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Posts tagged with "facebook"

Mark Zuckerberg Checks In At Jobs’ House For Dinner

Apple wants to make Ping work. The music-based social network is struggling to gain traction, and Steve Jobs needs to figure out a way to let people engage with the system and share data with their contacts - all in order to collect more data and drive more clicks to the iTunes Store. It’s a good plan, but it’s not working as expected because Apple hasn’t got the social infrastructure Facebook has. So Steve invited Facebook’s CEO over at dinner to discuss some Ping related stuff including Facebook integration, the Los Angeles Times reports:

They are two of Silicon Valley’s most famous founders: Jobs created the world’s must-have gadgets, Zuckerberg the world’s most popular social networking service. These days they are often mentioned in the same breath. Now apparently the two also recently broke bread.

Apparently Jobs invited Zuckerberg for dinner at his house to talk about Ping two weeks ago. That’s when a tipster spotted them on a stroll in Palo Alto.

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Ping: The Woz Approves

I don’t like Ping, but who am I to go against what the Woz says? After Wednesday’s Apple Music Event (where Steve Jobs surprisingly mentioned Wozniak by calling him his “partner in crime”) some journalists met the Woz and asked him a few questions about the stuff Jobs announced on stage. Namely, Apple TV and Apple’s first attempt at social networking - Ping.

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Ping: Apple’s Naive Social Demo

Last night I wrote about iTunes 10, and Apple’s problem with its flagship media management application becoming a bloat. Feature-creep, that is. The app wasn’t available yet, so I couldn’t give you my thoughts about Ping, Apple’s new attempt at social networking inside iTunes, although I already had some doubts about it. I installed iTunes 10 as it went live and immediately signed up to Ping.

Just like I expected, it’s useless.

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Courier App: Share Files To Your Favorite Services. Reviewed.

In the past I reviewed many applications for Mac to upload and share files on the internet. Applications such as Droplr, Cloud or Fileshuttle allow you to quickly select files (or URLs) on your desktop and upload them to remote servers (in Fileshuttle’s case, even your own server) to share a short link with your friends or colleagues later. Those are handy apps that help you saving a lot of time when you need to upload any kind of file. Cloud App is very popular among Mac users, and it’s been running on my Mac for a quite a while, too.

But Courier is different. It’s not an application that lets you quickly upload files to third-party services, it’s a great-looking tool that allows you to send files to popular services you’re already subscribed to like Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook and Flickr. It looks beautiful, it works great. It’s the new application from Realmac Software.

Here’s my review.

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Flickpad: Facebook & Flickr Photos On Your iPad [10 Codes Up for Grabs]

Two weeks ago I wrote that the iPad is not only a great consumption device but, at least for me, an amazing gadget for content creation. Others seem to think the same, too. For as much as I stand up and say that I create content on my iPad, I’m not saying I don’t use it for consumption at all: consuming content (the 2010 way of saying “checking out photos, videos and read articles or books”) on the iPad is a beautiful and immersive experience.

If 2 years ago someone told me in a matter of 24 months I would check out Facebook and Flickr photos on a tablet the way I can with Flickpad I wouldn’t have believed him. Flickpad has been out in the App Store for quite a while, it was even featured by Apple in the New & Noteworthy section, but with the latest updated the Shacked Apps guys stepped up their game and released the best Flickr and Facebook photo browser for iPad.

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