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Posts tagged with "accessories"

iPhone 4 Becomes A Skateboard

On iOS, a device becomes the app it’s currently running. Are you using a calculator app? The iPhone looks like a digital calculator then. A GPS map? A TV remote? Full-screen apps can turn an iOS device into, well, anything. What about hardware accessories, though? Can a rather simple accessory like a case turn an iPhone into something else?

The Skateboard Series for iPhone 4 is a new case available on Etsy made out of laser-cut grip tape and actual wood. It looks like a mini-skateboard, only it’s an iPhone and it doesn’t have wheels. Build quality looks impressive, too.

When combined with a wood grain vinyl edge wrap this design actually gives your iPhone 4 the illusion of being a skateboard, all you need now are the wheels. The only advice we can give you is not to slide this phone against your grandma’s table because this material is very rough.

Whether or not you think the grip tape on the back of the device could make it a little harder to get it out of your pockets, this mod can be yours for only $20. Available now on Etsy. [via Reddit]

Eye Scope Adds 8x Optical Zoom To Your iPhone

If you’ve ever wished you could spy on your neighbor’s house or simply take better photos of distant objects with your iPhone (yes, we’re going to pretend your never thought of spying on people using an Apple device), you might want to consider the Eye Scope, a $45 (£29) accessory that can add 8x optical zoom to the iPhone’s lens.

Available for iPhone 3G / 3GS / 4 owners,the Eye Scope is basically a case with an attached optical lens that promises to cover 246 meters ahead of you and your iPhone. Not bad, huh? In the package, you’ll also get a tripod mount and a lens cloth to keep everything clean and well focused.

If you want to go ahead and buy it, the Eye Scope for iPhone is available on online retailer Firebox. [via Ubergizmo]

Fling, A Tactile Game Controller for the iPad

One of the main criticisms of gaming on the iPad (or any iOS device) is that there is no tactile buttons for games that feature a directional pad, or virtual joystick; one example is Super Mega Worm. iOS Gamers rejoice! Ten One Designs came out with Fling, a tactile game controller for the iPad.

Snap Fling onto the iPad glass using the suction cups and starts gaming. It’s clear plastic, offering only a slight obstructed view of what’s underneath. The part that actually touches the screen is made of a conductive material, similar to your finger tips.

It won’t work with all your games, but for only $25 it could make your gaming experince a little more rich. The Fling preorder opens on January 6 so get your credit card ready.

Video and FAQ after the break. Read more

The iPhone Heart Monitor

Modern technology has changed so much in just the last few years; everything has gotten smaller, cheaper and better. It’s really amazing, when I was a child in the 80s, everything was still analog, big and had square edges. A 2 foot by 1 foot ‘ghetto blaster’ was considered portable music and a portable TV was black and white and weighed 20 pounds.

The future is here now and Apple’s iPhone is the flux capacitor to the future, or at least in this case an Electrocardiography device (ECG). This is by far one of the coolest implementations of an iPhone and a third party accessory. For one thing, it’s not just for the medical world, it will also be a consumer accessory as well; the iphonECG is going to officially be announced ay CES next week. Attach the iphonECG case, open the monitoring app, and place the contacts against your chest (heart). Remember when I said everything gets “smaller, cheaper and better”? Here’s one of the first ECG devices ever created.

Welcome to 2011: A Tech Odyssey.

[via MobileCrunch]

The iToiletstand Is Exactly What You Think

Some ideas are just plain wrong. Yet, you have to admit sometimes you’ve thought about these wrong and silly ideas as some sort of a geek dream you don’t want the world to know about. Like iOS gadgets for the toilet. You know, this is especially true for the iPad, which is a great device for reading.

It looks like your prayers for a comfortable iPad stand to use you-know-where have been answered: the Angled Stand is an “adjustable, angled stand for iPads, tablets & other electronic devices”.

What are the features: top is adjustable, pole can be moved back & forth, easily tightened at various angles making it flexible & user friendly. Pole has an adjustable height between 26-46 inches which is starting from around your knees on up. Pole angle various to around 45 degrees. Top is just a bit wider and taller than an ipad and device is foldable.

The product is coming in early 2011 and, bath and toilet aside, can be used a stand for when you’re in bed, by the barbecue, in the kitchen, in hospital…wherever you think it’d be nice to have an iPad following you by on a stand.

I guess Steve Jobs is already using something like this for his iPad 2 in his home office. [CultofMac via iToiletstand]

Au Naturale iPhone Dock

The Enchanted Woods iPhone Dock from Anthropologie is “a fun nature-meets-technology way to stand and display your iPod or iPhone.” It’s very popular but has a very high price (for what it is). Chris Gardner over at ManMade decided to make his own because at nearly $100, it’s lot to pay for something that didn’t have “speakers, a clock, or even a way to plug it into the wall.” Because it’s 100% wood and doesn’t require electricity he made a DIY instructional guide.

Garder’s version is good, if not better. As long as you have easy access to some timber and some power tools, why not make one yourself instead of forking out $100? Then you can cross ‘making something with your own hands’ off your Man Stuff To-Do list.

[via Crave]

USB, SD and Micro SD In A Single iPad Camera Connection Kit

Feeling a little disconnected from your iPad lately? Do you think you could use some extra gadgets to make sure your favorite tablet can communicate with any other device in your room?

Give this 3-in-1 camera connection kit for iPad a try: it features USB, SD and Micro SD connection in a single (and unofficial) dongle that can be yours for just $25 from M.I.C. Gadget. Too bad it’ll be available “soon”.

While the idea sounds definitely interesting, I do wonder how many devices will be able to work with the connection kit on iOS 4.2. Granted, Apple doesn’t want you to use keyboards and Guitar Hero mics with the Camera Connection Kit, but I bought one yesterday and a simple 8GB USB key is not working on it thanks to iOS 4.2. Perhaps hackers will find a way to beam more power to the Camera Connection Kit soon. [via Gizmodo]

Zombie + Snow White = Etsy iPad Sticker

ZOMG! Now we’ve seen it all. Walt Disney would roll in his own grave if he wasn’t already a zombie. This Snow White only eats Apple Fan Boy hearts! A creepy twist on a popular genre and look at the scary detail on this thing! But in all seriousness, this is creepy cool - just peel and stick this die-cut vinyl decal on your iPad. It’s from Etsy for $15 and also available for MacBooks and iPhones.

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Hardware Orientation Lock for iPad Returns … As a Case

MacLocks just added what it calls “The First iPad Security Cable Lock”, the iPad Lock - a clear plastic iPad case that can be closed with a lock (same locking mechanism as a bike lock) and tethered to whatever your heart desires with a coated steel cable. In Apple-fashion, “This makes the iPad Lock flexible and light, not to mention stylish, so you can easily pack it in your bag and take it with you wherever you go!” Once it’s secured, the only way to remove your iPad is with a key. The case itself is $39.95, or you can purchase the bundle (case & lock) from MacLocks for $64.95.

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