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Posts tagged with "flipboard"

Flipboard To Launch A Web App?

As spotted by The Next Web earlier today, the Flipboard team is hiring. Most specifically, the latest job openings on Flipboard’s website reveal that the company is looking for a “Designer-Web Developer” and a “Front-end Web Developer”, together with an additional iOS developer. Flipboard was named iPad App of the Year by Apple last week in the annual “iTunes Rewind” compilation.

The web developer Mike McCue’s startup is looking for should be able to “envision and design the future of reading content online” across “web and mobile”. Standard JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PHP and Photoshop skills are required for the front-end web developer opening.

A web version of Flipboard, in my opinion, would make a lot of sense, especially considering the availability of magazine and newspaper web apps in Google’s recently launched Chrome Web Store. Flipboard for the web would directly compete with the already popular service, which allows you to build digital newspapers around Twitter links and users. What’s for sure is that if this is true, if Flipboard’s really planning a full-featured web version, we won’t be seeing it until 2011. We’d also appreciate an iPhone version, a lot.

Helping Developers, For Free

Helping Developers, For Free

Robert Scoble on how he helped the Flipboard developers in the early stages of the app:

Why do I do it for free? Because I love this stuff and want the best possible apps to use myself. Flipboard without Twitter list support would have been totally worthless for me. It isn’t obvious that Twitter list support is important. After all, how many people use Twitter lists. But for Flipboard it was a must have.

I’m passionate about seeing things early and work hard at adding value back to entrepreneurs for that honor.

See, it’s not about the “cool factor” of having access to stuff other people don’t know about. Maybe it’s that, too. I don’t want to call this a “mission” but, really – for some it’s just about helping people build better, innovative products.


Flipboard Unveils Exclusive Partnership With Eight Publishers

Flipboard, the app that allows you to read content shared on Twitter and Facebook in a magazine-like interface for iPad, announced a few minutes ago an exclusive partnership with eight publishers to bring “the beauty of print and the power of the web” together in an dedicated Flipboard section, right into the iPad app.

What this means is fairly simple: these publishers, which include the names of All Things Digital, Uncrate and SFGate, will offer a web interface specifically formatted for Flipboard. Flipboard will still grab an excerpt of articles coming from these sources, but the web view will be different and exclusive. Flipboard will no longer open the standard website when tapping on the “Read More” button, it’ll open the new “beautiful” interface these publishers have created for the iPad app.

The result is quite pleasant and surely better than a desktop web view squeezed into the iPad. Read more

How Flipboard Was Created

How Flipboard Was Created

When I traveled, I would buy magazines before I got on an airplane. I love magazines, I read them all the time. As I was reading them, I’d ask myself: “Why is it that the Web isn’t as beautiful as these magazines? What could we do to make the web a more beautiful place?” And of course, along with that line of thinking, I was saying to myself: “If this Apple tablet that is rumored ever happens, it would be the perfect form factor for doing exactly that - for making websites as beautiful as magazines.

Flipboard is currently featured in the App Store homepage, Apple’s iPad commercial and it’s sitting at #7 of the Free Apps for iPad chart.
