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Posts tagged with "safari"

HTLM5 Audio Safari Extension

HTLM5 Audio Safari Extension

Connor McKay’s YouTube5 Safari extension addresses most videos I encounter and Open in Google Chrome works for the rest but while video demands attention audio is ambient. It doesn’t makes sense to keep a second browser open just for background noise but I couldn’t find a similar extension for audio. So I made one.

Works great.


TabLinks 2.0: Safari Extension To Gather Links From Your Open Tabs

I’m not a Safari user anymore, but this extension from Brett Terpstra was just too cool to not mention it: with the click of a button, TabLinks can fill a pre-defined template with information about your open tabs. URL, title, window info – you name it. If you’re that type of user who always feels like he’s got too many tabs open at the same time and would like to save them for later, that’s exactly where TabLinks comes in handy. Read more

FullScreen for Safari Update Will Introduce Action Popup | Cydia Store

FullScreen for Safari is a great tweak available in Cydia at $1.49 which I previously reviewed here, that brings a lot more features to Apple’s default browser. Fullscreen navigation mode, gestures, customizable activation methods for almost anything you can do with Safari but Apple doesn’t let you act on.

FullScreen for Safari is undoubtedly the best way to make the best mobile browser out there even better. Read more

FullScreen for Safari Brings Gestures and Fullscreen To Apple’s Browser | Cydia Store

My new favorite tweak for Mobile Safari has just been released in the Cydia Store: FullScreen for Safari, developed by the creator of Firewall IP, is a neat little app available at $1.49 (introductory price) through Big Boss repository that enables you to navigate in fullscreen and use two and three fingers multitouch gestures to surf the web faster with a lot more functionalities. Read more

Gestures Coming To Mobile Safari with Cydia Tweak | Cydia Store

Mobile Safari is a great browser, and especially on the iPhone I haven’t managed to find an alternative in the App Store that can live up to Apple’s standards. It’s minimal, fast and does most of the stuff one could ever need - but the jailbreak community is always there to enhance stuff. If you open Cydia and search for “Safari” you’ll find tons of neat tweaks and mods to enhance the functionality of Apple’s mobile browser.

The next great tweak coming soon in Cydia is FullScreen for Safari, developed by the creator of Firewall IP. The tweak (which should be available in a couple of days) will add fullscreen capabilities and gestures to Safari, such as two-finger swipe to switch between tabs and two-finger swipe down to open a new tab. A preview is available on iSpazio (Italian), or you can check out the demo video below. Read more

A Markdown Teleprompter

A Markdown Teleprompter

It takes input in standard Markdown format and, when you press the “Prompt” button or hit Shift-Enter, it blacks the screen and renders your Markdown in large, contrasting text. Then you can hit Spacebar or Enter to start and stop scrolling. Stopping auto-scroll and using your mouse’s scroll wheel will allow you to navigate. Escape (or a click on the background) will take you back to the editor.

Very cool. You can also run it locally or on your own server. The online version is available here.


Grazing: My New Favorite iPad Browser

I feel bad writing this. No, let me rephrase: I love when facts prove me wrong. I especially love when third party developers of iPad applications prove me wrong. A couple of weeks ago I wrote a piece called “Your Alternative iPad Browser Sucks” in which I basically stated that every alternative browser I had tried on the iPad couldn’t keep up with the elegance and powerful engine of Safari. I still stand by that statement: 3rd party developers are not Apple and I’m pretty sure Safari has got some exclusive features buried deep down in the code engine (such as memory management) which 3rd party devs have not access to.

What’s great now is that I found an alternative that doesn’t suck. Actually, it’s a beautiful, powerful and feature-rich app for iPad called Grazing that has been sitting on my homescreen for a week now. Grazing is now my favorite alternative browser for iPad. Read more