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Posts tagged with "magazine"

“The iPad Is Not Newspaper With Moving Words”

“The iPad Is Not Newspaper With Moving Words”

The problem for anybody wanting to believe that the iPad is a newspaper or magazine replacement is that it is not. It’s a digital device, which means people will get easily distracted and start playing Scrabble, or listening to music or whatever else one can get up to on a crowded carriage.

It’s also still too easy to jump from one news source to another, because digital has fundamentally changed people’s relationship with printed news sources. Once, a newspaper was not just a source of information, but a statement of identity, where most buyers would not dream of picking up a competing title.

Paid Content also cites a report from Screen Digest according to which the average iPad user downloads 60 apps a year – but only 6 are paid apps. Where did they get these numbers? I’m curious.

Perhaps the problem with the publishing industry on the iPad is that most newspaper / magazine apps suck? [via Brooks Review]


Richard Branson Talks Project Mag for iPad, The Daily, Dinner with Jobs

So the Project for iPad came out this morning and we weren’t really impressed with it. The app surely looks good, but in my opinion it fails at delivering a more innovative experience then, for instance, the one seen in the Wired app months ago.

It is no surprise, anyway, that Project has quickly become the top free app in the iPad App Store. In the following video, you can listen to Sir Branson talking about the iPad as the platform of choice to launch Project, the plans for future versions on multiple devices, and a dinner with el Jobso. [via 9to5]

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Richard Branson’s “Project” Magazine for iPad Coming Tomorrow, Here’s A Sneak Peek

We talked about Richard Branson’s upcoming “Project” magazine for iPad last week, and it looks like everything is ready to go for tomorrow’s launch. Project Mag’s blog is up and running and, as noticed by The Next Web, a sneak peek of the “front cover video” featuring actor Jeff Bridges has surfaced online.

The video shows an animated front cover, but it’s not clear whether the app will feature interactive, animated pages or not. We just know that the first issue of this magazine specifically built for the iPad will feature the Tron: Legacy movie, and that’s about it.

There’s a banner with a direct link to the app up on Project Mag’s blog, but iTunes returns an error when clicking on it as the app isn’t out yet. It should be tomorrow. We’ll keep you posted about it. Read more

Reinventing The Newspaper On The iPad with News+

Bonnier are the developers behind the Popular Science magazine for iPad, and with their latest News+ project they’re trying to reinvent the newspaper, which first appeared 150 years ago. They believe the iPad is the right and most obvious device to do so now, and they’re willing to try by basing the entire concept on fresh navigation methods (gestures), a richer layout (clearly inspired by magazines) and inline media.

News+ combines the depth and editorial choices of a daily newspaper with the web’s possibilities for interaction and quick updates.

Browsing News+ and absorbing the content comes naturally, making readers feel close to the articles and photos. You can follow the most important news as it develops in a special section that is continuously updated, so News+ keeps you on top of the news all day.

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Sir Richard Branson To Unveil A Magazine App for iPad On Tuesday

Word’s on the street that Richard Branson, chairman of Virgin Group, will announce a magazine app for the iPad called “Project” (nice name) on Tuesday. Several European media outlets have apparently received invitations for a special event, but it’s unclear whether Branson will announce the launch of the app or just offer a preview. Actually, no one ever heard of Branson’s iPad “Project” before.

If Branson’s really working on a magazine app for iPad, it’d be interesting to know if Virgin is involved in anyway with Apple’s plans to launch app subscriptions for iOS. Will we see Branson, Murdoch and Jobs on stage at the rumored December 9th event?

Wired iPad App Stable at 32,000 Copies Sold Per Issue

I’m no big fan of the official Wired app for iPad, mainly because I can’t stand all these similar magazine applications based on the same engine that doesn’t let you select and copy text and basically doesn’t let you get information out of the app. Sharing options are limited, scrolling feels weird sometimes – or at least not native – and, overall, they all feel the same. I recognize that the Wired iPad app, though, is one of the most successful magazine apps in the App Store.

As The Next Web reports, the app is now selling 32,000 copies per issues on average:

Wired’s iPad sales figures have remained almost secret since launch, only coming to light at certain times of the year. Last month we reported that the Wired app sold 31,000 and 28,000 copies in July and August respectively, a significant dip since launch. Wired isn’t worried though, sales have progressively increased as iPad penetration grows, meaning that the Wired iPad app has levelled off to a figure of about 32,000 per issue, around 39% of print sales.

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Did Conde Nast Fix Its iPad Apps?

Two weeks ago we wrote about a nasty bug some users discovered in the Conde Nast iPad applications based on Adobe’s publishing technologies (oh byt the way, they just made the deal official) which, through a rather simple hack of preference files inside the app’s folder, allowed to download paid issues for free.

Back then, an Adobe spokesperson confirmed a new version of the Digital Content Viewer had been already shipped to developers and a fix would be released soon. Read more

Times for iPad: Beautiful Visual Newsreader. Review and Giveaway.

Ever since I bought the iPad, I knew it was going to change the way I read news online. Be it the New York Times or MacStories, TechCrunch or The Huffington Post, the iPad and the developers who create new apps for this new device have changed the way we approach news. At least this is what we thought before Flipboard came out. Flipboard pushed the game to the next level, enabling users to create their own digital magazine starting from their Twitter and Facebook streams - something many had tried in the past but never quite nailed as much as McCue and his guys did.

Now we have choices: RSS readers, apps that start from RSS subscriptions to build something visually new, and Flipboard. In fact, we reviewed a lot of these “visual newsreaders” in the past.

Where does Times for iPad fit?

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