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Posts tagged with "ipod touch"

Cydia Adds Ability to Easily View All Your Past Purchases

Cydia, the App Store equivalent for all those jailbreak required apps that Apple has or would deny, has just received a handy new feature that allows you to view in one place all the packages that you have purchased from the Cydia store.

Jay Freeman, creator of Cydia has been working hard in recent months to improving Cydia in many ways from decreasing the all to common “Reloading” times, improving the polish and adding new features. This new feature has been a fairly common suggestion not only for Cydia but the App Store too, which whilst present in the Mac App Store has yet to reach iOS App Store - something which those of us at Macstories are hopeful Apple will add in the near future.

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TV Show Tracker 2.0 for iPhone: One To Add To Your Homescreen

Not having cable, keeping tabs on the shows that appear on cable TV bites because I have to constantly check in on online schedules (all on different networks) just to see when the next episode of House is going to air. What sucks is that when having only Hulu as my prime source of entertainment, December was a month devoid of any content as weekly shows began to grind to a halt. With the exception of Saturday Night Live and a maybe two other shows, I’m paying for nothing. Shows will come back, but when?

We’ve already covered TV Show Tracker on MacStories, but the 2.0 update is worth mentioning since it delivers a much improved interface, a notification system alerting you before or after a show ends, inline video previews of episodes, and quick iTunes links so you can rent those shows quickly from the interface. TV Show Tracker consolidates all of the shows you watch into an instant access panel where you simply search for the popular program you watch and add it to your list of shows. TV Show Tracker displays the artwork for the program’s season, displays previous and upcoming showtimes, and keeps tabs on what episodes you’ve already seen. This is an app to add to your homescreen if you’re at all interested on keeping track of your favorite shows – it’s super convenient to have only the show listings you care about all in one place.

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Bump Data Suggests 90% of iOS Devices Running 4.x

David Lieb, founder and CEO of iPhone app Bump yesterday posted some data on Quora to a question about what percentage of users of iOS devices were on 4.x, his answer revealed that 89.7% of Bump users were on the latest major iteration of iOS, 4.x.

Although Lieb didn’t note how big the sample size is, the latest known figure of Bump downloads was 15 million back from August last year. That’s a large sample size and one that includes users of iPhones, iPod Touch’s and iPads, a sample that would suggest the ~90% is a close approximation to the real percentage of iOS device users on the latest major iteration of iOS, version 4.

Ian Peters-Campbell of Loopt, another iOS app backed up Lieb’s data but said for his users take-up was even a little higher. Anyway you cut it such a high take up rate in about six months is impressive. It also highlights concerns over how fragmented Android is compared to iOS which back in December 2010 when Froyo (2.2) was the latest Android OS only had 43.4% take up, let alone Gingerbread (2.3) which as of today ReadWriteWeb says only has 0.4% take-up.

Lieb of Bump, posted a full breakdown of iterations and percentages of users, which is posted after the break. The key data is that 53% of users are on the very latest software update of 4.2.1.

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Rumor: Next iPod Touch To Have Glasses-free 3D Screen?

Here’s an interesting rumor coming from Japanese blog Macotakara [Google Translation] while you’re still trying to wrap your head around the news that Steve Jobs has taken another medical leave of absence. According to “sources of information” close to Macotakara, Apple is considering a glasses-free 3D screen technology for a future iPod touch, with an approach similar to what Nintendo is doing with the 3DS – a gaming handheld capable of projecting 3D images out of the screen without the need of wearing glasses.

In the past, Apple was granted several 3D-related patents and other third-party manufacturers played around with the idea of bringing 3D to iOS devices. Macotakara, however, reports that Apple is willing to integrate 3D into the iPod touch’s screen without any external peripheral or accessory. The 3D panel should be developed by Sharp.

According to a source of a company which provides LCD to Apple, they seems to begin preparing to manufacture small glasses-free 3D LCD panel for iPod touch.

This 3D LCD panel looks similar to Sharp, corp’s LCD which is capable for displaying 3D image without glasses on vertical and horizontal position.

While this is all based on pure speculation, it’s interesting to think that Apple might fight Nintendo at its own game with the iPod touch, which has been touted has world’s most popular gaming device several times in the past. Apple is clearly investing on the appeal of the iPod touch as an entry-level iOS device that’s perfect for portable games, and a mobile 3D screen would be another technological breakthrough for the company.

The Verizon iPhone Is For App Lovers

Let’s state the obvious, Fink. Geez. I’ll be blunt: this is an, “Should I keep my Android phone or get the new iPhone on my Verizon contract?” post. Specifically, I’m talking to my fellow Android owners who’re on the fence about switching to the Verizon iPhone.

I’ve been sitting on this article all day between five thousand or so words of rant material, iPhone gawking, Android squawking, and just about every title under the sun that would attract more iPhone and Android fanboy rage than my little heart could handle. Good grief! I told Federico that this piece could do me in for a few days – this one was hard to write. “Ticci!” I said. “This is too controversial for the Internetz! They’ll explode!” After much deliberation I decided to focus on one specific aspect of Android and the iPhone, instead of comparing the platforms as a whole (there’s simply too much to talk about). After dramatically toning down the content, today’s topic is all about apps and the phones that have them, but which one is better for you?

As someone on Verizon who’s had a year long matrimony with an Android… do you dare click the read more link? I think you should.

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iPod touch and Arduino Create Remote Etch a Sketch

Engineer Saeki Yoshiyasu created a system that allows him to connect to a server with his iPod touch and draw a design on the web browser using nothing but a Graphics LCD, an Arduino, and a WebSocket server (that he wrote using Python / Tornado). The result: his movements on the iPod touch’s screen are recreated on the LCD. If you want to see his code, or try it yourself, visit his site link below. It’s very nerdy but at the same time very simple and cool!

Video after the break.

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The Nose Knows No Phone Like iPhone

Ever try smelling an Android phone? No? Some might say it smells like plastic. Smitten iOS graphic designers will tell you it smells like failure. But have you ever tried smelling an iPhone? It smells like Lucky Charms right? If it was anyone else other than me, it would be just plain disgusting. At least using your iPhone as a handkerchief isn’t as disgusting as using your iPad as a sushi plate (plus, boogers simply taste better), though I have yet another reason to keep my hands off your handset.

If you’ve an iPhone and busy hands, NoseDial assumes that the oleographic Retina Display is the perfect place to shnoze dial 911. Seriously, we can’t promise this kind of intimate nasal fondling won’t lead to anything more than an “app with benefits.” Perhaps it could be useful if you’re wearing more than biker gloves – those thick socks you yankees call mittens certainly aren’t very app happy. NoseDial allows you to tilt and scroll all with your face, but at the risk of looking ridiculous and triggering one of Apple’s sensitive liquid sensors with your snot, we ask you refrain from this $1 German utility just as you avoid taking your iPhone into the bathroom. On the contrary, you could buy the app and just use your fingers – but that wouldn’t be any fun now would it? NoseDial is an interesting concept, though when you need your fingers to just pull the darned thing out of your pocket, I can’t see it being very useful via the utensil between your eyeballs. Unless you’re a gymnast – that I’d like to see.

[via TUAW]

iPad 2 To Look Like an iPod touch?

When the iPad was announced, many quickly dismissed it as a “giant iPod touch”. According to the information posted by Japanese blog Macotakara, it looks like the next generation iPad will indeed look more similar to an iPod touch than it does in its current version. Basically, Macotakara analyzed the iPad 2 cases that have been floating around these weeks and concluded that they are designed for a device with a flat back and “tapered sides”, as reported by MacRumors. The new sides and back will presumably force Apple to relocate the speaker and adjust the position of the volume buttons as well.

The volume buttons on the side of the next-generation iPad appear to be of the split style with an oblong form factor as seen on the current iPod touch, as opposed to the rocker buttons used on the current iPad and the round split buttons used on the iPhone 4.

The current iPad 1st gen comes with a curved back and flat sides. The next gen one might be the exact opposite, although I don’t know much a flat back design would make it comfortable for users to pick up the device from a table or desk.

Macotakara also seems to think the iPad 2 will offer a rear camera as big as the iPhone 4’s one, capable of snapping high-resolution pictures. It is still unknown, however, whether these cases that have been posted on the internet are produced by people actually in the know of the next gen iPad 2 or just to generate traffic towards the promo websites.

Video below. Read more