The Glif is an innovative tripod mount and stand for the iPhone 4 by Thomas Gerhardt and Dan Provost we first covered a month ago when the NYC duo started a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for the projects. The Glif is based on a pretty expensive manufacturing process called “injection molding” which ensures great build quality and durability.
Unfortunately, the cost of the process was too high for the two designers, so they started a campaign and get covered on many Apple-related publications hoping users would find the idea interesting as much as we did.
Glif is a simple iPhone 4 accessory with two primary functions: mounting your iPhone to a standard tripod, and acting as a kickstand to prop your phone up at an angle.
The idea for the Glif was first formed when we realized the iPhone 4 is literally the best camera we’ve ever owned. With the addition of HD video recording and High Dynamic Range photography, it’s clear Apple is positioning the iPhone as a very high quality portable camera. But because of its small form factor (and Apple’s minimalist design approach) it will never contain a threaded nut for attaching a tripod – standard on almost all photo and video cameras.
The good news is, The Glif campaign managed to raise more than $130k in less than 30 days, while the developers set the initial goal to $10.000. Not a bad accomplishment at all. Thanks to all the users who pledged and supported The Glif, the project is now becoming a reality and will soon be available on The Glif’s official website. You can sign up now to be notified when the product becomes available.
If you missed it, check out The Glif promo video below. [via The Next Web] Read more