I usually tweet a lot of stuff: apps tutorials, news, videos, reviews, hacks and so much more. Everything that’s Apple-related and it’s interesting, it’s worth a tweet.
To keep up to date with all these links you can follow me on Twitter, but in case you missed here’s a small compilation of the best tweets of the past week.
You can find me on Twitter as @storiesofmac.
iDesktop synchronizes your desktop and login backgrounds http://ow.ly/ZSp6
Twitterrific for Adium http://ow.ly/ZSq2
Get a Mac, the complete campaign http://ow.ly/ZSrA
What Safari can really do http://ow.ly/ZSuz
Apple releases Boot Camp 3.1, includes Windows 7 support http://ow.ly/ZTll
Earthquake Survivor Calls iPhone a Life Saver http://ow.ly/ZSvt
Helvetipaper http://www.flashfonic.de/helvetipaper/
Steve Ballmer Signs A Mac http://ow.ly/ZTeQ
CleanMyMac replacement icon http://ow.ly/ZOMo
SnowTunes: iTunes 9 OS X theme http://ow.ly/ZTgx
The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs http://ow.ly/ZTij
Loren Brichter on Tweetie http://ow.ly/ZTiU