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Posts tagged with "iwork"

Apple Releases iWork for iPhone

Apple just announced the release of the iWork suite for iPhone, available today as a universal update for the existing iPad apps already available on the App Store. With the same feature set of the iPad counterparts, iWork for iPhone promises to let you easily manage and create documents, print them through AirPrint, and share them with iTunes local file sharing. All apps come with a new document manager to organize documents into folders, Keynote brings deeper compatibility with the Keynote Remote sold separately and Pages sports a new feature called “Smart Zoom” for viewing and editing data.

“Now you can use Keynote, Pages and Numbers on iPhone and iPod touch to create amazing presentations, documents and spreadsheets right in the palm of your hand,” said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing. “The incredible Retina display, revolutionary Multi-Touch interface and our powerful software make it easy to create, edit, organize and share all of your documents from iPhone 4 or iPod touch.”

Keynote, Pages and Numbers import and export documents from iWork for Mac and Microsoft Office; print wirelessly using AirPrint™; and include beautiful Apple-designed themes and templates. All iWork apps now include improved document management with thumbnail images that let you find your files quickly, organize them and group them into folders using intuitive gestures. From the Tools button in the toolbar, you can easily share any presentation, document or spreadsheet without leaving the app.

The three apps – Pages, Numbers and Keynote – retain the same feature set seen on the iPad, with the addition of document manager in the 1.4 universal update and some iPhone-specific views and zoom functionalities to make sure large documents can be edited and viewed easily on the iPhone’s smaller screen. Numbers, for example, comes with the same special keyboards of the iPhone, but places the function toolbars on top. In Pages, media, charts, tables and shapes are accessible from a Camera Roll view and file picker that’s similar to what already happens on the iPad, only smaller.

Check out more screenshots and full press release below. Read more

iWork ‘11 Event At Mexican Best Buy on February 19th?

Previously rumored to debut with the Mac App Store and then spotted several times on Apple’s website, iWork ‘11 is apparently nearing release. As noted by Apple Bitch, a webpage on Best Buy Mexico website points to an event on Sunday, February 19th at 7 PM to learn the basics and see what’s new in iWork ‘11.

An AppleBitch reader has spotted a new page on the website of Best Buy Mexico which suggests that iWork ’11 will be arriving on February 19th at 7pm. The webpage describes an event where you can “visit Best Buy on February 19th and find out what you can do with iWork ’11″. While this is obviously not an official announcement from Apple, this event is a good indication that iWork ’11 is nearing release. We hope it is at least, otherwise there’s going to be a fairly unhappy crowd at a Best Buy in Mexico on February 19th.

The problem with February 19th is that it’s a Saturday, not really the usual day for an Apple software release. It’s also unclear whether this is a Best Buy event for the launch of the suite, or just something to see what’s new in iWork ‘11 – not necessarily to be released this Saturday. In that case, does this mean iWork ‘11 is coming this week? But then again, it might just be an error on Best Buy’s end.

Update: Best Buy pulled the page. The link to the event is gone from the homepage as well.

Apple Updates iWork Suite for iPad With Bug Fixes

Earlier today Apple issued an update for the entire iWork suite for iPad (which includes Pages, Numbers and Keynote) to address bugs found in version 1.3, released in November.

The minor 1.3.1 update for all the three apps of the suite fixes an issue with the predictive text menu when using Chinese or Japanese characters; Numbers for iPad went under a deeper bug-fixing procedure with a resolved crash due to Region Format in the Settings and the inability to save cells when the app was quit and restarted.

You can find the updates here. [Thanks, Willy]

Apple Updates with Keynote Animations, Private Online Storage

A few minutes ago Apple sent out an email to beta users to inform them of some new features such as support for 15 new Keynote animations, private online storage for documents and sharing on social networks with a Public link. Support fo the new Keynote animations was actually introduced with the latest iWork update 5, although now Apple is letting users know that they can access presentations shared on online with an iPad and swipe with their fingers to advance slides.

As for the new storage options, you can access documents marked as private from anywhere. also provides a link to embed presentations on a website or blog now, which we think is a pretty neat feature.

Check out the full description and screenshots of the new features below. Read more

Hint At iWork ‘11 Coming Tomorrow On The Mac App Store?

As noted by 9to5mac, some graphic files found in the latest update to Keynote Remote, released today together with new Keynote features for, hint at the presence of the iWork ‘11 suite on the Mac App Store tomorrow. Rumors of a new version of iWork have been going around since November, when AppleInsider suggested that, according to their sources, iWork ‘11 should have been released together with iLife ‘11 but was put on the shelf at the last minute and saved for a Mac App Store launch in January.

Today’s update to Keynote Remote includes two slightly changed Keynote icons that have “2011” on them. Traditionally, Apple updates the Keynote icon with a new year on it as a new version is released – it happened in the past with Keynote ‘09 as well, for example.

Of course, Apple might just have included these updated files and then release iWork ‘09 as standalone apps in the Mac App Store tomorrow. With all the rumors that have been going around recently, though, and the fact that Apple has heavily featured iWork apps in its Mac App Store promo material, there might be the possibility of seeing iWork ‘11 showing up tomorrow as a digital download in the new Store.

iWork Update 5 Includes, Keynote Updates Galore

Time to head over to Software Update iWork users: There’s a huge iWork 5 update in queue with your name on it. Most prominently featured is a major Keynote upgrade which allows you to play presentations over with support for fifteen Steve Jobs’ approved animations. Keynote Remote 1.2 gets an upgrade as well, so you can playback hi-def slides on your iPhone during those killer presentation (eyeballs rejoice!). Some improvements have been made to the export of ePub files on Pages, but most importantly we’ll have public and private sharing options available for all iWork documents via You can read more about version 9.0.5 here:

Not The iWork You’d Expect from Apple

Sometimes, some people have terrible ideas. When those ideas involve Apple, trademark infringement and ripped-off logos, the story can quickly become incredibly messed up. Here’s what’s going on: there’s an iWork available on Sears’ website, but it’s not Apple’s digital productivity suite. It’s an actual toolkit Sears is marketing as “PC Toolkit” and selling at $39.99. Here’s the listing on Sears’ website.

See what they did there? They took a fancy registered and trademarked name, they took Apple’s font and even bothered adding a reflection to it. Apple doesn’t even use reflection on iWork’s logo. Sears does. Why? Two iWork logos are better than one, maybe?

Seriously, Steve is not going to approve this. Or perhaps, there’s a remote possibility he will buy hundreds of these toolkits and send them over to the folks working at the data center in North Carolina. Although I doubt Steve Jobs is capable of such jokes. [via Macenstein]

iWork Out of Stock, iWork 11 Shows Up On

Here’s an interesting tidbit from 9to5mac: according to an Apple Store employee “there is no iWork on the shelves, no iWork in Stock and none on the way”. iWork 09 seems to be out of stock at Apple retail stores and Amazon, although family packs are available on Amazon and says the suite is available, but with a curious “New” label next to it.

According to previous rumors, the new version of iWork has been ready for some months and it’s simply awaiting a Mac App Store debut. The new Store will open on January 6th.

Now, is Apple going to make iWork 11 available in retail stores as well? If so, are we going to get the physical box before the Mac App Store downloads?

Also: is ever going to get new features?

iWork Apps for iPad Updated to Support iOS 4.2, Now Available For Download

Just as expected, Apple has released an update for all the three iWork apps currently available on the iPad: Pages, Numbers and Keynote reach version 1.3, which adds support for iOS 4.2 and AirPrint. The updates are rolling out in iTunes now.

Support for iOS 4.2 and AirPrint has been deployed in all the apps, although each of them has got unique new features in the update, too. As far as AirPrint is concerned, version 1.3 includes slide range selection, number of copies, and duplex printing. The three apps also come with Portuguese, Danish, Finnish, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Swedish, and Traditional Chinese localization, bug fixes and overall performance improvements. WebDAV server fixes have been included as well.

Numbers got an enhanced print preview to adjust the the way a sheet is printed across multiple pages, together with a predictive function selector and improved PDF export support. Keynote comes with an enhanced presenter that allows you to display on an external monitor the current slide, the next slide, or your notes. It also got the ability to import and add existing notes to slides. Pages got automatic pagination of tables exceeding page breaks and improved font size selection.

Pages, Keynote and Numbers are available here, here and here, respectively.Pages 1.3 still hasn’t made it through the App Store, we’ll update this post once it’s live. Check out the full changelogs below. [image via Macworld]

Update: Pages 1.3 is live in the App Store.

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