with Automator or AppleScript and executing with sudo privileges
- Get File Path
- 8 great Automator downloads
- Snow Leopard Broke Your GrabUp? Create Your Own!
- Automating WordPress Backups using Automator and Transmit
- OSX Automator Flickr Upload Action 1.1
- Using Automator to make scheduled backups
- Using Automator to automate printing to PDF
- Photoshop Automator Actions v4.0 Beta
- Use PHP shell scripts within Automator Actions
- 20+ Useful Automator Scripts for Mac OS X
- 5 Indispensible Automator Actions
- Use Automator variables anywhere in a workflow
- Doc to pdf with Automator
- Scheduling automator workflows and other applications
- Junecloud Automator Actions
- Using Automator to Scale Images Horizontally
- Automator Workflow: Set ZIP File Date
- An Automator backup workflow tutorial
- Backing up Gmail Using Mail, Automator and iCal
- A Quick and Easy Way to Back Up Posterous with Automator
- Automator: Backup, Encrypt and Move to iDisk
- Download: Workflows To Batch Convert Pixelmator Brushes
- Mac OS X, Automator and Subversion (SVN) Fun
- 10.6: Create Services to interact with Subversion
- Batch Optimize Images and Resize using Automator
- Using Automator to Back Up Your Server
- How To Trigger the Download of a File Remotely
- Mail selected files with automator
- Using Automator To Import Photos Into Aperture
- How to Use Dropbox and Automator For Automatic Backup of Multiple Folders
- Using Automator for repetitive tasks in Final Cut Pro