Posts tagged with "steve jobs"

Found Footage: Steve Jobs Demoes The Daddy Of OS X

This one’s an awesome finding via Reddit: while many of you may have already seen the following video (it should come straight from 1991), for all those who haven’t – well, it’s about Steve Jobs demoing the father of OS X, the NeXT computer.

In the video you can see Jobs talking about many features that eventually made their way to OS X, such as Interface Builder or the Dock. It’s also interesting to notice how, almost 20 years ago, Jobs and the team at NeXT were focused on making an operating system suitable for business users.

Fast forward today, and we’re waiting for 10.7 Lion that should bring more consumer-friendly features such as the Launchpad or fullscreen apps.

Apple Kills The Steve Jobs Action Figure

Last week Mic Gadget posted shots of a pretty realistic Steve Jobs action figure: slightly taller than an iPhone 4 and representing Apple CEO with his blue Levi jeans and black turtleneck, it’s no wonder the action figure made the rounds. It looked really well realized.

Too bad it’ll never see the light of day and if you hoped you could put SJ on your desk in a few week, well I’m sorry for you. A law firm representing Apple, Inc apparently sent a letter to Mic Gadget:

Unauthorized use of a person’s name and/or likeness constitutes a violation of California Civil Code Section 3344, which prohibits the use of any person’s name, photograph or likeness in a product without that person’s prior consent.

Too bad. It looked nice.

Single-Station Radio Apps Are The New Fart Apps: Banned

Remember the App Store Review Guidelines Apple published a few months ago? They’re available for you to read here, although an Apple Developer account is needed. Basically, Apple opened up to many more kinds of apps and frameworks with the publicly available Review Guidelines, but took a clear position on some kinds of apps as well. Namely, fart apps:

We have over 250,000 apps in the App Store. We don’t need any more Fart apps. If your app doesn’t do something useful or provide some form of lasting entertainment, it may not be accepted.

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Steve Jobs Says They’re Taking A “Giant Leap To Driverless Printing”

Ok, so AirPrint’s removal from OS X 10.6.5 left a few people disappointed. Users were expecting to be able to print from iOS 4.2 to any printer shared through a Mac or PC, but the feature didn’t make the cut in the final version of 10.6.5. Sure, you can achieve the same functionality using 3rd party tools like Printopia, but unofficial tweaks – even if well developed and stable – are never quite like Apple’s own implementation. In the case of AirPrint, mostly because it takes huge resources and teams to achieve stable and fast driverless printing.

That is exactly what Steve Jobs allegedly told a MacRumors forum member in a recent email exchange. Apple is doing the best they can to re-introduce the feature in the next iterations of OS X, and we have to wait. Read more

T.J. Maxx Mystery Solved: A Marketing Strategy

You remember T.J. Maxx and their brief iPad adventure, right? The popular apparel retail chain started selling iPads last week, at the curious price of $399 – which was $100 off Apple’s suggested price. Steve Jobs, of course, didn’t like the idea and allegedly confirmed a user T.J. Maxx wasn’t an authorized reseller. The Internet, on the other hand, went nuts over the news.

So why did T.J. Maxx sell those iPads in the first place? Well, it turns out it was all a marketing strategy to end up on tech blogs (like this one) and generate traffic in their stores. They bought the iPads from retail (perhaps an Apple Store, who knows) at $40.000, they sold them at $32.000 generating a loss of $8.000 but they ended up on all major blogs and thousands of people visited their stores hoping to find a discounted iPad. With just $8.000, they gained a huge visibility that would have costed way more with standard advertising methods. Very clever. Read more

News Corp’s iPad-only Newspaper, The Daily, A Collaboration Between Jobs and Murdoch?

Three days ago we reported News Corp, one of the world’s biggest media outlets, was working on a tablet-only publication Murdoch and his team were really excited about. In the past days more details have surfaced about the app, which should be launching in a few weeks in private beta mode and be publicly available soon after that.

It appears that Murdoch hired a staff of over 100 journalists to handle the publication, which has no print edition but will only be available in digital form-factor. The Daily, this is the name of the app as revealed by Murdoch himself in an interview with Fox Business, is one of News Corp’s “most exciting projects”. Basing on the information also posted by WWDMedia, the app will be a daily news report pushed directly to the iPad without the need of having a previous print subscription. Read more

Combo Steve Says T.J. Maxx Isn’t An Authorized Reseller, And He Won’t Match Their Price

I guess you heard that T.J. Maxx is having this unexpected sale of iPads (16GB, WiFi models) at $399 – $100 off the regular Apple price. No one knows where these iPads come from, no one knows why and how are they running this promotion. Steve Jobs, though, doesn’t approve at all.

While people are excited about this sale and are apparently struggling to find these discounted iPads at the nearest T.J. Maxx store, el Jobso shot a series of emails claiming that they are not an authorized reseller. As reported by 9to5mac, he also promised a curious Apple fan that there’s not even the smallest chance he’ll match the discounted of T.J. Maxx, for Ballmer’s sake. Read more

Steve Jobs: iOS and OS X Keynote Presentations Coming To Apple TV

According to a recent email from Steve Jobs to a user asking whether the Apple TV would be able to display Keynote presentations at some point, iOS and OS X presentations are coming “soon” to the Apple TV.

“Soon”, as in Keynote ‘11 for Mac and an updated iPad version? That would be an option, or maybe a simple update to the existing iWork suite to support the feature. Speaking of which, that would be something like AirPlay for presentations, right? It makes perfect sense to be able to output presentations on a bigger screen powered by the Apple TV in an Apple-focused office environment, although the functionality wouldn’t obviously be that big of a deal for “home workers”.

Anyway, we’re looking forward to new AirPlay feature, iWork ‘11 or whatever a Steve Jobs email can tell us about new things coming to Apple devices.