If you didn’t already know, we’ve set up a new twitter account for Deals, it’s @MacStoriesDeals. We’ll tweet the daily deals there as well as exclusive weekend deals too. Help spread the word! Here are today’s deals on iOS, Mac, and Mac App Store apps that are on sale for a limited time, so get ‘em while they’re hot!
Posts tagged with "iPhone"
#MacStoriesDeals - Friday
Cydia Tweak Activates Multitasking Gestures On iPhone
With iOS 4.3, Apple introduced the possibility for developers to activate “multitasking gestures”, a set of multitouch-based four and five-finger gestures that allow you to quickly switch between apps, go back to the homescreen, or invoke the multitasking tray. The gestures didn’t make it into the public version of iOS 4.3 (they were meant for dev test-only since the beginning), but they still can be enabled with a copy of Xcode, also sold in the Mac App Store at $4.99. Personally, I love multitasking gestures on my iPad and I use them all the time. Gestures are the future, and on the iPad they help me do things faster, in a much more intuitive process.
A new Cydia tweak called MT Gestures allows iPhone 4 and iPod touch 4g owners to turn on the multitasking gestures – with the same preference panel seen on the iPad. These settings have been there all the time, but they need to be manually enabled with an hack. This is exactly what MT Gestures does, for free. It’s available in ModMyi’s repository.
We don’t think, however, multitasking gestures are that great on the iPhone. If you want to be reminded why, check out the video below. [via Redmond Pie] Read more
#MacStoriesDeals - Thursday
If you didn’t already know, we’ve set up a new twitter account for Deals, it’s @MacStoriesDeals. We’ll tweet the daily deals there as well as exclusive weekend deals too. Help spread the word! Here are today’s deals on iOS, Mac, and Mac App Store apps that are on sale for a limited time, so get ‘em while they’re hot!
Jailbreaking iPhones Made This Student $50,000
Can jailbreaking iOS devices become a real business with an actual annual profit? Apparently, yes. And even if we wouldn’t recommend basing your monthly income entirely on the process of hacking phones and installing apps Apple doesn’t approve, $50,000 a year doesn’t sound that bad.
The Washington Post published a piece yesterday profiling Kevin Lee, a George Mason University senior that has managed to earn $50,000 a year by jailbreaking and unlocking iPhones. What started as a hobby to help out friends and relatives eventually evolved into a “real business” with 30-40 clients per week asking for jailbreak, Cydia installations, graphical customizations and “unlocks” to use the iPhone on wireless carriers otherwise unsupported by Apple. The procedure of unlocking iPhones has in fact turned out to be quite lucrative for Lee, thanks to international customers buying an iPhone in the United States, and looking for a way to use the device overseas. Lee says he recently unlocked an iPhone for a member of the Mongolian embassy who was about to go back to Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia’s capital) and needed to have a device compatible with his local carrier.
But how did a student get a massive traction for a business that – let’s face it – can be easily achieved with a computer and a couple of tutorials? With a Craigslist ad, that’s how. By posting a “Get Your iPhone Jailbroken Today” ad on the popular online community, Lee got hundreds of requests from people who didn’t have the knowledge, or simply didn’t have time to mess with redsn0w, Geohot’s tools, or Cydia itself.
Personally, I wouldn’t run a business that’s clearly going against Apple’s rules (even though the Library of Congress ruled last year jailbreaking a phone in the US is legal) and requires my friends to pay actual money for something that can be done for free in 2 minutes. Curiously enough The Washington Post reports the Craigslist ad has been taken offline since the original article. [via iPhoneDownloadBlog]
ESPN Launches ‘WatchESPN’ App, Commercial for iDevices
ESPN announced today its flagship network ESPN as well as ESPN2, ESPNU and ESPN3.com are now available to subscribers of Time Warner Cable, Bright House Networks and Verizon FiOS TV via the new ‘WatchESPN’ App in the iTunes App Store.
WatchESPN has shown up in time for the Masters, the NBA Playoffs and the Major League Baseball season. Qualified subscribers who receive the linear networks as part of their video subscription can now watch the channels from the convenience of their iDevices. They even made a very funny commercial to promote the app, check it out after the break. Read more
US Privacy Investigation Targeting Smartphone App Developers
Federal prosecutors in New Jersey are reportedly investigating whether various smartphone applications are illegally obtaining and transmitting data from users without their consent or knowledge. In the US it is a violation of federal computer fraud laws for companies to collect information about a user without notice or authorization.
The prosecutors are investigating whether various apps on smartphones such as the iPhone and various Android phones are not notifying users what data is being collected and why such data is required by the app. This data being collected ranges from a users location to the unique identification data for that device and even personal information. The Wall Street Journal tested 101 apps and discovered that 56 of those transmitted the unique identification number for the device without letting users know, 47 transmitted the phones location and 5 sent a users age, gender and other personal information. Worryingly 45 of the apps tested did not have any privacy policy either in the app or on their website.
#MacStoriesDeals - Wednesday
If you didn’t already know, we’ve set up a new twitter account for Deals, it’s @MacStoriesDeals. We’ll tweet the daily deals there as well as exclusive weekend deals too. Help spread the word! Here are today’s deals on iOS, Mac, and Mac App Store apps that are on sale for a limited time, so get ‘em while they’re hot!
Survey Reveals 37% Of Teens Will Soon Buy An iPhone, 22% Of Them Have “A Tablet”
When I was a kid, having an iPod meant you wanted to be different and you cared about the quality of your music. At least in my town, most kids bought MP3 players from a variety of popular / unknown brands at the local electronics store or mall, and they didn’t really care about the functionalities of the device as long as they could “put MP3s” into them. I know the situation was different in the States and, perhaps, in other towns of Italy too, but that’s what I remember.
The scenario nowadays, of course, is completely different. Every teenager knows what the iPod is, they have iPhones and, when they really want to go Apple all-the-way, they also have Macs. Apple’s sales numbers and popularity have dramatically changed (for the better) over the past decade, and with 100 million iPhones and 15 million iPads out there the company has surely created a new market for smartphones and tablets. Yet there’s still a huge room for growth, and according to Piper Jaffray’s latest bi-annual survey of high school students in the US, the numbers for Apple are promising. Among the 4,500 surveyed kids, 37% of them plan on buying an iPhone in the next six months, and 17% of them already have one. That’s up from 31% and 14% in Spring 2010. What about tablets? 22% of high school kids said they own one (and I guess they’re talking about the iPad here), whilst 20% plan on buying one in the next six months.
As for MP3 players, 86% of the kids who have one are using an Apple iPod. Other devices from Microsoft, Sony and Dell follow in the chart with incredibly lower numbers. But the MP3 player is clearly decreasing in popularity as kids prefer to listen to music on their phones rather than a dedicated device: in Fall 2010, 90% of surveyed kids had an MP3 player; in Spring 2011 “only” 80% of them have said they own a standalone device for playing music. And of course the iTunes Store has a 95% share among the “legal ways” of downloading music online; on the other hand, 65% of kids still use P2P services to illegally download music from the Internet.
So this survey leaves us with an interesting question: what will the popularity of tablets be like in 12 months? What’s going to happen to the iPod and, most of all, will Apple reboot the entire line to make sure it still makes sense for a kid to have an MP3 player alongside an iPhone? We know the iPod touch makes for a great gaming device, but I can see how having an all-in-one device (phone+music+games) can be a more attractive option. Check out the full survey here.
Kickstarter Project - Tweet Land: Playing With Reality
I hope you don’t get tired of reading about Kickstarter projects because I enjoy writing posts about very cool ideas. A new project I found today is called Tweet Land. Tweet Land is the idea of six Costa Ricans that believe it’s “possible to reinvent the way video games are created. We believe in opportunity, that’s why we believe in Tweet Land.” Tweet Land is one of the world’s first video game platforms that plays with reality, or “Real Time Gaming.”
What would happen if people’s social networks effected what happens in a video game? If you like the idea of the twittersphere becoming a virtual universe, this is for you.
Video after the break. Read more