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Posts tagged with "omnifocus"

Omnifocus for iPad, Coming This June

With a post on the official company blog, the Omnigroup has announced the roadmap for all their other Mac applications which are being ported to the iPad.

Omnifocus, surely one of the most popular apps from the Omni guys, is coming in less than two months:

“We’re currently working on OmniFocus and OmniOutliner in parallel. OmniFocus has a bit of a head start, thanks to the work we’d already done in bringing it to iPhone, so we anticipate its iPad app will be ready in June. OmniOutliner is a little further out, and our current projection is that it will ship this summer. Finally, after we’ve shipped those four apps, we’ll round out the set with OmniPlan for iPad which we’re currently anticipating will ship sometime this fall.”

Great news. We’ll take a look at it as soon as possible.

Keeping Omnifocus and Basecamp in Sync with Spootnik. 20% Discount for MacStories Readers!

If you have a team to manage, I bet you’re using 37signals’ Basecamp to keep everything under strict control yet enabling every single component of your team access the app and keep you updated about his tasks. Yeah, that’s exactly the greatest selling point of Basecamp, and the reason why thousands of people around the world use it on a daily basis. MacStories is no exception to that.

But on the other hand, I guess you also have a GTD application sitting in your dock, just because you find the GTD method comfortable and suitable to your needs. You’ve gotten used to it, and migrating everything to Basecamp just wouldn’t feel right. Maybe you even created a few team projects inside it, and now you’re unsure whether they should go into Basecamp as well?

Now, if you use both Basecamp and Omnifocus, there’s a solution. There’s a web service for that, and it’s called Spootnik.

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Basecamp and Backpack, Quintessential Business Tools – As Seen from Web, Mac and iPhone.

As soon as I started searching for contributors who wanted to write for MacStories, I also started looking for a good application to manage that kind of team. A team that doesn’t deal with designs or clients, but with tons of text, screenshots, milestones and news. I guess managing a blog’s team is one of the most complicated things to do on the web (especially if you work in different countries) because from what I can tell so far, there’s no dedicated software to for bloggers. Not a great one at least. For this reason, and because I read a lot of posts about the subject,I subject, I decided to try the applications from 37signals, Basecamp and Backpack. I heard that there were some very good clients too (both for Mac and iPhone), which is really important to me.

In this article we’ll take a look at Basecamp and Backpack, the third party apps Cody and I are using to interact with them, and some additional tools we discovered. We believe you’re gonna start using the 37signals products too.

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Discovering GTD Once Again with Omnifocus

I remember when I started using my Mac in a professional context, I went around asking for “the best application” to manage tasks on a Mac. Many people suggested Omnifocus from the Omnigroup, and many told me to give a spin to Things, the new kid on the block from CulturedCode, which featured a clean design and a very streamlined interface. I went for Things, as you may have read in my review some weeks ago.

Things is a great piece of software. It doesn’t get almost anything wrong in any section, it could be the perfect GTD application, but – sadly – it’s not. Indeed, I came to a point where I needed to sync my Things database between the Mac and the iPhone not only within my local network, I desperately needed to access my tasks while on the go. And if you’re a Things user, you should know that’s not possible, though Cultured Code promises it will come soon with an update. So I decided to try Omnifocus again, and here we are today. Turns out Sync is only one of the features that made me switch, as I found way more than simple over the air sync in Omnifocus.

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