Posts tagged with "email"

AutoCAD WS Updated with Retina Graphics, Offline Editing and Email Support

AutoCAD WS for iPhone and iPad was released in late September and it quickly became one of the most popular apps in the App Store – mainly thanks to the huge AutoCAD userbase that was looking forward to being able to edit and share DWG files on mobile devices. The app allows you to preview and annotate drawings using iOS’ multi-touch gestures and save your edits to the AutoCAD WS online workspace.

The 1.1 update, released a few hours ago, brings several new features and optimizations to WS – and it’s going to be an update AutoCAD users will love. First off, offline editing: by activating the option in your online AutoCAD account, you’ll be able to sync an offline copy of a document to the iPhone and iPad, edit it without a 3G or WiFi connection, sync it back to the account once you’re back online. Perfect for iPad WiFi users who carry their tablets around and don’t happen to have an internet connection available all the time.

AutoCAD WS can now also open email attachments: if you receive a DWG or DXF account via email, you can copy it to AutoCAD WS –but you’ll need an internet connection to upload it right after the import process. Among other changes, Retina Display-ready graphics and improved connectivity.

AutoCAD WS is available for free here. Check out the official video detailing offline support in AutoCAD WS below. Read more

Steve Jobs Confirms AirPlay Video Streaming For 3rd Party Apps Coming in 2011

Finally, our questions have been answered by Steve Jobs himself. We love AirPlay, but we can’t stand the fact that the current version that ships with iOS 4.2 comes with many limitations, especially when it’s about video streaming to the Apple TV.

You can’t stream video through AirPlay from Safari or any 3rd party app. This lead me to think that the AirPlay we’re playing around with now is just a teaser of better things to come in the future.

Now, a Steve Jobs email posted by MacRumors confirms that Apple is planning to add the feature in 2011:

Hi, I recently updated both my iPhone 4 and iPad to 4.2. I think my favourite feature is airplay. This is seriously amazing and makes sharing content seamless. I just purchased Apple TV and was wondering are you ever going to make airplay video work for videos in safari and 3rd party apps? I hope to get a response.

SJ: Yep, hope to add these features to Airplay in 2011.

A number of hacks and tweaks to enable AirPlay for video have surfaced recently, including packages jailbreak users can download from Cydia and install on their devices. We also detailed that it’s possible to turn any iOS device into an AirPlay speaker.

Here’s to hoping 2011 will bring the AirPlay we’ve always wanted.

How To Wrangle Outlook 2011 To Work With Gmail

Wrangling Outlook 2011 with Gmail

Wrangling Outlook 2011 with Gmail

Last Updated: 05/20/2013

In 2010, Outlook poorly supported Gmail accounts, but today it’s a lot better. Most of the setup that was previously required is now automated. In this revised guide, you’ll now find two major sections. The first shows you where to plug in your account information, and I’ll also walk you through some extra steps to remove a couple unnecessary folders. The second details how you can make Outlook feel more like Mail, and includes some of what was previously covered in the 2010 tutorial. I’ve also removed the previous introduction — I’ll get straight to the point. I hope you find this guide more more relevant and useful than it was before.

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Steve Jobs Says They’re Taking A “Giant Leap To Driverless Printing”

Ok, so AirPrint’s removal from OS X 10.6.5 left a few people disappointed. Users were expecting to be able to print from iOS 4.2 to any printer shared through a Mac or PC, but the feature didn’t make the cut in the final version of 10.6.5. Sure, you can achieve the same functionality using 3rd party tools like Printopia, but unofficial tweaks – even if well developed and stable – are never quite like Apple’s own implementation. In the case of AirPrint, mostly because it takes huge resources and teams to achieve stable and fast driverless printing.

That is exactly what Steve Jobs allegedly told a MacRumors forum member in a recent email exchange. Apple is doing the best they can to re-introduce the feature in the next iterations of OS X, and we have to wait. Read more

Combo Steve Says T.J. Maxx Isn’t An Authorized Reseller, And He Won’t Match Their Price

I guess you heard that T.J. Maxx is having this unexpected sale of iPads (16GB, WiFi models) at $399 – $100 off the regular Apple price. No one knows where these iPads come from, no one knows why and how are they running this promotion. Steve Jobs, though, doesn’t approve at all.

While people are excited about this sale and are apparently struggling to find these discounted iPads at the nearest T.J. Maxx store, el Jobso shot a series of emails claiming that they are not an authorized reseller. As reported by 9to5mac, he also promised a curious Apple fan that there’s not even the smallest chance he’ll match the discounted of T.J. Maxx, for Ballmer’s sake. Read more

“Ram, this is Steve”

“Ram, this is Steve”

A developer submitted an app containing private APIs to work around a bug in Apple’s own SDK. The review team didn’t accept the app, so Ram emailed Steve Jobs. A few hours later, Jobs called him:

Steve Jobs has a well-deserved reputation for creating great quality products and for his passion for excellence and user experience. I’ve also read that he is a detail-oriented executive and a hands-on guy who is intimately involved with his company’s work (in a way that few other CEOs are).
His phone-call reinforced those notions and went further to suggest that he was also a very conscientious guy who cared about people. The fact that he took the time to read my email, think about the app and then personally call me was amazing.

The app is now available in the App Store, but no private APIs are being used. Great story.


“Hardly Anyone” Was Buying Xserves According to Steve Jobs

French website MacGeneration got a screenshot from a reader of an email he received from Steve Jobs. We’re used to this stuff, right? People sending el Jobso angry emails and complaints, getting “yep” and “nope” as response, leaving us to do the hard job to figure out what the chief really meant.

So this time, it’s all about Xserve. Apple announced last week they would discontinue it, but it’ll be available until January 2011 nevertheless. According to this latest email from Steve Jobs, Apple made this decision as “hardly anyone” was buying Xserves.

The “premature death” of Xserve left many IT guys with doubts and skepticism in regards to Apple’s plans for large and small businesses.

Also From Steve Jobs: Final Cut Studio Ain’t Dead

Looks like the chief is back to organizing his inbox and replying to angry customers asking about Apple stuff. MacRumors reported of iTunes LP and Extra coming to the new Apple TV, and now according to a new email published by 9to5mac el Jobso suggested a reader to “stay tuned” for a Final Cut Studio update and “buckle up”.

Reader Evan Agee recently e-mailed the man in charge about the lack of a Final Cut Studio announcement at Apple’s Back to the Mac event and also threw in his hopes for a 64-bit update. Jobs’ reply?

Stay tuned and buckle up.
Sent from my iPhone

We are tuned in, Steve.