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Posts tagged with "jobs"

ITV Executives Planning to Sue Apple Over Some Rumors

A few days ago Engadget posted a scoop about Apple’s plans for the upcoming new Apple TV: iOS integration, no 1080p support, new brand. According to Engadget, the new name should be “iTV” - which sounds pretty likely if you ask me, considering that Apple has recently put a lot of products under the “i-” prefix.

Now, there’s a very little problem. There’s a major UK broadcaster called “ITV” and its executives are getting furious over these Apple speculations and are planning to sue Steve Jobs and all his crew.

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Steve Jobs Is Houdini

Richard S. Levick, reporting for Forbes:

“In any event, we don’t often see a corporate kingpin deliver such a multifaceted message about a product, his company and himself. Even without the triumphant earnings report, two fundamental truths came through, and they both ultimately bode well for Apple and its stakeholders.

The first is that when you’ve used your peacetime effectively, by building support among vital stakeholders and fanning the warm fires of their impassioned loyalty, you can survive big mistakes. The failed leadership decried in the Washington Post and other venues might have been fatal for most leaders other than Steve Jobs. We saw another example of the salutary effect of longtime trust and brand equity with consumers who might otherwise have deserted in droves when Toyota faced all its product quality woes in the past year.

The second lesson is that the right fix in a crisis can seem almost miraculous. Assuming the iPhone 4 case giveaway works and customers are kept satisfied, Apple will reinforce its brand more emphatically than if the crisis had never happened. Apple will have delighted the crowd, all the more so because the crowd held its breath to see if Houdini would escape the trap. If the fix works, Jobs’ demeanor at the press conference only reinforces the zeal of his loyalists, and it likely wins new adherents to the cult, too.”

Now go ahead, and start saying that this was all planned.


If so, what a plan.

Taiwanese News’ Recreation of Antennagate [Video]

There’s a Taiwanese outlet that, to better illustrate news, recreates events using a technology pretty similar to The Sims game. Problem is, they’re pretty “creative” with the way they see events - let’s just say things didn’t exactly go that way.

I mean, Steve Jobs cutting fingers off customers to eliminate the Death Grip? Yeah.

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Senator Charles Schumer’s Open Letter to Steve Jobs

Democratic New York Senator Charles Schumer issued an open letter to Steve Jobs regarding the iPhone 4 antenna issues, AppleInsider reports.

Basically, he’s just trying to ask Steve for an explanation of the problem. At this point, I guess he might as well just sit down tomorrow and enjoy some liveblog on the internet.

Check out the full letter below.

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Fortune: Steve Jobs Is The “Smartest CEO”

Jessi Hempel over at Fortune Magazine is praising Apple’s CEO Steve Jobs this morning: he’s the smartest CEO in tech.

“iTunes reinvented music. Pixar, now part of Disney, elevated animated films. The iPhone changed telecom. And the new iPad has other computer makers scrambling to respond. Rocking one industry could be luck, but upending four? That’s smart.

He is a visionary, a micromanager, and a showman who creates such anticipation around new products that their releases are veritable holidays. And Jobs is a pop culture icon like no other business executive.”

And as Steve would say, you haven’t seen anything yet.