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Posts tagged with "mac"

Archiving Thoughts with Day One

For me, the best way to remember things has always been to write them down somewhere. When I was in high school, I was that kind of student always taking notes on his notebook - furiously jotting down stuff fearing I might forget some important detail. With MacStories today, I try to keep my to-do list neatly organized in OmniFocus by quickly entering anything I have to do at any given time of the day or the week – OmniFocus makes it incredibly easy to enter tasks with a few keystrokes, and I “trust” the system to remember, collect and sort tasks for me so my brain can focus on getting those tasks done or something else entirely. I try to keep my memory in good shape, but when information becomes too much to handle I know I can rely on OmniFocus, Evernote and Dropbox to store all my tasks, notes and documents – the great thing about apps nowadays is that I’m not forced to exercise my brain for this kind of activity.

There’s one thing I never really considered storing in a digital archiving app – memories. I’m talking about things like “what did I enjoy doing today” or “I decided to take a walk with my girlfriend” – specific moments that matter in life, that are important, but which our brains often blur and forget after some time to make room for new data to process and maintain. Let’s be honest: do you remember the exact day and context when you ate that fantastic Italian pizza seven months ago? You probably have a vague recollection of what it tasted like and maybe you even remember the restaurant owner’s Italian accent, but you can’t quite get your mind around every single detail that made that moment so special. Either that, or you were busy tweeting a photo of your pizza while you were eating it.

I try to enjoy every moment, but there’s so much the human brain can remember and it’s perfectly normal something will get lost in the process of assimilating thoughts and processing them to turn them into memories and experiences. Read more

Pulp for Mac 2.1: Instant Resume, Push Sync, and Ready for Lion

Among all of the changes for the latest version of Pulp for Mac (it hit 2.1 today), we’re really excited about Instant Resume and Push Sync. If you use Pulp across multiple Macs (or between your desktop and the iPad), Push Sync will instantly update your newspaper whenever you make a change on another device. On top of always being right where you left off with Push Sync, Instant Resume will let you return to the exact point you were reading when you leave Pulp and return to the app at a later time. So with reading taken care of, what else do we have in store?

Pulp for Mac 2.1 is a big Lion update that integrates Lion gestures with the newspaper itself — as you move your fingers, the pages will curl (just like directly manipulating the interface on the iPad). Pulp for Mac 2.1 also brings full-screen mode — it’s realistic interface is a great fit for 11- and 13-inch MacBook Airs.

Pulp for Mac is ready for OS X Lion, and available in the Mac App Store for $9.99. See the Acrylic Software blog for more information.

Sparrow 1.3.2: Drag & Drop to Labels, Conversation & Reply Redesigns, and Gradients!

Sparrow has a really sweet Mac update available this afternoon from the Mac App Store, bringing lots of new features and tons of bug fixes to improve its game and interface on Lion. The last update brought full-screen support and a redesigned sidebar that’s significantly improved my workflow, and now that sidebar is getting some additional use thanks to drag & drop. Whether you’re on an IMAP account or using Gmail, you can drag and drop emails into a folder or label to quickly move and archive messages. That alone makes us really happy, but check out what else Sparrow has added past the break.

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