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Posts tagged with "ipod touch"

Not Surprising: The iPad is Getting a Camera

I suppose the question isn’t whether the iPad is getting a camera, but when? AppleInsider points out that possible camera capabilities will be available on a future iPad thanks to some assumably accidental information listed on Apple’s iPad profile management policies, though I think we can safely agree we knew this was bound to happen. We basically have a bit of proof, though none was needed when Steve Jobs basically guaranteed we’d be living in a FaceTime world through the upcoming years.

While iPhones do have cameras to disable, no iPad models currently do. However, among the profiles specifically included in its iPad documentation, Apple notes the ability to restrict camera use on the iPad.

Though it is possible to connect an external camera via the USB adapter Apple provides in the iPad, we doubt Apple would specifically target devices that weren’t intended for use with the iPad in the first place. And although people have been clamoring about the idea of “video conferencing” (which is a bit too corporate of a term for my tastes), I really haven’t missed it in the current iteration of the iPad – I rarely even use the MacBook’s built-in iSight. Though if seeing is believing, your subtle confirmation for the world’s biggest point-and-shoot has now been approved.

Now how about that iPod touch?

[via AppleInsider]

The Welikesmall iPod Touch Wall [Video]

We often come across cool implementations of Apple’s technology, great looking hacks and awesome mods - this one is no exception. A wall made of 20 iPod Touches running a custom app based on the GameKit framework, all hooked up to a Django / Python web app server.

“Our current iPhone Application allows for 4 different modes, a screen saver mode, a full image split mode (the controlling iPod looks for an image and then the server executes a script to split that image among all 20 iPods), a single image grid mode (the controlling iPod tells the server to give a random image to each iPhone), and a hybrid mode which displays all three. In addition, the server is always checking to ensure that each iPod is synched.”

[via FunkySpaceMonkey]

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Seconds for the iPhone is a Great Interval Training Timer

You’re looking to push every ounce of energy you have into your current HIIT (High-intensity Interval Training) workout. As the intervals pass you buy, the music constantly changes to fit your tempo. One minute you’re being blasted with the relaxing beats needed to calm down and get juiced, the next minute the tempo increases to induce a heavy metal jolt of heart wrenching cardio. This is Seconds, the HIIT, circuit, and fight training utility designed to keep you in rhythm.

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