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Posts tagged with "steve jobs"

You Can Buy An Original Apple-1 For $200K

The Apple-1 is the computer that started it all. Sold by Steve Jobs and the Woz in Jobs’ garage, it was the first pre-assembled computer to come with 8k or RAM, but without a keyboard or monitor. Back then, the two folks that started Apple Computer used to sell it at $666.66, and a very few ones have survived today.

Now, you can buy one if you want. Only at $200K. Read more

“Ram, this is Steve”

“Ram, this is Steve”

A developer submitted an app containing private APIs to work around a bug in Apple’s own SDK. The review team didn’t accept the app, so Ram emailed Steve Jobs. A few hours later, Jobs called him:

Steve Jobs has a well-deserved reputation for creating great quality products and for his passion for excellence and user experience. I’ve also read that he is a detail-oriented executive and a hands-on guy who is intimately involved with his company’s work (in a way that few other CEOs are).
His phone-call reinforced those notions and went further to suggest that he was also a very conscientious guy who cared about people. The fact that he took the time to read my email, think about the app and then personally call me was amazing.

The app is now available in the App Store, but no private APIs are being used. Great story.


Steve Jobs: “AirPrint Has Not Been Pulled”

Last night we reported some developers on Apple’s forums noticed information about AirPrint through shared printers on Macs and PCs has been mysteriously removed from Apple’s online printing documentation. According to those developers, Apple Tech Support chimed in as well claiming that AirPrint through shared printers had been cancelled from the upcoming 10.6.5.

So it’s not that AirPrint has been pulled. Rumor has it Apple may have cancelled or delayed the functionality through a printer shared on Mac or Windows. Read more

Steve Jobs Explains Why He Killed The Xserve [Video]

Well, it’s not exactly a direct explanation of why Apple pulled the plug on Xserves (at least not more than “hardly anyone was buying them”) but it gives you an idea of what Steve Jobs really thinks of the Enterprise market.

With excerpts from Apple’s January 2010 event (the iPad announcement, good times) and the D8 conference in July 2010, Steve Jobs clearly states that Apple is a mobile company and people in Enterprise don’t think with their own minds. Those who do are confused, Steve claims.

You can find unexpected revelations in old Steve Jobs videos. Let’s all go back to watching that iPhone 4 keynote and find some hidden Verizon clues in there.

Adobe: Apple Incites Negative Campaign Against Us (Yet We Followed Steve’s Advice)

We thought those days were over. Remember back in April, right after the iPad came out, the Apple / Adobe controversy about Flash somehow came back to where it started, The Internet. Hundreds of blog posts and pundits’ rants later, Steve Jobs managed to end the argument with his Thoughts On Flash. If you think about it, the whole Flash story kind of died after Steve Jobs’ “open letter”. Or maybe we just focused on the true meaning of “openness” more.

Anyway, Adobe is bringing the old debate back. Again, yes. Here’s Adobe CTO Kevin Lynch talking to FastCompany:

I just think there’s this negative campaigning going on, and, for whatever reason, Apple is really choosing to incite it, and condone it,” Lynch says. “I think that’s unfortunate. We don’t think it’s good for the web to have aspects closed off–a blockade of certain types of expression. There’s a decade of content out there that you just can’t view on Apple’s device, and I think that’s not only hurtful to Adobe, but hurtful to everyone that created that content.

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“Hardly Anyone” Was Buying Xserves According to Steve Jobs

French website MacGeneration got a screenshot from a reader of an email he received from Steve Jobs. We’re used to this stuff, right? People sending el Jobso angry emails and complaints, getting “yep” and “nope” as response, leaving us to do the hard job to figure out what the chief really meant.

So this time, it’s all about Xserve. Apple announced last week they would discontinue it, but it’ll be available until January 2011 nevertheless. According to this latest email from Steve Jobs, Apple made this decision as “hardly anyone” was buying Xserves.

The “premature death” of Xserve left many IT guys with doubts and skepticism in regards to Apple’s plans for large and small businesses.

Also From Steve Jobs: Final Cut Studio Ain’t Dead

Looks like the chief is back to organizing his inbox and replying to angry customers asking about Apple stuff. MacRumors reported of iTunes LP and Extra coming to the new Apple TV, and now according to a new email published by 9to5mac el Jobso suggested a reader to “stay tuned” for a Final Cut Studio update and “buckle up”.

Reader Evan Agee recently e-mailed the man in charge about the lack of a Final Cut Studio announcement at Apple’s Back to the Mac event and also threw in his hopes for a 64-bit update. Jobs’ reply?

Stay tuned and buckle up.
Sent from my iPhone

We are tuned in, Steve.

Steve Jobs Confirms iTunes Extras and iTunes LP “Coming” to Apple TV

Apple introduced iTunes Extras and LPs together with iTunes 9 in September 2009, but they never really took off. With a recent email reply to a MacRumors reader, though, Steve Jobs confirmed support for the two features is coming to the 2nd gen Apple TV, which being based on iOS doesn’t support Extras and LP out of the box.

Q: I’ve been a massive fan of the original Apple TV since it launched, in fact I have 2 of my own and have bought a fair few as gifts over the years. So as soon as the new Apple TV was released I bought one. Overall it’s a fantastic update for me as I always stream from my Mac mini anyway. But here’s the kicker - Where are iTunes Extras and iTunes LP gone? I’ve purposely been buying content with those features just for my Apple TVs. And now the features are unusable on my new box?! Is there an update coming to fix this?

A: Coming.

Sent from my iPhone.

Apple is expected to release a firmware update for the Apple TV to bring full support for AirPlay, and that would be the right time to bring iTunes LP and Extra compatibility back as well. The update could drop as early as next week, but when it comes to Jobs’ emails you never know if he’s joking or not. As MacRumors also speculates, iTunes LPs would make perfect sense on the iPad, with a larger screen capable of really enriching the experience of music albums and videos. Personally, I think that’d be the only way I could ever buy an iTunes LP.

Steve Jobs: USB 3.0 Not Happening on Macs “At This Time”

9to5mac reports of a new email from Steve Jobs to a user who asked whether Apple would integrate USB 3.0 on Macs in the near future. Jobs, as you may guess, said no. But it wasn’t his usual “nope”:

We don’t see USB 3 taking off at this time. No support from Intel, for example.

So according to Jobso, it’s not that USB 3.0 is never happening. “Not at this time”, and lack of Intel support is mentioned as an example for their decision to exclude USB 3.0 on current Macs.

Can you believe Jobs’ words, though?