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Posts tagged with "iPhone 6s"

Apple Airs New ‘Ridiculously Powerful’ and ‘Hey Siri’ iPhone 6s Commercials

Apple shared two new iPhone 6s commercials last night, once again focusing on the more powerful hardware of this year’s iPhone model and hands-free Siri activation via voice.

In the first ad, titled ‘Ridiculously Powerful’, Apple highlights a number of apps and system features that are faster or more capable thanks to the 6s’ hardware. From 3D Touch and games to multitasking, Apple Pay, and camera improvements, the ad follows the style of the company’s “The only thing that’s changed is everything” campaign with a quick rundown of apps and use cases that are more efficient on the new hardware. Notably, the ad features Jon Favreau and closes to what resembles a Siri command for HomeKit lights, which turn off at the end of the video.

The new ‘Hey Siri’ commercial is shorter and it includes a few examples of how Siri can be activated without pressing the Home button to reply to messages, look up information on the web, play music, and more. The ad also features actress Penelope Cruz asking a question to the virtual assistant with ‘Hey Siri’.

You can watch the videos below.

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Travelling Indonesia with an iPhone 6s

Great story by Nick Heer on his trip to Indonesia:

At around 9:00 at night, the temperature in Magelang finally drops to a more hospitable 28°C from the 37° or so that it’s been hovering at. My girlfriend and I are in Magelang for this leg of the trip and we’ve stopped at a warung for dinner — think of a small trailer that can be pulled behind a bicycle serving ridiculously tasty food. This warung is known for several noodle dishes, but we’ve asked for mie godog — literally, “boiled noodles”. The broth from this cart is made with candlenut and it’s cooking overtop some hot coals in a wok with spring onions, garlic, some mustard greens, and the aforementioned egg noodles. Every few seconds, someone on a scooter or motorbike putters past, inches from the trio of younger men sitting and smoking on the stoop of the karaoke bar next door.

I’ve taken a couple of Live Photos of the scene and play them back, and I realize that it’s captured the sights and sounds well enough that I’ll be able to show my friends and parents back in Canada, but something’s missing: the smell of this place. It’s a distinct blend of engine fumes, clove cigarette smoke, burning wood, and this incredible food. This, to me, says worlds about the immediacy of place of Live Photos, as well as the limitations that they have. They are a welcome step closer to better capturing a moment in time, but the technology isn’t quite good enough yet for this moment.

Lots of spot-on observations about using an iPhone (and iOS) outside of North America and Europe in the article, too.


Behind the Scenes of Austin Mann’s iPhone 6s Camera Review

For the past few years, Austin Mann’s iPhone camera reviews have been at the top of my list of articles I want to read whenever a new iPhone is released. This year, Austin went to Switzerland to test the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, with some impressive results.

Today, he posted a behind the scenes video that is possibly even more fascinating than the photos themselves as you can see how everything was made and, more importantly, where. Pretty amazing to see what Austin and his team go through to make their reviews possible. The video is 17 minutes long, but worth watching until the end.


Turning the iPhone 6s Into a Digital Scale

Ryan McLeod, Chase McBride, and Brice Tuttle created Gravity, an iPhone app which ingeniously used the 3D Touch display of the iPhone 6s to turn the device in a digital scale and weigh objects with an accuracy of ~1-3 grams. Alas, the app has been rejected from the App Store:

With the force values linearly correlated to weight, turning any force into a weight was going to be as simple as recording the force of known weights and creating a linear regression. It’d even be possible to use some statistics to predict how well the calibration went (there are many factors that can throw off a calibration). We opted to use coins for calibration, with a framework that made it easy to internationalize in the future.
To make a long story short the final answer over the phone was that the concept of a scale app was not appropriate for the App Store.

We were—and still are—bummed to say the least, but we understand some of the reasons Apple might not be allowing scale apps at this time.

I understand why Apple may not be sure about an app that requires placing a spoon on screen. Still, I hope that, eventually, novel uses of 3D Touch like Gravity will be accepted on the App Store. Make sure to read the technical details behind Gravity (and watch the video as well).

See also: weighing plums with 3D Touch.


Apple Posts New iPhone 6s Ad Featuring Bill Hader

Apple aired a new iPhone 6s commercial last night, once again focused on Siri’s hands-free capabilities on the new devices running iOS 9.

Titled ‘Prince Oseph’, the ad shows Bill Hader activating Siri via the “Hey Siri’ command, asking the assistant to check his unread emails. One of the messages found by Siri is likely to be a spam message sent by the aforementioned Prince Oseph in relation to “life-changing opportunities” for the making of “many of millions of currency”. Hader asks Siri to reply with “Sign me up”.

The ad follows Apple’s latest campaign focused on highlighting Siri features on the iPhone 6s, which previously saw Jamie Foxx interacting with Apple’s virtual assistant in similar scenarios. Hader isn’t new to Apple ads, having previously contributed to the company’s WWDC video in June 2015. You can watch the video below.

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Apple Posts New iPhone 6s Camera, Siri Commercials

Apple aired three new iPhone 6s ads today, showcasing the device’s new Camera and Siri hands-free capabilities.

The Siri ads are two brief videos that build upon Jamie Foxx’s previous appearance in Apple’s 3D Touch commercial. In the two ads, Foxx is shown activating Siri on an iPhone 6s Plus just by saying “Hey Siri” – one of the new Siri features in iOS 9 for the new iPhones. While they don’t show any of the new Siri commands for iOS 9, the ads focus on communicating that holding the Home button is no longer necessary to activate Siri, even if you’re not driving.

The 6s Camera commercial is a longer, 1-minute ad in the same style of Apple’s “The only thing that’s changed is everything” campaign. The video goes through all the new camera and photo functionalities of the 6s, including Live Photos, peek previews with 3D Touch, selfie flash, 4K video, and improved Slo-Mo mode. At the end of the commercial, Golden State Warriors’ Stephen Curry is shown scoring a three-pointer as recorded by an iPhone in Slo-Mo.

You can watch Apple’s new iPhone 6s commercials below.

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3D Touch: Beyond Peek & Pop

Speaking of 3D Touch, Victor Baro has put together some examples of how the technology can be used to build custom controls on iOS 9:

Since I discovered 3D Touch, I have been thinking about new ways of interacting with the content. Peek & pop is a great interaction; but what I really want is to create my own controls.

We need to take into account that, because 3D touch is only available in iPhone 6S and 6S Plus, no action should be completed just by using this feature. The user should be able to achieve any action without using 3D touch (just like peek & pop does), and 3D touch should only provide an extra level of interaction.

It’s a technical read, but make sure to check out the demo videos. As 3D Touch trickles down to Apple’s entire lineup over the coming years, it seems obvious that these new types of interactions will become the new default.


3D Touch Canvas Demo

Nice demo by Lim Chee Aun, showing how you can use 3D Touch on the web in a simple drawing app:

This is a demo for 3D Touch on Mobile Safari on iPhone 6S and 6S Plus. It’s a simple line drawing app which you can use the force of the finger to control the width of the drawn line.

Mobile Safari on iOS 9 for iPhone 6S and 6S Plus introduces 3D Touch for web developers. The line drawing code is heavily inspired by (or copied from) @kangax’s 2013 article: Exploring canvas drawing techniques.

Make sure to apply different levels of pressure to get thicker lines. You can play around with the demo here.
