Posts tagged with "iPhone"

iPhone, iPad Rumored to Get NFC Technology, Large Opportunity Awaits

A report by Bloomberg today suggests that Apple’s next iPhone and iPad are likely to feature NFC (Near-Field Communication) technology that would allow various forms of data transfer between the iPhone and another NFC capable device. Richard Doherty of consulting firm Envisioneering Group explains that the technology would be primarily used for making purchases at physical stores, expanding Apple’s reach in commerce beyond just iTunes.

Near-Field Communication is a technology that can send and receive data between two such devices with NFC that are up to 4 inches apart. The technology has gained popularity in recent times, most notably being included in Google’s Nexus S.

By including NFC into the iPhone and iPad, Apple could use it’s existing iTunes accounts and give consumers an alternative to more traditional financial services by Visa, MasterCard and PayPal. Richard Crone, an industry advisor suggests that “It would make a lot of sense for Apple to include NFC functionality in its products.”

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Google Launching Cloud Print with iOS Support

With an official post on the Gmail blog, Google has announced that in the next few days they will launch the Google Cloud Print online service with initial support for iOS devices and Windows operating system. Cloud Print allows you to print any kind of document and supported Gmail attachment by configuring a local printer with Google’s remote system. Once a printer is connected to Cloud Print, an iOS device can remotely send a document to the printer from the Gmail webapp in Mobile Safari. Support for Mac OS X and Linux is coming “soon.

To get started, you’ll first need to connect your printer to Google Cloud Print. For now, this step requires a Windows PC but Linux and Mac support are coming soon. Once you’re set up, just go to from your iPhone or Android browser and choose “Print” from the dropdown menu in the top right corner. You can also print eligible email attachments (such as .pdf or .doc) by clicking the “Print” link that appears next to them.

It all sounds fairly interesting, especially considering that it happens in the cloud, in the background. Will Google manage to pull off real driver-less, wireless printing?

Black iPhone 4 Being Converted to White by Third Party

With still no official word on when exactly the white version of the iPhone 4 will hit shelves, some people are no doubt becoming impatient. To fill the void ‘The SmartPhone Clinic’ is now taking pre-orders for a new service that will allow any iPhone 4 user to convert their black model to any colour they wish, including the elusive white.

The iColors service from The SmartPhone Clinic comes after Fei Lam, a 17 year old kid started selling white iPhone 4 parts which he acquired from Foxconn which supplies Apple.

One of the company representatives of The SmartPhone Clinic said they are not using a case or sticker but actual colored glass that comes from the same OEMs that Apple works with. The company can also repair any cracked or water damaged iPhones, replace the original glass enclosure with a variety of materials including carbon fiber or metal and will offer the iColors conversion process for $229.99 or a DIY kit for $189.99.

[Via Softpedia]

Multimedia JFK Biography Hits the iPhone and iPad

On the 20th of January 1961, John F Kennedy became the 35th President of the United States, now fifty years later there’s a new iPhone and iPad app that commemorates his life and achievements.

Historian and publisher Marc Schulman who developed the app whilst writing the text biography told Reuters “The paper book is limited, in that you can’t see all the supporting documents, videos and photographs.” The app, JFK Historymaker for iOS however is a rich multimedia experience full of videos, documents and includes the retrospective biography of the President.

The app comprises of many key sections including those documenting his family, him as a Congressional Candidate, the Space Program, Cuban Missile Crisis and his Assassination. Schulman emphasized that it enables the reader to do their own research so they don’t have to “rely just on my voice as the biographer.”

According to a November Gallup poll, JFK remains America’s most popular President with an 85% approval rating. Whether you approve of him and want to know more or you simply want to learn something about a pretty significant historical individual, JFK Historymaker undoubtedly seems like a treasure trove of information for the price of $4.99.

[Buy on iTunes]

[Via Reuters]

The Incident Gets Recreated In Real Life

Last week there was the real life Fruit Ninja, today another iOS game, The Incident has been emulated (or technically “sweded”) in real life and the video is just comical and begs to be watched. The Incident is of course the iOS game that makes you run and dodge objects falling from the sky.

The fans of The Incident that created this video were pretty ingenious in the way they put it together obviously avoiding actually dropping anvils from the sky, and the errrr “music” that accompanies it is just awesome. There really isn’t much else to say, just watch the video after the break!

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Woman Tries To Commit Suicide Because She Lost Her iPhone

You can file this in the “just wrong” category we have seen appear from time to time here on MacStories. Mrs. Wong, iPhone 4 owner from Hong Kong, was really happy about her purchase; she was so glad she got an iPhone, in fact, that when she accidentally lost it she went asking her husband to immediately get a new one. Her husband is a bus driver, and the couple has two daughters to think about, too. For an average family, getting two iPhones in the same week might be a little too much.

So her husband said no, and Mrs. Wong went crazy about it. She left home at 6 in the morning, only to try to jump from the 14th floor of the building. All of this because she was upset about the lost iPhone. Luckily, her husband noticed her weird behavior, called the police and went up to the 14th floor to stop her.

Now, I’m not here to judge people, but this is just wrong. Wrong. Committing suicide for an iPhone? For as much as I love Apple device, I would never put my life at risk because I lost one. Also: the free Find My iPhone works great. [iPhoneShine via OrientalDaily]