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Posts tagged with "steve jobs"

Mark Zuckerberg Checks In At Jobs’ House For Dinner

Apple wants to make Ping work. The music-based social network is struggling to gain traction, and Steve Jobs needs to figure out a way to let people engage with the system and share data with their contacts - all in order to collect more data and drive more clicks to the iTunes Store. It’s a good plan, but it’s not working as expected because Apple hasn’t got the social infrastructure Facebook has. So Steve invited Facebook’s CEO over at dinner to discuss some Ping related stuff including Facebook integration, the Los Angeles Times reports:

They are two of Silicon Valley’s most famous founders: Jobs created the world’s must-have gadgets, Zuckerberg the world’s most popular social networking service. These days they are often mentioned in the same breath. Now apparently the two also recently broke bread.

Apparently Jobs invited Zuckerberg for dinner at his house to talk about Ping two weeks ago. That’s when a tipster spotted them on a stroll in Palo Alto.

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Thin Air

Steve Jobs, at the iPad announcement in January:

Everybody uses a laptop and a smartphone.

And a question has arisen lately: is there room for a third category of device in the middle? Something that’s between a laptop and a smartphone. And of course we’ve pondered this question for years as well. The bar’s pretty high. In order to really create a new category of devices, those devices are going to have to be far better at doing some key tasks.

Better than a laptop. Better than a smartphone.

Now, some people have thought…that’s a netbook. The problem is, netbooks aren’t better at anything. They’re slow, they have low quality displays and they run clunky old PC software. So, they’re not better than a laptop at anything. They’re just cheaper. They’re just cheap laptops. We don’t think they’re a new category of device.

According to the latest rumors we’re hearing today, Apple is going to announce a new, smaller, thinner MacBook Air on Wednesday. A 11.6-inch MacBook Air. Some people are saying Steve Jobs will revise his position and carry a new shiny netbook on stage. In my opinion, that’s not gonna happen.

By definition, netbooks are small, lightweight and inexpensive laptop computers. By Jobs’ definition, netbooks are slow, low-quality and unusable laptop computers. In Steve Jobs’ mind, inexpensiveness equals cheapness. Lightweight OS equals clunky old software. He doesn’t see the current generation of netbooks as a viable alternative to bigger, more powerful notebooks.

If Apple’s really going to announce a smaller MacBook Air that many people could call “a netbook”, that device is going to be a “smaller, thinner, yet powerful laptop computer” in Jobs’ definition. An even faster, high-quality and lightweight MacBook Air, ultra-portable and super-usable. Something like that.

Apple is not going to release a netbook as we know it. Just like they didn’t release a regular smartphone in 2007. If the rumor’s true, I’m ready to bet on a new way - perhaps more expensive, but classy - to intend small laptop computers.

The Creepiest Thing You’ll See This Week: A Chinese Fake Steve Jobs

As if copying Apple products wasn’t enough, the good folks down in Hong Kong decided that setting up a keynote with a Chinese fake Steve Jobs might be a good idea. The Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway launched its official iPhone app, and they were joined by this guy to spice up the presentation a little bit.

Check out the video below. Then follow me along into thinking that this is kind of disturbing. [9to5 via WinAndMac] Read more

Steve Jobs’ Personal Gift To Chilean Miners: An iPod

After 68 days of fears and hopes, the Chilean miners trapped underground have been rescued earlier today. You may have already heard of this great news. As a personal gift from Apple’s charismatic leader Steve Jobs, each of them will be getting an iPod.

LeFigaro is reporting the news, and we don’t know which model they’ll get, but I guess an iPod Touch 4th gen would be more than appropriate. If only they had FaceTime before, they would have had the chance to see their beloved ones during those terrible days.

[via AppAdvice] (photo: The Big Picture)

Adidas Cancels iAd Campaign Because Steve Jobs Is A Control Freak

Despite some initial doubts about a not exactly happy start, Apple’s iAd program is predicted to match Google in the mobile market share by year’s end, and we’ve heard stories about iAds becoming a real gold mine for developers. We’ve also heard complaints from advertisers about Apple’s strict control on ad approval - something huge corporations like, say, Nissan or AT&T are not used to. Businesses weren’t used to “ad approval process” before Apple, and that’s all because Steve Jobs wants to build an ad system that engages users at a personal level with curated, rich and beautiful advertisements. Read more