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Posts tagged with "preview"

iPad Owners, Get Ready for TweetMag [Preview Video]

Running a blog, it’s perfectly normal that you stumble upon unreleased applications from developers asking you to “take a quick look” at what they’ve been working on. It happens every day, and we love it. But there are some apps you look forward to on your own, without the need of a developer sending you 5 emails a day to ask for bugs found in the beta and “feedback on the UI”.

TweetMag for iPad is one of those apps. Read more

Apple Seeds Xcode 4 Preview 5 To Developers

A few minutes ago Apple released the fifth developer preview of Xcode 4 to developers. It’s available in the Mac and iOS Dev Center. The release comes a month after the fourth developer preview.

This is a pre-release version of Xcode 4, a major new release of Xcode for both Mac and iOS development. This release requires Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, and includes the iOS SDK 4.2 GM seed, to develop apps for Mac, iPhone, and iPad.

As for this very specific build, new features for tabs, editors panes and alerts are introduced:

This preview introduces new features and enhancements for tabs, editor panes, and alerts.  These features are designed to scale the single window interface of Xcode 4 to more effectively use available screen real estate, from the 11” MacBook Air, up to Macs equipped with multiple monitors.  Please experiment with these new features to see how Xcode 4 can speed up your daily development tasks.

Preview: Daisy Disk 2 for Mac

Daisy Disk is a very popular app for Mac that allows you to find files that are eating up space on your Mac’s drive. Many apps do that, and with a little bit of patience and with the help of Smart Folders you can achieve a similar functionality in the Finder itself, too. So what’s special about Daisy Disk? Read more

Sneak Peek: Discourse, Beautiful Dictionary App for iPhone

A few days ago I stumbled upon the preview page of Discourse, an upcoming iPhone app developed by Emilio Peláez (the developer of Notified, available in Cydia) and designed by Mathieu White which, according to the website, aims at being a unique and fresh dictionary app for iPhone. Can a dictionary app be unique? – I asked on Twitter. What could a developer ever do to make sure his take on digital dictionaries – a rather boring subject, one might think – feels fresh and innovative?

I got into Discourse’s beta group and Emilio was kind enough to let me talk about the app on MacStories. I’ve been running the app on my iPhone since last night and, admittedly, they’re building something that feels fresh, beautiful and, to an extent, unique. Here’s a sneak peek. Read more

iM: Upcoming Instant Messaging App for iPhone That Looks Beautiful

Every instant messaging app for iPhone and iPad I’ve tried so far looks ugly and comes with a lot of features I don’t need. I just want a simple app that plugs into my iChat account and lets me chat with my buddies, I don’t need a full-featured, multi-service, multi-account, multi-godknowswhatelse ugly piece of software that comes with “unique custom wallpaper capabilities” and “exclusive Facebook chat integration”.

I want something simple, focused, beautiful and stable. So that’s why I’m looking forward to iM app: developed by Trevor Sheridan and Steve Itterly and designed by the talented Mathieu White, iM aims at becoming the ultimate solution for iPhone users who’ve always been disappointed by the state of instant messaging app on iOS.

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Apple Seeds Xcode 4 Preview 4 To Developers

Apple has just posted a new developer preview of Xcode 4, which reaches version 4. It’s available in the Mac and iOS developer portal.

This is a pre-release version of Xcode 4, a major new release of Xcode for both Mac and iOS development. This release requires Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, and includes the iOS SDK 4.1, to develop apps for Mac, iPhone, and iPad. Please review the Release Notes and Readme before installing this software.

Xcode 4 is a major new version of Apple’s development suite which sports lots of new features and a new single-windowed UI. The first version of Xcode 4 preview was released during the WWDC in June, the second build was seeded in late July, and Preview 3 was made available on September 2.

Exclusive Preview: Reeder for Mac

Reeder is my favorite RSS reader for iPhone and iPad. I might even say that Reeder is one of my favorite iPad apps, together with Twitter, Flipboard and Simplenote. When developer Silvio Rizzi told me I could get into the Reeder for Mac testing team I immediately jumped in.

Reeder for Mac will be awesome. I have no doubts about that, but we can’t share all the details now. The app is still in its early development stages, many things will probably change by the release date and most of all: don’t ask for a release date now. I don’t know when Reeder for Mac is going to be available. Nor do we have “invites” for the beta or are in the position to hook you up with a beta copy.

We had permissions to post a couple of screenshots form the latest build of Reeder for Mac. It’s going to be the ultimate RSS app on OS X. Read more

Preview Your Designs with Review for iPhone

Review is an awesome new application from Kevin Kalle and Pieter Omvlee. With an awesome interface from Kevin Kalle and a great Mac companion application, it’s a must have for anyone designing for the iPhone platform. I myself design for the iPhone and up to this point I had been using a beta version of Pastebot. Review fits a spot that has long been needing an application to fill it.

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First Look: Cloud2go, a CloudApp Client for iPhone

Cloud was one of the hottest app released for Mac OS X last year. Clever marketing techniques (remember the “every Mac user’s wet dream”?), invite-only beta, a great “Raindrops” plugin system: Cloud app quickly became for many the de-facto standard to share stuff on the web. Whether you want to upload and share links, pics, archives or documents, Cloud is perfect: powered by an elegant web view and beautiful short URL (, I’m still using it.

Now you know what’s missing from the Cloud ecosystem: a mobile version. And that’s exactly what Cloud2go is all about: it’s the first unofficial iPhone client for CloudApp.

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