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Interview with the UI and Icon Designer Natalie Nash

Hi there! Can you please introduce yourself to MacStories readers?
My name is Natalie Nash, but I’m also known as my pink pseudonym, Pinky von Pout! I have been running my Graphic Design Studio, Jelly Labs, for 2 years. I am an icon and UI designer, with a penchant for pink and a love of anything cute.
- How did your interest in design - especially icon design - get started?
I remember when I first used a computer, my father’s laptop - well over 10 years ago. I sat in my room, and spent the entire afternoon customising Microsoft Windows to varying shades of pink. I’m now 28 and still exactly the same. Give me a computer (I’d rather a mac ;) ) and I’ll make it my own, put my stamp on it, my identity.
My love of icons and inevitable collecting, started almost 5 years ago, with a collection in excess of 30,000! My poor PC, an engagement present from my In Laws, was customised to within an inch of it’s life.
A couple of years later, I bought my first Macintosh. I sat in PC World, as the salesman pressed the power button and the famous Apple ‘bong’ rang in my ears as the most vivid of screens blinked on before me. My eyes darted around, trying to take in all the colours, it was as though my eyes had been quenched.
I sat in the car, with the white box bumping gently on my knees as my Husband drove me home. I was trembling with excitement, and couldn’t wait to explore my new machine.
That was the moment I fell in love with the Macintosh and design, that was the moment I knew what I wanted to be and do in life - a Designer.
With the help of a close friend and personal design hero, Laurent Baumann - who inspired, encouraged and mentored me - I put mouse to mat and started designing.
- What would be a typical process for you when starting out a new design project?
Any design process, relies heavily on Designer/Client relationship. Most important to me, is developing this relationship, building a foundation that a Client feels safe to rely on.
I brainstorm with a Client, exchange ideas back and forth and then proceed to sketch out prototypes, so the Client can better see my mind’s eye.
When sketches are approved, I go on to realise digitally, working closely with the Client, showing WIP along the way. I regularly arrange meetings via iChat, so the Client may ask any questions and be the most up to date with their commission, as possible.
Basecamp from 37 Signals, has proved very effective in my workflow. It allows me to upload mockups/revisions, and the Client can view current WIP at any time, any place and from any medium.
My process most likely doesn’t break the mould, but it works for me and most importantly, it works for my Clients.
- Where do you find inspiration?
I imagine I am the same as many of my fellow Designers, in that the work of others can be the most inspiring.
I hesitate to list, as I know i will forget and perhaps offend those I may miss out, but I can safely rely on readers knowing the greats ;)
Another great inspiration of mine, is the Vinyl toy market. It’s filled with fabulous Designers, great colour palettes, funky characters and inspirational ideas
- Has Mac OS  changed the way you design / work? (if you use Mac OS)
I have only ever designed (and will continue to do so) on the Mac platform. It ticks every box for me and is where I feel comfortable to explore ideas and go on to create them.
- Which apps do you use most to create your works?
My vital applications, are not just those where I create works, but also those that enable me to create.
My personal heroes are: iChat (meetings); OmniFocus (planning), Photoshop (creation) and IconBuilder (icon export).
I also couldn’t be without my iPhone and accompanying applications, for when I’m away from my Mac and need to communicate and work with Clients.
- Do you have a “favourite” icon among the ones you’ve designed?
I didn’t, until recently…
I’m working with a great company at the moment, for an upcoming iPhone application. When creating their icon, it broke alot of ‘firsts’ for me. I took risks and it paid off.
- Can you please describe us your workstation?
I have a small but pleasant office, housing my favourite Ikea desk (Kloffsta), Mac Pro and 30 inch Apple Cinema Display.
I am in the middle of decorating my office, which when complete, will I hope, be a very inspirational space for me.
- Can you tell something about your future releases?
My studio, Jelly Labs, was two years old of September this year. In celebration, a version 2 has been in the works since June this year - which will soon be live.
Along with that will be an updated portfolio, listing some awesome Companies I have worked with this Summer and new goodies for my loyal visitors.
- Thanks for chatting with us! Have a great Festival :)
You are very welcome and best of luck with the Festival!

As you may know, the Festival will end tomorrow, but we’ve still got many things for you guys!

Today I had the chance to chat with Natalie Nash, a.k.a Pinky von Pout, an icon and UI designer from Jelly Labs.

You can visit her official DeviantArt page here.


- Hi there! Can you please introduce yourself to MacStories readers?

My name is Natalie Nash, but I’m also known as my pink pseudonym, Pinky von Pout! I have been running my Graphic Design Studio, Jelly Labs, for 2 years. I am an icon and UI designer, with a penchant for pink and a love of anything cute.

- How did your interest in design - especially icon design - get started?

I remember when I first used a computer, my father’s laptop - well over 10 years ago. I sat in my room, and spent the entire afternoon customising Microsoft Windows to varying shades of pink. I’m now 28 and still exactly the same. Give me a computer (I’d rather a mac ;) ) and I’ll make it my own, put my stamp on it, my identity.

My love of icons and inevitable collecting, started almost 5 years ago, with a collection in excess of 30,000! My poor PC, an engagement present from my In Laws, was customised to within an inch of it’s life.

A couple of years later, I bought my first Macintosh. I sat in PC World, as the salesman pressed the power button and the famous Apple ‘bong’ rang in my ears as the most vivid of screens blinked on before me. My eyes darted around, trying to take in all the colours, it was as though my eyes had been quenched.

I sat in the car, with the white box bumping gently on my knees as my Husband drove me home. I was trembling with excitement, and couldn’t wait to explore my new machine.

That was the moment I fell in love with the Macintosh and design, that was the moment I knew what I wanted to be and do in life - a Designer.

With the help of a close friend and personal design hero, Laurent Baumann - who inspired, encouraged and mentored me - I put mouse to mat and started designing.



- What would be a typical process for you when starting out a new design project?

Any design process, relies heavily on Designer/Client relationship. Most important to me, is developing this relationship, building a foundation that a Client feels safe to rely on.

I brainstorm with a Client, exchange ideas back and forth and then proceed to sketch out prototypes, so the Client can better see my mind’s eye.

When sketches are approved, I go on to realise digitally, working closely with the Client, showing WIP along the way. I regularly arrange meetings via iChat, so the Client may ask any questions and be the most up to date with their commission, as possible.

Basecamp from 37 Signals, has proved very effective in my workflow. It allows me to upload mockups/revisions, and the Client can view current WIP at any time, any place and from any medium.

My process most likely doesn’t break the mould, but it works for me and most importantly, it works for my Clients.

- Where do you find inspiration?

I imagine I am the same as many of my fellow Designers, in that the work of others can be the most inspiring.

I hesitate to list, as I know i will forget and perhaps offend those I may miss out, but I can safely rely on readers knowing the greats ;)

Another great inspiration of mine, is the Vinyl toy market. It’s filled with fabulous Designers, great colour palettes, funky characters and inspirational ideas.



- Has Mac OS  changed the way you design / work?

I have only ever designed (and will continue to do so) on the Mac platform. It ticks every box for me and is where I feel comfortable to explore ideas and go on to create them.

- Which apps do you use most to create your works?

My vital applications, are not just those where I create works, but also those that enable me to create.

My personal heroes are: iChat (meetings); OmniFocus (planning), Photoshop (creation) and IconBuilder (icon export).

I also couldn’t be without my iPhone and accompanying applications, for when I’m away from my Mac and need to communicate and work with Clients.

- Do you have a “favourite” icon among the ones you’ve designed?

I didn’t, until recently…

I’m working with a great company at the moment, for an upcoming iPhone application. When creating their icon, it broke alot of ‘firsts’ for me. I took risks and it paid off.

- Can you please describe us your workstation?

I have a small but pleasant office, housing my favourite Ikea desk (Kloffsta), Mac Pro and 30 inch Apple Cinema Display.

I am in the middle of decorating my office, which when complete, will I hope, be a very inspirational space for me.

- Can you tell something about your future releases?

My studio, Jelly Labs, was two years old of September this year. In celebration, a version 2 has been in the works since June this year - which will soon be live.

Along with that will be an updated portfolio, listing some awesome Companies I have worked with this Summer and new goodies for my loyal visitors.

- Thanks for chatting with us! Have a great Festival :)

You are very welcome and best of luck with the Festival!

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