This review wouldn’t have been possible without the help, feedback, and existence of the following people, animals, beverages, and apps:
- My girlfriend Silvia, for her patience, love, design skills, photos and videos, and wisdom
- Brian King, for bringing this review to life once again with his amazing animations and 3D graphics
- Ryan Christoffel, for his outstanding editing skills and patience
- John Voorhees, a friend and amazing colleague
- Alex Guyot, for his work at MacStories and help this summer
- Zelda and Ginger, for always keeping me company while I was writing the review
- Myke Hurley
- Stephen Hackett
- Martyn Pysanczyn
- Brett Terpstra
- Simon Støvring, for helping me with JavaScript and saving me dozens of hours with Scriptable
- Misu, for their iOS 14 System Theme Home Screen
- Victoria De Las Casas, for her fall-themed Home Screen (icon pack available here)
- Tom, for their sketches Home Screen
- Poggy, for her doodles Home Screen (icons available here and here)
- Katie Mae, for her peaches Home Screen
- Veronica, for her pink-themed Home Screen
- iA Writer, Working Copy, Timery, Shortcuts, and MindNode – essential apps that helped me create this story
- Every app developer who sent me betas during the summer
- Every engineer at Apple who always makes reviewing iOS and iPadOS each summer fun
- @TiccisEspresso – you know I’m always going to need you
- Every Club MacStories member
And finally, every MacStories reader, for allowing me to keep doing what I love. Thank you.