News broke earlier today that Steve Jobs is taking another medical leave of absence to focus on his health. And just like the last time, he has appointed Apple COO Tim Cook as the head of day-to-day operations. This time around, though, Steve Jobs will maintain the CEO position. Long story short: Steve Jobs has to focus on his health and personal life, something you would expect from a man who beat cancer in the past and successfully underwent a liver transplant. Apple employees will have get used to not seeing Jobs on campus or in his office for a few months. But I don’t want to speculate on Jobs’ conditions, habits and role at Cupertino. Instead, I would like to point out how out of this complex and much-talked story Apple as a company will be doing just fine. Read more
Posts tagged with "steve jobs"
During Steve’s Absence, Apple Will Be Just Fine
Steve Jobs To Take “Medical Leave of Absence”
According to a press release that just went out, Apple’s board has granted Steve Jobs a medical leave of absence. He will stay as CEO and Tim Cook will handle day to day operations. In the letter to the Apple team, Jobs says he wants to focus on his health and will still be “involved in major strategic decisions”. He is confident Tim Cook and the executive management team will manage to accomplish the goals set for 2011.
It is unclear at this point what the reason for this medical leave is; Jobs underwent a liver transplant in 2009 and, similarly to today’s news, Tim Cook took over day to day operations at Apple. In 2004, Jobs contracted Pancreatic Cancer, which he beat.
All we can say is – get well soon, Steve.
Press release below. Read more
Behind The Scenes Of The Verizon iPhone
Bloomberg reports of some interesting details behind the Apple / Verizon deal that made possible for the two companies to announce the iPhone 4 on Verizon starting February 10. The Verizon iPhone, as you may know, was one of the most anticipated devices in the United States because of the 4-year long AT&T exclusivity and the reported poor performances of the carrier in some areas.
First off, about the lack of Verizon branding on the CDMA iPhone 4, it looks like Verizon simply had to get along with it as Apple never puts logos on their devices and they really wanted to have the device in their portfolio anyway.
To reach a deal, Apple and Verizon had to reconcile different approaches to branding. Verizon puts its stamp on other manufacturers’ devices, including phones from Research In Motion Ltd. and Motorola. By contrast, only Apple’s name appears on the iPhone.
“They don’t put a lot of logos on their phones,” McAdam said in the interview. “So that wasn’t a major issue for us.”
Watching the success of the AT&T-Apple partnership may have led Verizon to accept a similar deal, said Jean-Louis Gassee, a former Apple executive who is now a venture capitalist at Allegis Capital in Palo Alto, California.
Steve Jobs and Rupert Murdoch To Unveil “The Daily” Next Week?
According to Yahoo’s The Cutline, Steve Jobs will join Rupert Murdoch to unveil the highly anticipated iPad-only digital newspaper, The Daily, at a media event in San Francisco later this month:
Rupert Murdoch will unveil News Corp.’s much-anticipated iPad newspaper onstage this month with Apple chief executive Steve Jobs, The Cutline has learned.
The two media moguls will appear together at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, according to a source familiar with preparations for the event. The launch date is expected to be Jan. 19, but that may change.
In December, rumors surfaced that The Daily was set to debut, or at least announced, in the “week of January 17”. The same report by All Things D suggested that Apple may release a new build of iOS to include the rumored app subscription service, the same feature we heard was once set to be made available in December.
Details on News Corp.’s “The Daily” leaked in the past months pointed to the iPad-exclusive nature of the publication, and the fact that Murdoch had assembled a “super-team” of 100 journalists to work on the newspaper. The Daily, according to the rumors, should come with a new iOS functionality that will allow iPad users to get new content every day automatically, in the background, directly from The Daily’s servers.
Verizon iPhone Announcement on Tuesday, Jobs To Join On Stage
Earlier today, Verizon sent out invitations for a special event the carrier will hold on Tuesday, January 11 in New York City. As the invitations went out and media outlets started reporting about it, speculation immediately arose about the event being focused on a very special announcement: the long-awaited Verizon iPhone. By making a few guesses basing on the invitation list ( Jim Dalrymple of The Loop, MG Siegler of TechCrunch and Andy Ihnatko were invited – they’re all Apple reporters / bloggers) and through some rumors heard earlier today about Apple imposing a vacation freeze on its employees in the first week of February, many are reporting the speculation is real, and the Verizon iPhone will be announced on Tuesday.
The Wall Street Journal weighed in to confirm the carrier managed to close a deal with Apple and will be able to sell a CDMA version of Apple’s phone. Daring Fireball’s John Gruber says it’s going to be about the Verizon iPhone as well. On a side note, tech blog Gizmodo wasn’t invited to the event – they say it’s because Apple isn’t inviting them to events anymore after the iPhone 4 leak last Spring.
All Things Digital is now reporting Apple CEO Steve Jobs will join Verizon’s President and COO Lowell McAdam on stage for the announcement.
While the appearance isn’t 100 percent assured, sources in position to know tell me that, barring any unforseen circumstances, Jobs will likely join McAdam onstage in New York when he announces the addition of the iPhone to its handset line-up.
For Verizon customers waiting for the iPhone and current users willing to switch on Big Red’s networks, it looks like the wait will be finally over on Tuesday with the iPhone on Verizon announcement.
Steve Jobs’ New Year’s Resolutions for 2011
Scoopertino makes up some funny stories, and this one is no different. It’s actually quite hilarious. Steve Jobs wrote down his 2011 New Year’s Resolutions on a napkin and someone in Starbucks has retrieved it. Hmm, sounds like another joke about an iPhone prototype and a bar. Enjoy the fake news of the day. Or is it? Read more
The 90 Megapixel Steve Jobs Portraits Made of Apple Products
Realized by the popular Tsevis visual design studio, this might be one of the most impressive portraits of Apple CEO Steve Jobs you’ve ever seen. The design was commissioned by Italian magazine Panorama and ended up on the front page of the Economy section. The portrait comes in two different versions – the original files are 90 megapixel images available here and here.
If you look closer, the portraits are made exclusive of Apple products: iPhones, iPads, iMacs and MacBooks make every single details of Jobs’ face – yes, even the glasses.
The creative director of the magazine requested a ‘white on white’ portrait where Steve Jobs was to be illustrated with all of Apple’s white products. I created the mosaic but then became curious with what a black version would look like.
These mosaics are made with custom developed scripts, hacks and lots of love, using my Mac, Studio Artist, the Adobe Creative Suite and good music.
More portraits be Tsevis are available here but if you ask me, these are the best ones to date.
Steve Jobs, Not A Good Entrepreneur [Video]
The BBC has this show, called Dragon’s Den, in which entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas trying to get multi-million investments from “Britain’s top brains”, investors looking for the next big thing to believe and spend money in.
Steve Jobs? He’s not good enough for the show. The BBC has created this fake video of Jobs pitching the iPad to the Den, with investors coming up with their reasons to “stay out” of Jobs’ business idea. It’s kind of hilarious, especially when an investors says “I’m out” and Jobs seems to be very sad about it. Check out the video below. [9to5mac via Youtube]
Financial Times: Steve Jobs ‘Person of the Year’→
Financial Times: Steve Jobs ‘Person of the Year’
When Steven Paul Jobs first hit the headlines, he was younger even than Mark Zuckerberg is now. Long before it was cool to be a nerd, his formative role in popularising the personal computer, and Apple’s initial public offering on Wall Street – which came when Mr Jobs was still only 25 – made him the tech industry’s first rock star.
Now, three decades on, he has secured his place in the foremost ranks of the West Coast tech titans who have done so much to shape the world around the turn of the millennium.
And here’s why: “The worst thing that could possibly happen as we get big and a get a little more influence in the world is if we change our core values and start letting it slide. I can’t do that. I’d rather quit.”