Posts tagged with "developers"

App Developers Can Now Generate 100 Promo Codes Per Release

I saw some reports in my Twitter timeline this morning, and it does indeed look like Apple updated iTunes Connect to allow app developers to generate 100 promo codes for each release. Previously, the limit was set to 50 codes per app release; for years, developers have been asking (among other things) to see an increase in the amount of promo codes they can use to gift their apps to members of the press, friends, or other users.

The news hasn’t been confirmed on Apple’s Developer News website yet, but screenshots of the new promo code count have been posted by various developers. Based on my tests in iTunes Connect, the limit for book publishers is still set to 50.



Justin Williams:

A few weeks ago I was trading war stories with Jared Sinclair of Riposte fame as we were inching towards the finish line for our respective new apps. In Jared’s case, he is working on a new RSS client for iOS 7 called Unread and was mentioning how his biggest hurdle remaining was integrating a variety of sharing services for the posts in a user’s RSS feeds.

Luck would have it that I had been working on a similar feature already for my new app, so we decided to collaborate on something that would hopefully eliminate the need for anyone to write the same sharing code over and over again. The initial release is a pretty substantial rewrite of my initial code-base speerheaded by Jared to account for more than just image-based sharing. It’s a fantastic piece of code that I’m truly proud to be associated with.

It’s 2013 and we still have apps with archaic list-based sharing menus that were created in 2009 and barely updated for iOS 6. Developers, go check out the OvershareKit documentation on GitHub.


Lucius Kwok On The App Store’s Gold Rush

Even after the gold rush is over, there’s still gold in the hills. It’s just harder to make a successful app that gets noticed, and requires teams with the specializations and experience to quickly and efficiently release one, the same way that the remaining gold requires geologists who know the land and heavy machinery to get to it.

And later in the same post:

Free with in-app purchase or subscription pricing looks more sustainable than paid apps. We may need to form ourselves into small teams, because being independent doesn’t mean you have to do everything yourself. I see this as a challenge to figure out what’s next.

I still think that In-App Purchases don’t work for some niches of the App Store, and I wouldn’t want to see developers switching to the IAP model in what may be a self-fulfilling prophecy. But with Apple leading by example, I believe we’ll see a lot of developers trying IAPs for productivity apps and utilities before next year’s WWDC.


Status Magic Adds Support for iOS 7 Status Bars

Status Magic

Status Magic

I don’t like screenshots of iOS apps that show status bars cluttered with icons for carriers and Bluetooth, or, worse, red battery indicators. While it’s generally not the most important aspect of an app review, I do think that using screenshots of iPhone and iPad apps with clean status bars shows a level of care that extends beyond the written text. For app developers who only have a few slots for screenshots in iTunes, screenshots that don’t have poor cellular reception and rotation lock or Bluetooth icons are essential for a non-sloppy, professional, thoughtful presentation of their product. It’s a little thing, but I care about it.

Fortunately, other people care about this minor aspect of iOS apps as well. Created by Shiny Development, Status Magic is one of my must-have Mac apps because it solves the status bar problem with ease and a good feature set: once you have the screenshots you need to “clean up”, you can drop them into Status Magic, tweak some options, and export the cleaned up, more professional-looking screenshots with status bar that don’t have six icons in them. Read more

Crunch Resource Extractor Updated with iOS 7 Support

In January 2012, I reviewed Crunch by Pragmatic Code, a Mac app to identify and extract icon and other resources from iOS apps:

Crunch is capable of automatically detecting apps from your iTunes library and filtering them by platform — iPhone, iPad, or Universal. Crunch will also install a QuickLook plugin, so you’ll be able to see each app’s icon overlaying the standard .ipa file preview in the Finder and QuickLook windows. Once you’ve selected an app, you can hit Export, and Crunch will ask you where you’d like to save an app’s resources, and if you’d like to keep all files with their existing folder hierarchy, or only Retina-ready @2x image files. The latter option can be particularly useful to pinpoint images ready for the rumored iPad 3′s Retina Display found inside several Apple apps for iOS.

Today, Pragmatic Code released version 1.5 of the app, which comes with support for iOS 7’s superellipse shape and a new Icon Composer tool to render icons from artwork.

Support for iOS 7’s new icon shape has been enabled in the app’s browser (where Crunch automatically recognizes apps from your iTunes library), Quick Look panel, and Icon Export menu. I don’t think that Apple has published official specifications for the new shape, but the one in Crunch looks just like the real thing to my untrained designer eye. When you hit Export in the top toolbar, you can still find and export assets from inside an app’s bundle, but if you click on Icon you’ll now see options to choose Superellipse (iOS 7), Rounded (iOS 6), or Automatic. Additionally, you can choose to export an icon’s artwork with no shape or no border by clicking on the Style dropdown menu.

The new Icon Composer can be used to drop artwork into Crunch and export it with Apple’s icon shapes. There is a preview panel on the left, and a slider to tweak the size of the icon.

While extracting application assets could be done with built-in tools on a Mac, Crunch is a great utility that simplifies the process and lets you save time. Support for iOS 7 is welcome and handy if you want to take a look at how other developers are managing resources inside their apps – or, with the Icon Composer, if you just want to preview how artwork will look under the new OS. Crunch is $9, and a 15-day free trial is available.