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Posts tagged with "appstore"

App Store Password Caching Causing Unintentional Purchases?

So you have a kid right? Then I’m sure you’ve done this a lot or have had this happen at least once: You download an innocent game to keep them busy, handed them your iPhone, and let them have at it. The kids get carried away, and you wake up the next morning to a bank alert claiming you’ve incurred $300 in App-app purchases. This leads to a few nasty emails sent to Apple and the developer, claiming fraudulent charges and demanding your money back.

But just so you know, developers aren’t trying to screw you over. Apple has an odd API concerning purchases and password caching. While you probably realize that Apple gives you the opportunity to purchase multiple items in the store so you don’t have to keep entering your password, you might not have realized that this caching translates to in-app purchases as well.

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New iPhone Dev Agreement Bans the Use of 3rd Party Services and Analytics

There’s a been a lot of talking about the now famous Section 3.3.1 of the iPhone Dev Agreement, the one that bans applications written in other programming languages than Objective C. As Gruber pointed out in his Steve Jobs-endorsed post, Apple wants to make Obj-C and the Cocoa Touch API the de facto standard for mobile applications, period.

But in my opinion that of banned cross-compilers is not that a big of a deal compared to what developers found out in Section 3.3.9 of the iPhone Dev Agreement.

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Roundup: 15 App Store Sales Tracking Apps, Utilities and Services

The AppStore changed Digital Delivery world: while the AppStore is a great service to consumers (daily releases, updates) it represents a huge source of revenue as well for small/big  developers.

So, let’s focus on developers: how can they organize their iTunes Connect sales reports? Is there a software which helps tracking app sales? Sure, more than one indeed.

In this roundup I’ve collected 15 of the best softwares to manage iTunes Connect data. If you know more, I’d love to hear about it in the comments.


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