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Posts tagged with "iOS 5"

iOS 5 Certified For Government Use In Australia

iOS 5 Certified For Government Use In Australia

ZDNet reports the Defence Signals Directorate (DSD) – the organization that reviews and certifies software and devices for use by government agencies in Australia – has certified iOS 5, allowing iPhones and iPads to be used to transmit “certain classified information”.

Today, the DSD cleared iOS for government agencies to use so long as the information that was being communicated and stored had a classification no higher than PROTECTED.

PROTECTED is the lowest level of classification in the Australian Government Security Classification system aside from publicly available information. The other three classifications are CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET and TOP SECRET in order of sensitivity.

As confirmed in the iOS Hardening Configuration Guide, released by the DSD, the certification applies to iPhones, iPads and iPods running iOS 5.1 or higher. The guide includes a series of how-tos and explanations of iOS security, passcode management, iOS device deployment, and “example scenarios” to better understand the iOS file system architecture, data protection, and the way applications can register URL handlers to open documents.

As iPhones and iPads gain traction in the enterprise, government agencies may become another market for Apple to further consider with functionalities specifically aimed at improving the security of iOS.


Apple: “We stopped supporting Carrier IQ with iOS 5”

For the past few days, the Internet has been alive with concerns about Carrier IQ, a tracking technology that captures information such a key presses, web site addresses, and more without asking for your permission. It is an intrusive technology buried within smartphone software, and one that carriers have been quickly responding to due to the seriousness of a privacy invasion. While Google flatly denied that their flagship phones such as the Galaxy Nexus harbor such software, other Android handsets have been found with Carrier IQ installed and running in the background.

Late last night, early iOS software releases came under fire as references to Carrier IQ were found in iOS 3.1.3 and the more current iOS 4 and iOS 5, although it couldn’t be determined how active the tracking-ware was or exactly what information it sends. Carrier IQ, however, may only be used when the phone is when diagnostic logging is enabled. Apple made an official statement this afternoon to address the concerns:

Apple’s statement:

We stopped supporting Carrier IQ with iOS 5 in most of our products and will remove it completely in a future software update. With any diagnostic data sent to Apple, customers must actively opt-in to share this information, and if they do, the data is sent in an anonymous and encrypted form and does not include any personal information. We never recorded keystrokes, messages or any other personal information for diagnostic data and have no plans to ever do so.

[via All Things Digital]

iTunes Match Hands On


It hardly seems like it has been almost 2 years since Apple acquired back in 2009. Since then there has been no shortage of rumors for how Lala would be utilized until Apple officially announced iTunes Match at this year’s WWDC Keynote. iTunes Match is the future for your iTunes Library. This is an exciting time for Apple fans and music lovers alike as iTunes Match aims to make it as simplistic as possible to move your music into the cloud with native applications you are already accustomed to using, all for a price that rivals every other music storage service currently available.

iTunes Match is just one feature of the new iCloud services currently rolling out. Think of it as an optional extension to your iCloud storage. The basic premise of iTunes Match is that iTunes will collect information about each song on your computer and send the data back to Apple through iTunes. Apple then checks each one of your songs to see if it can find a match between your song and one that is already on the iTunes store. If a match is found, you will be able to listen to the iTunes version. If your music is not matched then iTunes will automatically upload the music to your online music storage.

iTunes Match is available as an automatically renewing subscription of $24.99 per year and allows you to store up to 25,000 songs on Apple’s iCloud servers. On top of that, songs purchased from iTunes do not even count against your 25,000 song limitation. Your music library is accessible from an iOS 5 device, Apple TV, or any computer running the latest version of iTunes 10.5.1. The songs matched by iTunes will not need to be uploaded from your computer and will be accessible to you in 256 kbps AAC file format regardless of your songs’ previous formats. iTunes Match only deals with songs and excludes audiobooks, ringtones, iTunes LPs and iTunes Extras. Read more

Apple Still Investigating iOS 5 Battery Life Issues

Apple yesterday released the iOS 5.0.1 software update which, among other fixes and features, included optimizations for battery life of devices running iOS 5. In particular, a number of users in the past weeks have reported shorter than normal battery life on the iPhone 4S, Apple’s latest iPhone model released on October 14th. Apple promised that the iOS 5.0.1 update would fix a software issue that had affected battery life on iOS 5, not just the iPhone 4S.

Yet after the release of iOS 5.0.1, which was distributed over-the-air to iOS 5 devices as well as through iTunes, several users on Apple’s Support Communities reported battery life issues similar to pre-iOS 5.0.1 scenarios, if not worse after the upgrade. In a statement issued to All Things D, Apple says they will continue to investigate issues with battery life:

The recent iOS software update addressed many of the battery issues that some customers experienced on their iOS 5 devices,” the company said in a statement. “We continue to investigate a few remaining issues.

As Apple keeps working on iOS 5 and improving the system’s battery management, a number of users suggest that disabling some of iOS’ Location Services and Notifications might improve battery life dramatically. Apple doesn’t specifically recommend any of the “tips and tricks” found online, though it does offer a Feedback page for all users willing to report back about their experience with iOS devices.

iOS 5 Notification Style for Growl

iOS 5 Notification Style for Growl

Back in September, MacThemes forum user SkyJohn created an iOS 5-like notification theme for Growl, which was recently released on the Mac App Store as version 1.3. A few days ago, following feedback from the MacThemes community, SkyJohn updated the Growl theme to include the same “cube” animation seen on the iPhone or iPad. The effect is very nice, as you can see from the screenshots above.

The latest version of the theme is available for download on deviantART, and it includes black and white variations. Being a Growl theme, you can’t expect the notification popup to roll down from the menubar exactly as in iOS 5, but the result gets very close. Make sure to check out MacThemes’ thread as well for suggestions and other modifications.

And if you don’t like the iOS 5-like banner style for notifications, check out this iOS 5-inspired translucent theme for Growl by Philipp Rappold (via). Growl is a $1.99 download on the Mac App Store.


Hack Brings Auto-Correct Bar To Default iOS 5 Keyboard

As reported by 9to5mac, it appears Apple’s iOS 5 comes with a software functionality to enable an Android-like extra keyboard row for auto-corrections and common suggestions systemwide.

Screenshots of the feature, first posted by Australian developer Sonny Dickson, seems to suggest the feature had been present in iOS 5 since the first beta seeded to developers, but have only been recently re-discovered. The images posted by Dickson show an additional row on top of the standard system keyboard on the iPhone and iPad, which in the provided examples includes suggestions to auto-complete “Hel” with common options like “He’ll”, “Help” or “Gel”. It appears that once enabled, the keyboard bar replaces iOS’ standard auto-correction popup. 9to5mac shares a method on how to enable the feature without a jailbreak.

The extra keyboard row, however, isn’t completely new to iOS 5. The OS already uses a similar (if not the same) system for the Japanese Kana keyboard, with text suggestions displayed in a bar that you can scroll, and expand with the arrow icon also seen in Dickson’s screenshots. For this reason, we believe the hack simply extends the Japanese keyboard’s functionalities to other iOS 5 keyboards.

As usual with unofficial iOS 5 features discovered by developers hacking around the system, don’t expect complete and reliable functionality from the keyboard bar. As Panorama Mode has shown earlier this week, there’s a reason Apple has decided not to include a certain feature in the final version of iOS 5, and early reports from users who have activated this tweak indicate the keyboard bar may crash the iOS Springboard. Still, this is an interesting discovery that we’d be curious to try out with the new iPad split keyboard, also a new feature in iOS 5.

Chitika: 38% Of iPhone Users Have Updated To iOS 5

According to a new study by advertising firm and data analytics company Chitika, in the week of October 22-28 iOS 5 adoption rate has jumped to 38% between iPhone users, 30% on the iPad, and 12% on the iPod touch. Chitika, which monitors a subset of web traffic from iOS devices, claims that in two weeks iOS 5 adoption has grown from 20% on the iPhone to 38%, whilst iPod touch users have shown less interest in upgrading to Apple’s latest software update. Furthermore, Chitika data seems to show that iOS 4, which was released last year, is still installed on nearly 80% of the monitored iPod touch user base (63% on the iPad, 58% on the iPhone) with smaller numbers for iOS 3.

To put Chitika’s numbers in perspective, it’s important to understand that the company can’t monitor every single iOS device out there (over 250 million), as its stats are largely based on devices that appear in Chitika’s web logs. However, the percentages reported by the company may still provide a good insight into the upgrade pattern of iOS users after the release of iOS 5. iOS 5 was first seeded to developers in June, and it’s likely that a portion of Chitika’s initial data was made of developers running the latest betas of iOS 5 prior to the public release. On October 12th, Apple released iOS 5 for the iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad, iPad 2 and iPod touch 3rd & 4th gen, alongside iCloud and a software update for OS X. On October 17th, five days after the initial iOS 5 rollout, Apple announced 25 million customers were already “using” iOS 5, with more than 20 million customers signed up for iCloud.

As Chitika and Apple don’t break down their numbers by device model, here’s two more pieces of information worth considering: older iPod touch models given away with previous Back to School promotions won’t be able to upgrade to iOS 5, and the iPhone 4S was released in seven countries on October 14th, running iOS 5 out of the box. In the first weekend, the iPhone 4S topped 4 million sales, more than doubling last year’s iPhone 4 numbers. It’s likely that the success of the iPhone 4S has affected both Chitika’s study (performed between October 22 and October 28) and Apple’s own iOS 5 usage numbers, released on October 17th. In this regard, there may be some truth to Chitika’s report that more iPhone owners have upgraded to iOS 5, especially considering the wide compatibility of the OS with phones released in 2009 and still capable of running the latest version of iOS (the iPhone 3GS).

The numbers posted by Chitika may also be affected by how iPod touch owners use their devices. Back in April, Apple said over 60 million iPod touches had been sold since 2007, and it’s widely believed a large percentage of these units were sold to teenagers and kids too young to own an iPhone or iPad, but still interested in Apple’s iOS platform, especially for games and social apps. Apple itself positioned the iPod touch as a gaming device selling more copies than Sony’s PSP or the Nintendo DS. If the iPod touch demographics are really made mostly by teenagers, a possible interpretation of slower iOS 5 adoption rates is that these users aren’t interested in upgrading to the latest version as soon as possible as other “tech savvy” owners of iPhones and iPads and early adopters. It’s likely that most owners of compatible devices will eventually upgrade to iOS 5, but they haven’t in the weeks following the iOS 5 release.

Last, two other possible factors that may have influenced the upgrade process of some users could be iOS 5’s battery life issues and the lack of a proper jailbreak for iOS 5. As for battery life, Apple has already promised a software fix and iOS 5.0.1 is being tested by developers and select end users. A subset of users may also be waiting for an “untethered jailbreak” for iOS 5 before they decide to upgrade: in April, it was reported Cydia – an unofficial marketplace for all sorts of jailbreak apps and modifications – had been installed on roughly 10-15 million iOS devices, with over 1.5 million users logging into Cydia daily. JailbreakMe, a web-based tool that allowed users to jailbreak iOS 4.3 devices including the iPad 2, was used over 2 million times shortly after its release.

You can check out Chitika’s numbers and full study here. As iOS 5 adoption grows in the next months, so will the number of App Store apps that require the latest version of iOS to be installed, and it will be interesting to see which devices Apple will support with the next major version of iOS – especially the iPhone 3GS, which came out in 2009 and is still available for sale.

Screenshots Show “Panorama Mode” Enabled On iOS 5

Shortly after the first beta of iOS 5 was seeded to developers in June, a series of code strings suggested the company could implement a panoramic photo-taking feature in the OS, allowing users to shoot wider photos with a Panorama functionality allegedly similar to what third-party apps like 360 Panorama and Pano are already offering. As Apple kept seeding more betas and eventually released iOS 5 to the public, Panorama was nowhere to be found in iOS, suggesting Apple wasn’t ready to debut the feature yet.

A series of screenshots posted by programmer and iPhone hacker Conrad Kramer earlier today, however, show the interface and options for what could have been Panorama in iOS 5. In particular, the screenshots show a very simplified UI to take multiple shots in a single camera session “from left to right”. It is unclear whether the design of the functionality was final but Apple decided to save it for a future version of iOS, or if the company decided Panorama wasn’t simply good enough for iOS 5. While Kramer seems to promise a Cydia tweak will be released to easily activate the feature on jailbroken phones, developers can play around with Panorama by manually changing a key on their devices. The resulting image of an iOS Panorama has also been posted on Dropbox showing a far from perfect output, although we can’t speculate on how the picture was taken, or the stability of unofficial, hidden iOS 5 functionalities.

As we mentioned above, those willing to check out panoramic photos on iOS right now should check out Occipital’s 360, which we reviewed here and here. Apple is working on an iOS 5.0 update that will introduce security fixes, better battery life and gestures on the original iPad, but Panorama wasn’t mentioned in the release notes for the new beta software.

Update: Cydia developer @chpwn has already submitted a tweak called “Firebreak” to Cydia to enable panorama mode on iOS devices.

Apple Releases iOS 5.0.1 Beta 2

Just 2 days after seeding iOS 5.0.1 beta 1 to developers, beta 2 of 5.0.1 is now available in Apple’s Dev Center. The build number is 9A404 and is available over-the-air (800MB for iPhone 4S, 45MB for iPad 2) for users with the previous iOS 5.0.1 beta 1 installed. To download updates OTA, open the > General > Software Update. The original beta build apparently suffered from some bugs related to failed activations. Beyond these bug fixes, it doesn’t appear that iOS 5.0.1 beta 2 contains anything more.

iOS 5.0.1 beta 2 is available now in the iOS Dev Center.

UPDATE: It looks like the iOS 5.0.1 beta 2 OTA update for the iPhone 4S is not a delta update, 800MB is too large.