Perhaps this will sound perfectly normal to some of you, but I find quite interesting that Apple keeps on spending money on Google’s adverrtising platform every month. According to a document leaked by AdAge, Apple spent almost 1 million dollars on Google ads in June - together with many big brands which spent a lot more millions. Read more
Posts tagged with "google"
Competition? Apple Spent 1 Million Dollars on Google Ads In June
Cyberduck 3.6 Released with Google Storage Support
Cyberduck is a great FTP client I use every day to upload files to Rackspace Cloud Files (actually, it’s one of the few OS X apps that support Cloud Files) and access my iPhone and iPad file system (jailbreak is required). It’s a full-featured application to upload files to the internet, which just got a lot of better and is about to be used by a lot more users.
There’s a Windows version in the works, that’s true, and a beta is launching later this month. You can read the details here and also take a look at the first screenshots; for what it’s worth, the Windows UI looks pretty clean. Down to our Mac business, the new version introduces support for Google Storage (go sign up here), a refined dashboard interface with awesome new icons, support for S3 Bucket versioning and new Google Docs features.
Check out the full press after the break. Read more
Malaysian Company Sues Apple Over Ad Patent Violation
Here comes a new unknown company suing Apple (Nokia andGoogle, too) over some patent violation. Macgasm reports of Malaysian company StreetSpace suing Steve Jobs & Co. over some violations in a patent which details a “Method and System for Providing Personalized Online Services and Advertisements in Public Places.”
Google Goggles Coming to iPhone “By The End of 2010”
We have a release date for Google’s Goggles iPhone application. Sort of. The Register reports that, during the Hot Chips conference at Stanford University on Monday, Google staff engineer David Petrou confirmed that Goggles for iPhone is almost ready, and should be released by the end of 2010.
Google Mobile App Update Available: Retina Graphics and Push Notifications
Google Introduces New Ad Formats for iPad Devs
In case you can’t wait for iAds to show up on the iPad and there’s no way you’re going to charge for your free app, Google has just launched new ad formats specifically targeted to iPad apps developers. (based in US and Canada)
Google explains in a blog post:
“The new iOS SDK supports ad serving in iPad apps using three of the most common online ad formats, instantly making it easier for developers to grow their businesses and for advertisers to expand their presence to the iPad.
Advertisers whose campaigns run on the Google Display Network and include text or image ads in the above sizes can now show ads within iPad applications – provided their campaigns are targeting mobile devices or specifically the iPad.”
Here’s my suggestion, though. If you really care about the look of your application, look elsewhere. Wait for iAds. Make it paid. Think about it.
River of News: First Real Alternative to Reeder for iPad?
We can describe the history of RSS apps on the iPad in this way: before Reeder and after Reeder. I don’t want to sound like a fanboy (which if you want, I am) but seriously - there’s no better Google Reader client on the iPad than Silvio Rizzi’s Reeder. In case you missed our much-linked Reeder review in July, I wrote:
“Reeder provides a great Google Reader experience, and you’ll find yourself constantly coming back to the application to catch up with the news, share, fave stuff and save articles for later. Even when you have a queue of 200 items to be processed, it will be a real pleasure to check those items using Reeder.”
I stand by my statements. Reeder is one of the app I use most on my iPad, and the fact that it’s never gone away from the App Store charts since its release tell you something about Rizzi’s success.
Search Tool: Visual Google & Bing for iPad
That of “visual apps” on the iPad seems to be an unstoppable trend. In fact, I think we’re going to see visual takes on old concepts for quite a while. Yes, Flipboard is just the start.
Search Tool is a new app that lets you search Google, Bing an Yahoo in a rather innovative way, exclusively for iPad.