Posts tagged with "airplay"

Apple Updates Remote App with AirPlay Video Control, Radio Streaming

A few minutes ago Apple released an update for the official Remote app, which reaches version 2.1 and adds a number of new features and performance improvements. Remote 2.1 now comes with AirPlay video support so you can control videos that are being streaming from iTunes on your computer to the Apple TV; it’s also got remote radio control to play radio stations on iTunes.

The Remote app can now control TV shows and movies rented on the iTunes Store and it includes fixes for users who experienced errors when trying to connect to a shared library.

Remote 2.1 is free and available here.

AirPlay Hacks: XBMC on Linux, AVI Live Conversion

Missed Erica Sadun’s latest AirPlay hack yesterday? It’s a new Mac app called AirFlick that allows to send video and URLs (say, from from OS X to the Apple TV without needing to load a file from iTunes. It’s a standalone app that can send video files through AirPlay to an Apple TV 2nd gen running on your local network. Together with AirPlayer (which allows you to send videos and photos via AirPlay to a Mac), it’s another great hack from Erica Sadun.

It turns out, anyway, that AirFlick can do a lot more than “simply” allowing you to send video from OS X to the Apple TV. First, TUAW reader BC managed to stream with AirPlay .avi files using Air Video Server’s live conversion system, by copying the URL of AVS’ m3u8 playlist and paste it in AirFlick. It requires some serious Terminal skills, but it’s possible. Read more

First AirPlay Speaker From JBL Surfaces Online

When Apple announced AirPlay, it also confirmed that several AirPlay-enabled third party speakers would come out for consumers to use in conjunction with iPhones and iPads without the need of setting up a wireless system based on AirPort Express. Since then, though, those speakers haven’t found their way to the market. Yet. Read more

Erica Sadun Releases AirFlick for OS X: AirPlay Just About Anything

Wouldn’t your new Apple TV be much more enjoyable if you could beam Internet videos to it? One of our favorite fangirls over at TUAW, Erica Sadun, has just announced AirFlick (an alpha build) for OS X. Having previously released the awesome and MacStories approved AirPlayer (which allows you to play AirPlay content on your Mac), AirFlick allows  you to drop files and URLs to play the content on your ATV 2. Can you say, “awesome!?” We’ll have an in depth review of AirFlick later, but in the meantime you can read the full release notes and download the application over at TUAW. You can also follow Erica on Twitter @ericasadun, where you may find recent tweets related to the progress of AirFlick and her related AirPlay hacks. Be sure to send her a warm thanks for all of her hard work!

Airfoil 4 Streamlines Audio, Video Experience

Apple may have introduced AirPlay, but that doesn’t mean Rogue Amoeba is out of the game. In fact, AirPlay is rather limited unless you enjoy hacking your way out of a paper bag, and by no means can it expand its territory outside of iTunes. If you ever wanted to sit back on the couch and watch CNET TV on your 27” Cinema Display through your iPod’s headphones, you’re out of luck. But with Airfoil, streaming audio anywhere allows one to achieve a state of wireless bliss.

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Webout Enables AirPlay Video Streaming From The Browser

We don’t know what’s the secret behind webout, a universal app for iPhone and iPad, and we don’t know if Apple is going to remove this soon from the App Store – but it works. As you may know, you can’t stream video using AirPlay to the Apple TV with Mobile Safari. Only native Apple apps have the video functionality enabled, and if you try to open in the browser you’ll notice that the AirPlay icon doesn’t show up. Read more

AirPlay Video From iOS To Mac With AirPlayer

If you’re familiar with AirPlay, you know that it’s a pretty sweet technology that allows you to stream audio and video from any Mac or iOS device to an Apple TV, AirPort Express Station (audio-only) and AirPlay-compatible speakers. That’s the way it works. You can’t stream from Mac to Mac, iOS to iOS, or Mac to iPhone and iPad – although there’s a way to do that via jailbreak.

AirPlay’s streaming is great and almost “magical”, but it has its limitations, possibly due to the fact that Apple introduced it less than a month ago with the release of iOS 4.2. Ever since AirPlay hit the internet with the final public build of 4.2, hackers started working on mods to make it work in any app (video streaming from iOS apps is limited to Apple’s applications), on any device. TUAW’s Erica Sadun, for instance, has been busy working on a solution to make AirPlay work backwards, from iOS to the Mac.

The result is AirPlayer, “a custom Bonjour AirPlay service that pretends to be an Apple TV” that runs on your Mac. It’s a Mac app that can accept  incoming AirPlay video streaming from iOS – very simple. Read more

AirPlay: Here To There

Airplay: Here To There

But what made Netflix an instant success was that element of touch in the browsing experience. People need to keep their fingertips on those VHS boxes in the countless white wireframe shelves at the Video Depot. The tactile experience of picking out a cassette by its cover, transporting it back home, sticking it in the VCR box and hearing the clunk when you hit Play, and then finally stepping back, separating yourself from the object that has earned your trust, and transforming yourself into a spectator,that’s actually a great representation of the appeal of AirPlay.

Because what AirPlay promises is that I can touch media here, and then weightlessly move it there.

Adam Lisagor nails it.
