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Posts tagged with "ipod nano"

Photo of Clipless Next-Gen iPod Nano with 1.3 MP Camera Surfaces

MacRumors points to a photo posted by Taiwanese website [Google Translation] of what they claim to be a seventh generation iPod nano featuring a 1.3 megapixel rear camera. The website, often a reliable source of Apple rumors and product leaks, posted a similar picture of the iPod nano’s case back in early April, but the photo detailed the internals of the device showing a hole for the alleged camera, failing to explain,however, how the camera would be placed externally considering the clip Apple places on the iPod nano’s back. Today’s photo seems to confirm previous speculation that, in order to make room for the camera, Apple would have to ditch the clip entirely, although it doesn’t make much sense considering Apple has been heavily touting the iPod nano as a sport accessory that can easily clip to your shirt or trousers – it’d be a curious choice for the company to revert to a clipless design to make room for a camera on such a small screen.

It’s unclear whether this new photo belongs to an iPod nano prototype Apple has been testing, or the final version of the next-generation model as claims. A 1.3MP lens would make for some decent photography on the nano’s screen, and indeed previous generation models featured a camera for shooting flicks and applying effects – although on a bigger screen and different case design. Since its introduction last year the 6th generation iPod nano has become an incredibly popular accessory thanks to the inclusion of a clip by default, and it’ll be interesting to see if Apple is really going to change the design for a rear camera. An announcement will likely be made in September at Apple’s usual music event, leaving plenty of room to speculation and rumors in the next months.

iPod Nano Software Update Lets You Control Music with Sleep Button

Earlier today Apple issued a software update for the iPod Nano 6th generation, which brings a useful feature to the device: you can now control music and radio playback using the Sleep / Wake button without looking at the screen.

With iPod software update version 1.1 for iPod nano (6th generation), you will be able to:

Completely turn off the iPod, rather than just put the device to sleep.

Control music or radio playback using the Sleep/Wake button without having to look at the device.

Another notes provided by Apple on the iPod Nano 1.1 update:

  • When the iPod nano is off, you will not hear or be alerted to any alarm or reminder set on the iPod. When you turn iPod nano back on, alarms or reminders that haven’t yet expired will occur as scheduled.
  • If you turn iPod nano back on within five minutes of when it was turned off, it will remember your music playlist and what was playing. However, if you turn iPod nano back on more than five minutes after it was turned off, the device will not remember what you were doing on the device or which application was active.

More information about the update available here.

iPod Nano Hacks: Custom Firmware Files, DFU Mode

Following James Whelton’s discovery of the possibility to bypass the iPod Nano 6G cache comparison to install blank spaces on the device and remove apps from its Springboard, well-known developer Steven Troughton-Smith has figured out a way to put the Nano in DFU mode (which, in iTunes, will return the device to its default factory settings) and send custom firmware files to it. This is the same method of installing custom firmware on jailbroken iPhones and iPads and make those devices recognize the files as signed and valid, although the Nano method is still a concept and needs some more hacking and work before it becomes a real “jailbreak”.

Troughton-Smith, however, managed to get two encrypted files, send them to the device and have them executed on the unit’s reboot. Using a modified version of popular jailbreak utility iRecovery and the extract2g tool to get the files from Nano’s OS, he believes this will certainly inspire other devs to start tinkering with the Nano 6G and start creating proof-of-concept apps.

Check out the demo video below. I don’t know what kind of “apps” it’d be cool to have on the Nano, but a mini Instapaper would be great. I think. Or Angry Birds. [9to5 via Steven Troughton-Smith]
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iPod Nano Hacked, Will Soon Support Movies and iCalendars?

It looks like the iPod nano has been hacked. Developer and hacker James Whelton managed to bypass the device’s cache comparison and install a rather simple Springboard hack that allows for blank space creation – something that’s possible on jailbroken iPhones and iPads. As Whelton notes this is a very simple hack which will likely enable other devs to play around with the iPod nano and install bootloaders on it.

Most of all, Whelton discovered some hidden strings in the nano’s OS:

Next is the discovery in some of the device’s plists of reference to support of Movies, TV Shows, Apps, Games, vCards, Calender events and so on, with a few other cool things like a passcode lock. With the bypass I figured out, I hope to enable these pretty soon. It seems like the OS is a rehashed version of the previous Nano’s OS.

Details on how to bypass the iPod nano’s OS will be posted in the next days. While we’re pretty that Apple won’t open up the nano to 3rd party apps anytime soon, it will be interesting to see what the hacker community (or should we call it a “jailbreak” for the iPod nano?) will come up with. Check out the video below. Read more

iPhone Nano Watch: Worst of Both Worlds

We’ll never, ever grow tired of covering weird Chinese knock-offs of Apple products. What we have here today, though, can’t exactly be described as a knock-off: it’s something that doesn’t really exist to start with. It’s an “iPhone nano watch”, a strange combination of those iPod nano watches people have been wearing since September and the more popular iPhone with its distinctive UI. The iPhone nano watch has got a wristband and some clock functionalities I assume, but it also lets you “slide to unlock” and comes with a SIM slot, FM radio tuner, Bluetooth, USB, camera sensor and a speaker.

Don’t ask me how it’s even possible to make calls with this thing. I guess that’s why it’s still labelled as “engineering prototype” – hey, everyone deserves to be deeply tested, right? The iPhone nano watch will also get a headphone jack come the final release.

On a side note, I can’t wait to find a prototype of this one in a shady Shanzhai bar. Hit the source links for more photos. [Engadget via M.I.C. Gadget]

Now This Is An iPod nano Wristband

I try not to rehash the day’s explosive nature of unhinging Gizmodo news, but perhaps you’re still upset over that whole iPhone 4 thing or maybe their recent security breach. But thank heavens someone somewhere has finally unveiled an iPod nano wristband that’s actually decent. I say decent not because those other rubbery straps aren’t nice, but because really - the last thing I want on my wrist is an iPod nano and a synthetic band. At least try to class it up instead of looking like you bought something out of a slot machine.

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TikTok & LunaTik For iPod Nano Raise $300,000 In One Week

TikTok & LunaTik For iPod Nano Raise $300,000 In One Week

Initially, Wilson was hoping to raise $15,000 in 30 days, to get the watchbands into production. But guess what? The watch has become a bona fide Internet sensation, raising over $275,000 on Kickstarter in just a week, from 3,700 backers – and $180,000 in the first three days alone.

Remember the TikTok+LunaTik project? It has become one of KickStarter’s most successful campaigns ever. Even better than The Glif. I guess there is a market for well-realized iPod Nano wristbands, after all.
