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Posts tagged with "preview"

First Look: Prizmo for iPhone, Beautiful Mobile OCR App

OCR on the Mac? You gotta be kidding me.

I still can hear those Windows fanboys yelling at me years ago. But when I showed them Prizmo for Mac, they actually shut up. Prizmo by Creaceed is an awesome (yes, awesome) application for Mac OS X that allows you to snap pictures of, say, documents with your digital camera, import them via USB and see the magic happen as the app recognizes text (10 languages are supported), makes a Spotlight-searchable index, adjusts the picture’s brightness and perspective, too. It is indeed magic.

Prizmo is coming to the iPhone, and if you think about the new iPhone camera…that’s a new app on my waiting list.

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Coda Notes for Safari

In a few weeks Apple will launch the official Safari extensions gallery, so you’d better hurry and go submit yours now. But in the meantime, unofficial Safari extensions websites have flourished all over on the internet.

The current state of Safari extensions? There are a few great ones, lots of cool ideas, hundreds of stupid and buggy userscripts ported to Safari. Last night the Panic team offered an exclusive Twitter preview of their upcoming Safari extension, Coda Notes, which they previewed at the WWDC in June.

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