Posts tagged with "itunes"

When the Heck are we Getting Wireless Syncing?

Coming home upon the professor’s early dismissal of class, I decided that the thirty minute drive between headquarters and the college campus should be appropriately followed up with a bit of app updating, Instapaper goodness, a podcast or two, and a well deserved nap. Hastily stripping off my dress shirt, I slipped into the comfort of my couch, propped the iPad against a knee, and immediately ventured into the iPod app. And immediately I was disappointed that I didn’t have the latest podcasts downloaded yet. Oh, the inconvenience of it all!

Aching knees still intact after climbing no less than six flights of stairs just forty five minutes earlier, I hobbled into the office and fumbled for that connect-cable-thing we still get with Apple mobile devices. In five minutes, my iPad had launched iTunes, backed up its wares and slurped down the latest podcasts through only the prettiest cable cluttering my shelf space. Yes, the cable saved the day, but consider me lazy: I shouldn’t even need the cable.

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Beatles Still not Coming to iTunes

I wouldn’t put it past you if you were to argue that the Beatles would be an instant hit on iTunes. Though it’s not likely to happen soon, or ever for that matter. It was speculated that the Beatles may join the iTunes crew during last year’s iPod unveiling, but that didn’t happen. And it still hasn’t, despite the band’s advances in the digital age. Quoting 9 to 5 Mac:

“(Apple CEO) Steve Jobs has his own idea and he’s a brilliant guy,” Ono, the 77-year-old widow of John Lennon, told Reuters. “There’s just an element that we’re not very happy about, as people. We are holding out.

Yoko teased us last year with a claim – later deleted – that music from the band would reach iTunes. She’s not teasing anymore, saying, “Don’t hold your breath … for anything.”

[ABC News via 9 to 5 Mac]

Speed-Up Gives you an iTunes Playback Throttle

Audiobook and podcast listeners might be a little more impatient than most. Occasionally we come across that news podcast or something that doesn’t require our full attention. When time is of the essence, why not speed things up a little bit? Speed-Up by WetFish Software is an incredibly simple application that sits in your menubar and allows you to adjust the playback speed of currently playing items in iTunes. While speeding through some of the blogger podcasts just to get the gist, I got thinking, “What would a Molly Rant sound like at .25x the speed?” You’ll just have to download the application and a BOL podcast to find out.

Simple utility status: Not for everyone, but it works like a charm. Licenses come at $5 a pop.


Google Gaining Momentum with ‘iTunes Killer’

Successful discussions with record labels, followed by the promise of an excellent cloud based service that can be accessed via Android, makes Google’s impending music service incredibly appealing. With the opportunity to instantly open-up a new market to millions of new users and the desire to expand past Apple’s iron fist, there’s an interest here that can’t be avoided.

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App Store Password Caching Causing Unintentional Purchases?

So you have a kid right? Then I’m sure you’ve done this a lot or have had this happen at least once: You download an innocent game to keep them busy, handed them your iPhone, and let them have at it. The kids get carried away, and you wake up the next morning to a bank alert claiming you’ve incurred $300 in App-app purchases. This leads to a few nasty emails sent to Apple and the developer, claiming fraudulent charges and demanding your money back.

But just so you know, developers aren’t trying to screw you over. Apple has an odd API concerning purchases and password caching. While you probably realize that Apple gives you the opportunity to purchase multiple items in the store so you don’t have to keep entering your password, you might not have realized that this caching translates to in-app purchases as well.

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iOS 4 Now with Direct iTunes Access - DJ Apps Developers Rejoice

DJ apps seem to do pretty good in the App Store, but from today on, they’ll just keep getting better. One of the biggest complaints of DJ apps devs was the lack of direct access to the music library to edit songs already synced with iTunes. You had to upload another song to an app-specific library, fire up the app and find that song you uploaded.

Now, it looks like you can just pick up a song from and start scratching.

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Save Web Pages to iTunes As PDFs

Yesterday I stumbled upon this tutorial on CNET which shows how you can save a webpage to .PDF, import it in iTunes using Mac OS X’s built-in “print to PDF” functionality and then read it on your iPad / iPhone with iBooks. It’s an interesting hack, which implies creating an iTunes alias and move it into Library/ PDF Services.

I’ve followed the tutorial and I think that it works pretty good if you want to save pages without formatting, focusing only on text - it’s perfect for long articles. But I’d like to be able to save webpages of any kind, not just articles that don’t have images. I want the full web page on my iPad, and I think I’ve found a good solution.

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