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Posts tagged with "ipod touch"

No More Hidden Fees: We’re Giving Away Wallet Dilemma So You Can Shop Safely Overseas With Your Credit Cards

Perhaps there’s a beautiful French woman waiting for you overseas. Boarding the next International flight and armed to the teeth with your Visas and MasterCards, you’ve found the perfect place in Paris to buy her that beautiful diamond ring. While I am stealing a page out of a Google commercial, spending money overseas is no joke when credit card fees are involved. Don’t be caught off guard: Wallet Dilemma for the iPhone accurately approximates just how much those Euros will end up costing you in good ol’ USD.

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Google Voice App Now Works On The iPad and iPod Touch

One month after the release of the official Google Voice app in the App Store, here comes an updated version that works both on the iPad and iPod Touch. Announced by Google a few minutes ago, the new Google Voice app has been updated to work on non-iPhone devices allowing you to send and receive text messages. As you can guess, no – you can’t make cellular calls on the iPod Touch.

Still, the Google Voice team introduced a new functionality called Click2Call which lets you initiate calls with your phones. On your iPad or iPod Touch, tap on the “call” button and select which phone you want to ring. It’s a very easy way to let Google Voice call your phone and then connect the call to a contact’s number.

Among other improvements and bug fixes, text forwarding is now disabled by default when you activate push notifications so you don’t get multiple and annoying dialogue boxes. You can now set a “Do Not Disturb” status in the settings, access you Address Book contacts from a built-in Contacts tab, tap & hold on inbox messages to delete or archive. Nice. I’m pretty sure MacStories’ own Cody Fink (who’s a die-hard iPod Touch user) is going to love this.

Google Voice app is, as usual, free in the App Store.

Angry Birds iPhone Cases Now At Apple Stores

First came the games, then the movie rumors, plush toys, more games…and now Angry Birds are sold at Apple Stores. As iPhone and iPod touch cases. As reported by TechCrunch last week, Gear4 announced a series of Angry Birds-themed cases for the iPhone and iPod touch – available on the official website at $24.99 – which feature red and yellow Angry Birds and the green Pig King. They’re made out of hard plastic.

I went to the Apple Store (Roma Est) yesterday, and it looks like the official Angry Birds cases are sold there, too. Actually, tons of them were available on the shelves and Apple even managed to put them in a very visible position. As you can guess, many people were checking them out and laughing at them. Not in a bad way – they’re awesome.

Another photo after the break. Read more

New “antid0te” Jailbreak Hack to Bring ASLR to iOS Devices

While iOS devices are hardened with DEP (Data Execution Prevention) and application sandboxing to aid in preventing malicious code from touching running processes, you find it combination with ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization) which makes it difficult for attackers to find where processes are located in the first place. ASLR isn’t currently implemented in iOS devices, but a German hacker has developed a new Jailbreaking method which may provide Jailbreakers with some additional peace of mind.

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Primo Power Core - A Battery Pack For All

PhoneSuit has just released a new accessory that works for any of your iDevices called the Primo Power Core Battery Back. The Primo Power Core is a “personal, portable, pocket-sized power plant”. It has an impressive 8200mAh capacity battery in a small, lightweight package and enough power to fully charge most mobile devices multiple times on a single charge. The Primo Power Core features automatic amp-switching technology so that your iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Classic, Nano or other competing devices are charging at the fastest rates possible. Plug it in to extend movie watching, music or podcast listening, surfing the web, or playing video games.

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ZTE Peel Launching On Sprint November 14th, Doesn’t Support The New iPod Touch

As BGR reported last week, the ZTE Peel 3G case for iPod Touch will indeed be available on Sprint starting November 14th at $29.99 per month with 1GB of included data usage. As you can see in a photo just posted by BGR:

The ZTE Peel will be available in retail stores at $79.99. In case you don’t know what this accessory does, it’s basically a case that comes with a built-in SIM which allows you to turn an iPod Touch into some sort of iPhone with 24/7 mobile internet connectivity. You’ll be able to make calls using services like Fring or Skype from anywhere.

The bad news? It doesn’t support the latest iPod Touch models, the 4th generation ones. The photo clearly shows “supports 2 & 3 generation”, and we can only assume the problem was with the camera on the latest iPod Touch. Or maybe they thought the installed user base of 4th gen iPod Touches was too small to ensure compatibility.

Did they think about the upcoming holiday season, though?

Sprint To Launch ZTE Peel 3G Case for iPod Touch On November 14th?

Boy Genius Report claims it has obtained information from a reliable source that Sprint is looking to launch the ZTE Peel, a case for the iPod Touch that turns the device into a 3G-capable unit, on November 14th. BGR also claims 29 bucks per month will grant you 1GB of data:

We don’t have any details on how much the actual device will sell for, but we do know Sprint plans on charging $29.99 per month for 1GB of data usage with no contract.

The ZTE Peel, approved by the FCC earlier this year, is basically a mobile hotspot that brings mobile cellular data to the iPod Touch, otherwise capable of working on Wifi-only.

iPod: Rise & Fall

Remember when the iPod used to be the most important product for Apple? Now it’s all about the iPhone and iPad. The Mac’s coming back (and frankly, with Lion and the Mac App Store what a comeback), and the iPod sales are slowing down.

The chart below, Sonic-style, gives you an idea of how times change. [via Fortune] Read more