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Posts tagged with "directional"

Directional: Espresso Game Recap

This week Federico and Myke catch up on a bunch of follow up and listener mail, before discussing some upcoming games that have caught their interest over the last few weeks, like Tomodachi Life, Mario Kart 8, Below and Severed.

A fun episode of Directional in which we catch up on some recent game announcements; don’t miss the links in the show notes, and especially the Tomodachi Life video. Get the episode here.


Directional: Shahid Ahmad Of PlayStation

This week, Myke and Federico are joined by Shahid Ahmad, senior business development manager at Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. They talk about Shahid’s role at PlayStation, indie games and PS Vita, passion for game development and video games, and the importance of human curation.

Shahid Ahmad is widely regarded as the man behind Sony’s indie revolution, and we had a fantastic chat on Directional about his career and the work he does to bring great indie games to PlayStation. You can get the episode here.

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Directional: Paper Manuals

This week Federico and Myke discuss April fools customs around the world, a look back at the wonderful age of video game manuals, the Vita TV and Fez.

For the episode, we put together two Flickr galleries comparing old GameCube manuals to the current Wii U ones. We also continue the discussion on streaming and second screen experiences with the PS Vita TV. Get the episode here.

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Directional: Lost Backup

This week Myke shares some 3DS woes, Federico shares some cool things he found this week – including a HD Mario 64 remake – and the guys discuss their new found feelings for Twitch streaming.

If you own a 3DS, Myke’s story of his corrupted data should be a warning and a call for action to back up your games and progress today. Get the episode here.


Directional: Platforms, Not Consoles

This week Federico and Myke discuss some of the cool links and stories they’ve enjoyed over the last two weeks, before discussing why Myke thinks that ‘online’ is making games less fun and what’s happening to the Ouya.

This week on Directional, we also consider this month’s game release schedule and set up a discussion about multiplayer and online features that will certainly continue in the future. Get the episode here.


Directional: Virtual Console and Blue Ocean Reprise

This week Myke and Federico address a whole host of follow up and awesome listener mail, before completing their Nintendo discussion from last week. They talk about Nintendo’s move towards smartphones, using the 3DS as a Wii U controller, the problems with the Virtual Console and if this could be a potential short term solution for them.

In this week’s Directional, we also touched upon the idea of a Nintendo app for iOS and why a Spotify-like subscription model for games could be problematic for indie developers. Get the episode here.


Directional: The New Blue Ocean

Myke and Federico introduce Directional and discuss what they want the show to be, before going on to discuss Nintendo. They talk about Nintendo’s current position, investigate the idea of integrated hardware and software and look at some potential avenues for evolution.

In our inaugural episode of Directional, we talk about Nintendo. I thought that we could sum up our point of views and notes in a single episode, but I was wrong. Look for more Nintendo discussion (alongside follow-up, new picks, and more) next week.

I’m extremely grateful for the positive feedback, constructive criticism, and support we’ve received on Directional so far. You can follow the show on Twitter as @DirectionalShow (managed by Myke and I), and get Level 1 here.
