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Posts tagged with "preview"

Mac App Store Preview: Filr, The Simple File Tagger & Renamer

Developed by NovaStorm Software, Filr is a new simple utility for OS X that will be released tomorrow in the Mac App Store. The app, very user-friendly and straightforward in its approach, will let users do three things: rename files, tag them and apply comments to them. Unlike many other batch renaming tools available online, Filr will be focused on letting users modify one file at a time.

Tags you apply to files will be based on the OpenMeta standard, and thus will be compatible with most tagging softwares available for the Mac such as Ironic Software’s Leap 2. The Spotlight comments you’ll be able to attach to files will also be compatible with a variety of Mac apps such as Yojimbo or DEVONthink.

Overall, Filr looks like a really simple and focused app to quickly get more metadata into your Mac files, for more organization and better search functionalities in combination with other apps. Looking forward to it tomorrow, on the Mac App Store.

Mac App Store Preview: WordCrasher

Coming tomorrow for the Mac App Store launch, WordCrasher is an addictive game already available on the iPhone and iPod touch which is based on a simple concept: create words out of letters falling from the top of the screen. Yes, it sounds a lot like Tetris’ bricks, only you have letters and you have to combine them to create words and empty the screen. As the screen is filled up with blocks, it’s game over.

The Mac version of WordCrasher will take the iOS experience and add some new features to make suitable for the desktop. Together with redesigned graphics and new sounds, Mac users will be able to create words not just by catching letters with the trackpad: you can use the keyboard for fast typing and gaming.

WordCrasher will be available tomorrow and I believe it will be one of the many iOS games ported to the Mac platform. Whether or not this will turn out to be a great or terrible idea, we’ll find out in less than 24 hours.

Mac App Store Preview: Todolicious, The Simple To Do App

Of all the new apps that are coming out tomorrow in the Mac App Store, Todolicious by Mustacheware is among those we’re most excited about. Created by our friend Steve Streza, who also happens to be the guy behind the great iPhone webapp, Todolicious wants you to stop wasting time organizing your to dos and tasks. Todolicious is a simple app that’s also customizable, and it’s aimed at those people who just want an app to quickly write down the things they need to do. No projects, tags or contexts. Todolicious is a sexy, digital version of the classic sticky notes.

Without giving away all the details just yet (you should be able to play with the app in less than 24 hours), I want to focus on the single most intriguing aspect of the app: the new to do entry field. Instead of displaying a popup window with dozens of options, text fields and buttons, Todolicious provides a simple panel that asks you “What do you need to do?”. It reminds me of Alfred’s straightforward search interface, and you can assign a system-wide shortcut to it so you can enter new to dos no matter what you’re doing with your Mac.

Todolicious will be available tomorrow at $4.99 in the Mac App Store. It’s a simple app we’re really excited about, and we bet that thousands of Mac users who don’t need the functionalities of Things or OmniFocus will give Todolicious a try. Check out the website here, or follow @todolicious for updates.

Mac App Store Preview: Lyrica

Lyrica is an upcoming new Mac app created by 17 year-old German developer Florian Zand which has been submitted to Apple for approval and should be available on the Mac App Store on January 6. As the name suggests, the app is aimed at fetching and displaying song lyrics – which is a pretty common task, although Lyrica has a few tricks up its sleeve that should grant it a relevant position in the new App Store. First off, the app queries 6 different lyric databases to find the most appropriate lyrics for the songs you’re listening to. Of course, Lyrica automatically takes the music that’s playing in iTunes and contacts the servers on its own. You just have to fire it up and wait a few seconds for the lyrics to show up on screen.

Lyrica can change from a classic OS X grey window to a more unobtrusive translucent black panel that can easily sit on top of any app without getting in the way. If lyrics for a song can’t be found, you can add them manually from the app itself. In addition for “now playing” capabilities, the app can also add lyrics to a specific playlist or your entire iTunes library – that will take a few minutes though, as it’ll have to tag your whole music collection.

We look forward to seeing Lyrica available in the Mac App Store on January 6. More information about the app will be available on the developer’s website here.

Mac App Store Preview: QuickMark QR Code Reader

Currently waiting in Apple’s review queue and hopefully launching on the Mac App Store on January 6, QuickMark is a new app that will let your Mac “read” the increasingly popular QR codes. Thanks to the built-in iSight every Mac (which Apple is apparently rebranding as “FaceTime camera”) will be able to recognize 2D barcode images or, if a Mac doesn’t come with an iSight, load an image file and scan it. You can also create your own 2D codes, if you wish.

QuickMark’s reader is capable of doing a bunch of stuff with a correctly scanned code, too. For example, the app can follow a web link with a Mac’s default browser, send an email or add a contact to the Address Book. The app also sports a neat Skype integration as it can send SMS and make a phone call; if you don’t like making phone calls and you’re more for meeting your friends in person, the app can also navigate to a Google Maps’ specific point of interest.

QuickMark for Mac should be available in the App Store soon.

Mac App Store Preview: Tembo, A New Take On Spotlight

Coming to the Mac App Store this Thursday, Tembo is a new app from the guys behind popular OS X software like HoudahGeo and HoudahSpot that aims at providing a fast, fun and easy interface for Spotlight. Tembo will allow you to easily find music, mail messages, documents and bookmarks through a window that resembles the Spotlight UI you were used to on OS X Tiger.

Search results are grouped by categories, and you can enable, disable or reorder these categories in the app’s Preferences. A top bar for each category in the search results window will let you filter through these results already neatly organized in categories. It’s really powerful, but user-friendly at the same time. Tembo can list up to 2500 items in a single group, and can work as an extension to Mail and iChat to find messages and conversations, or Safari to search through bookmarks and history.

Tembo will be available on January 6 at $20 with a free trial available on the developers’ website.

QuickCursor Brings Text Editors To Other Apps - Coming To The Mac App Store

Coming soon to the Mac App Store (which opens for business on January 6), QuickCursor is a new utility by HogBay Software (WriteRoom, PlainText) which will help you write text in any Mac app using your favorite text editor.

Say you’re composing a new message in Gmail through Safari, or writing down a long note attached to a task in OmniFocus; wouldn’t it be great to use your favorite text editor instead of an app’s standard text field? QuickCursor will do just that: as you can see in the demo video on HogBay’s website, with a keyboard shortcut you’ll be able to fire up your text editor of choice, write, close it and have the changes saved in the app you were using in the first place, like Gmail.

QuickCursor will work with a variety of text editors including the popular Espresso, WriteRoom and TextMate. We don’t know if the app will be available on January 6th for the Mac App Store grand opening, but we’re surely looking forward to it.

Osfoora Is Coming To The Mac [Screenshots]

Osfoora is an insanely popular Twitter client for iPhone and iPad that has gained thousands of aficionados in the past months. Released on the iPhone last year, Osfoora made its way to the tablet a few months ago with a really nice client that took advantage of the larger screen to offer a landscape “split view”.

Osfoora is now coming to the Mac, according to a screenshot of the “pre-alpha version” posted by the developer on popular design-sharing website Dribbble. We can’t see much from the teaser, but it looks like the desktop client is going to feature a minimal look with a sidebar that – again, basing on this first small screenshot – looks a lot like Tweetie’s one.

With Tweetie 2 on the horizon, Weet for Mac and now Osfoora – I  guess it ain’t really over for Twitter clients on the Mac. We look forward to seeing more about this new iteration of Osfoora.

Update: we’ve got another screenshot from Osfoora’s developer, showing the timeline with photos indicators. Looks nice to us.