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Posts tagged with "macbook air"

Mac OS X 10.6.5 Update Fixes MacBook Air Graphic Issues

A few weeks ago we reported of the graphic issues and kernel panics many users were experiencing on the new MacBook Airs. The issues got quickly reporte to Apple, which acknowledged them in a document leaked by BGR. With the latest Mac OS X 10.6.5 update, it seems like the issues have been fixed.

As Apple writes in a support document:


After waking from sleep, your MacBook Air display may flicker or fade from light to dark repeatedly.


Download and apply the Mac OS X v10.6.5 update to resolve this issue.

You can go download 10.6.5 from Software Update or Apple’s website, and watch a video of the aforementioned MacBook Air graphic issues below.

Consumer Reports Can Recommend The New MacBook Air

Consumer Reports thinks the MacBook Air 11-inch is a very good computer in terms of ergonomics and display, it’s versatile and has good performances. As The Loop reports, in fact, Consumer Reports gave it a 67 out of 100 rating in its latest “Laptop Ratings & Reliability”, available to subscribers.

As The Loop points out, the highest computer in that category used to be the Toshiba Satellite with a 51 out of 100. Read more

Leaked Apple Document Confirms MacBook Air Issues, Software Update Coming

Looks like BGR has managed to find a good source amongst Apple Geniuses: according to a new leaked internal document, Apple has acknowledged the MacBook Air bugs we talked about two days ago.

Apple hasn’t publicly addressed the issues yet, and the document clearly says the information are not to be disclosed externally. The document mentions the display flickering issues many users have experienced, together with colors fading to light after waking from sleep. The suggested solution? Close the lid, wait 10 seconds and open the computer again.

Apple also confirms an upcoming software update will fix the issues.

Ben Brooks’ MacBook Air Review

Ben Brooks’ MacBook Air Review

The 13 though is more like a sports sedan: it will do most everything that you do in your SUV, but there will be things that it can’t do as well. Things like huge Costco or Ikea trips, off-roading, towing a boat and driving in the snow. Most people though will never use their SUV for such things, making the extra money they paid for it a waste. The few times that you may do those things you seem to always find a way to get by without the SUV.

If you only read one in-depth review today, make it this one.


New MacBook Air Owners Experiencing Graphic Issues, Kernel Panics

According to a report bu Cult of Mac, and confirmed by further analysis on Macworld, a pretty large number of MacBook Air early adopters are experiencing screen issues such as “weird colors in vertical lines”, freezes, crashes and “horizontal sparkling bands”.

Additional reports about the video problem have been posted to Apple’s discussion forums and for the people reporting it the symptoms can vary. I’ve even encountered the problem myself on my 13-inch MacBook Air.

The problem with kernel panics has been experienced by Cult of Mac staff that purchased 11-inch or 13-inch models. Users on Apple forums haven’t complained about this specifically yet, but they have been complaining about their new MacBook Airs crashing.

Read more

Mac Portable Vs. MacBook Air - 21 Years of Apple Computing

Times change. Gadgets grow old fast. Look at your original iPhone from 2007, then look at the iPhone 4’s sexy metal band. Things in this industry have a short lifespan, and it’s up to great engineers and designers to make a device last in time and leave a permanent sign in the minds of people who used it, loved it.

In the picture above, you can see a Mac Portable from 1989 compared to a 2010 MacBook Air. Generation of Macs sitting next to each other, a visual representation of the progress that’s been made in science and computer engineering. But it was “only” 21 years ago. The first Game Boy came out the same year. The U2 were a great band. Yet, for as much as we remember those events as if it was yesterday and we struggle to keep that Mac Portable in perfect mint condition, things change. Fast.

So welcome, MacBook Air. We look forward to comparing you to another Mac in 21 years.

If Macs will still be around. [TUAW via Patrick McCarron]

You’re Too Stupid To Review The MacBook Air If…

You’re Too Stupid To Review The MacBook Air If…

It’s important for reviewers to remember that they are supposed to be offering readers valuable information. Putting out some false bravado and this feeling of superiority that comes with many reviews really doesn’t help anyone. The fact you can knock a product — any product — because it doesn’t measure up to a higher-end product really doesn’t take much skill.

Jim Dalrymple knows what’s wrong with hardware reviews on the internet.
