Posts tagged with "mac"

So How About that Mac Version of Star Wars: The Old Republic?

Windows partitions got you down? BioWare is well aware that there’s a Mac fan base waiting to get their multiplayer on in Star Wars: The Old Republic, which has “shattered MMO sales records” since the game’s launch on December 20th.

Massively’s Ben Gilbert writes that BioWare label leads Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk have mentioned the possibility of a SW:TOR Mac version in a recent interview. Muzyka went on the record saying, “We know there’s a big Mac audience of BioWare fans … we know that’s an important and large audience. And we want to serve that audience.”

Zeschuk replied, “Not yet!” when told that SW:TOR wasn’t able to run on a two year old MacBook. There’s currently no timetable that indicates how far away a Mac version is, but the leads want to make sure that a launch on the Mac will be successful and stable. Muzyka notes, “We’ve done a lot of Mac ports before of our games. We haven’t announced any details yet for The Old Republic, but we know that’s an important and large audience.”

So far, more than a million players in SW:TOR have racked up over 60 million hours, completed more than 260 million quests, destroyed more than 3 million non-playable characters in the game, and have participated in more than 44 million player-vs-player battles. Mac fans can install the game on a Windows partition (made easy thanks to Boot Camp) and take part in the adventure that takes place thousands of years before the Lucas films, but I’ll bet there’s plenty of patient fans who’re waiting for a proper Mac port before enlisting as a Sith Lord or Jedi Knight.

[SW:TOR for MAC via Massively | Stats via PC World] Image via IGN

Real Racing 2 Now Also Available On The Mac App Store

Firemint’s hit iPhone and iPad game, Real Racing 2, has today launched on the Mac App Store. The game features the same campaign mode, tracks and cars as the iPhone and iPad versions but also allows you to optionally use an iPhone or iPad as a controller.

The most critically-acclaimed iOS racing game comes to the Mac Store! Featuring visually-stunning graphics and state-of-the-art handling, experience the excitement, competition and glory of authentic championship racing with Real Racing 2.

Take control of the wheel with your iPhone or iPad – or use your Mac to steer your way to first place!

It’s the latest iOS game to be ported over to the Mac and distributed through the Mac App Store, which Firemint itself has previously done with Flight Control. It’s something that wasn’t very common just 12 months ago when the Mac App Store was yet to launch and demonstrates how the ease of use and popularity of the store has led to a surge of casual games being launched on the Mac - where previously it was thought that there was an insufficient audience for it to be practical.

The game weighs in at over 700 MB and costs $12.99 on the Mac App Store (non-US users can purchase it via this link). Jump the break for the full release notes.

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