Posts tagged with "tweetie"

Goodbye Tweetie

The original Tweetie for Mac – the app that went on to become Tweetie 2 or “Twitter for Mac – stopped working today. Twitter cut access to the API endpoint that allowed for it to work, thus effectively “killing” the app for those who were still using it.

Matthew Panzarino writes:

Tweetie for Mac came about on April 20, 2009, and it brought along its own set of UI paradigms that propagated throughout Mac app design culture. The sidebar navigation, for instance, is probably in use on whatever Twitter client you’ve got installed. The ‘nipple’ that indicates the current position on the navigation bar is also a Brichter invention, and now exists in hundreds of apps like Google+, Instapaper and dozens more. It eventually found its way to Tweetie 2 for iPhone as well.

To me, Tweetie was more than an .app bundle available from /Applications in the Finder. It represents a period of my life that I cherish every day.

I joined Twitter in February 2009. As I said, I was jobless at the time. I thought I could try my hand at writing about Apple and Macs, and my girlfriend said “go for it”.

On April 20, 2009, MacStories and Tweetie were born.

Today, we kiss Tweetie goodbye. MacStories and my girlfriend are still around, and my relationship with them is better than ever. I didn’t realize this back when we celebrated the site’s third birthday – that MacStories and Tweetie for Mac launched on the same day.

Tweetie and I had our ups and downs. I loved the app, but I became frustrated with the multiple delays version 2.0 was seeing. I wrote some things about Loren that I’m not proud of. Years later, I apologized to him, but I’m keeping those posts online to remember that sometimes I can be wrong, and ridiculously so. In late 2010, Loren was so gracious to let me beta-test “Tweetie 2.0”, which was launched as Twitter for Mac on the App Store. I used that app until Tweetbot for Mac came out. Loren moved on with his life and left Twitter; I, behind my keyboard, picked a different Twitter client.

I guess, in a way, this site owes much of its success to Tweetie for Mac. I woudn’t have been able to get to know developers, friends, colleagues, and readers if it weren’t for Twitter. If it weren’t for Tweetie, which to me, was Twitter.

I remember using Tweetie all the time. Sometimes I would go days without closing it, keeping it open because I was “looking for news” or trying to get into some new beta of an upcoming iPhone app. Other times I would close Twitter during the night, because, back in the “old days”, Twitter clients – not even Tweetie – had good timeline gap detection.

Tweetie set standards and inspired other developers to create new apps. It won awards, and it marked the starting point of a new era of third-party OS X development.

For me and many others, Tweetie defined Twitter.

Goodbye, Tweetie. Our community is better because of you.

Loren Brichter Talks About Pull-To-Refresh Patent and Design Process

Circling around on the internet over the last few days has been the news that there is a patent application for the “pull-to-refresh” feature that Loren Brichter pioneered in Tweetie and is now an extremely popular UI gesture used in a lot of iOS, Mac and Android apps. Twitter holds the patent application, not Brichter who recently left Twitter after they acquired him and Tweetie a few years ago. It’s also important to note that the patent has not yet been granted, it is simply a patent application at this point in time.

Featured in the latest One More Thing podcast (a tie-in to the Australian iOS conference we wrote about last week, featuring many of the speakers), Brichter briefly talks about the patent (note that this was actually recorded before the news about the patent spread wildly on the internet) and says:

… I can’t talk about the specifics but Twitter owns the patent, but I don’t think people have anything to worry about.

Brichter also describes the design process that resulted in the “pull-to-refresh” feature being implemented in the episode. He talks about how in Tweetie 1.0 the refresh button would be on top of all your tweets because there wasn’t enough room on the navbar because of a back button and compose tweets button. But for Tweetie 2, Brichter thought he could “make it a little simpler” so that you didn’t have to scroll to the top, lift your finger and tap on the refresh button, instead he asked the question:

…why not just make refreshing part of the scroll gesture itself? So it was kind of an obvious extension of a simple idea.

The whole episode is certainly worth a listen, Brichter offers some great insights on development and his experiences as both an independent developer and a developer working in a large team (like he did for Twitter and Apple).

Thanks to Stuart Hall for the heads up.

Twitter To Developers: Enough With The Twitter Clients

With an official announcement on the Twitter Google Group, head of platform and API at Twitter Ryan Sarver has told developers to stop building third-party Twitter clients that “mimic or reproduce the mainstream Twitter consumer client experience”. Basically: no more unofficial Twitter apps that look just like the official iOS, Mac, Android or BlackBerry apps and don’t add any value to the experience. Instead, focus on different areas of the whole Twitter experience. Uh oh.

The move is quickly causing a reaction among developers on Twitter that didn’t expect such a response from the company. Basically, although in a subtle way, they’re telling everyone to stop wasting time trying to emulate the official Twitter apps because 90% of users are already using Twitter through the officially provided tools. On top of that, though, it’s not only a matter of choice: it seems like Twitter is really going to force developers to stop building apps by “holding you to high standards to ensure you do not violate users’ privacy, that you provide consistency in the user experience, and that you rigorously adhere to all areas of our Terms of Service”. Some key parts from the announcement:

With more people joining Twitter and accessing the service in multiple ways, a consistent user experience is more crucial than ever.  As we talked about last April, this was our motivation for buying Tweetie and developing our own official iPhone app.  It is the reason why we have developed official apps for the Mac, iPad, Android and Windows Phone, and worked with RIM on their Twitter for Blackberry app. As a result, the top five ways that people access Twitter are official Twitter apps.

Developers have told us that they’d like more guidance from us about the best opportunities to build on Twitter.  More specifically, developers ask us if they should build client apps that mimic or reproduce the mainstream Twitter consumer client experience.  The answer is no.

As we point out above, we need to move to a less fragmented world, where every user can experience Twitter in a consistent way.

Read more

Twitter for Mac Review: Love It, Hate It, Tweet It

At some point in the past months, I thought I would never had the chance to write this review. But it’s happening. Twitter for Mac, what you expected to be called Tweetie 2.0 before Atebits became part of Twitter, is now live in the Mac App Store. It’s available for free here.

Like I said, months ago an idea started to grow on me: Tweetie 2.0 for Mac, the way I saw it back then, was never going to happen. Kaput. Vaporware. Twitter killed it, and with it – Loren Brichter’s enthusiasm and passion and willingness to provide millions of Mac users out there the sequel to what I think it’s still one of the finest Twitter clients ever created for the platform. And it’s not that the term “sequel” doesn’t apply really well to this whole saga: Twitter acquired Atebits but Loren had promised that MacHeist customers would get early access to Tweetie 2; Tweetie for iPhone was rebranded; the guy even started making promises and interviews about an app that “was coming”. Just like in the best stories of sequels that seem to never happen, people began to lose faith in Brichter, Twitter and Tweetie 2.0. They moved on. Read more

Twitter for Mac Is Live In The Mac App Store

Finally, it happened. Twitter for Mac, a.k.a Tweetie 2, is now available in the Mac App Store. It’s available here, for free. The long anticipated sequel to the original Tweetie for Mac marks a huge milestone for Twitter, and we’ll have a in-depth review later today.

In  the meantime, go download the app here and enjoy.

Add Twtmore Shortening To Tweetie for Mac

By default, Loren Brichter’s Tweetie for Mac comes with Twitlonger shortening capabilities. That means, if you have a tweet longer than 140 characters (it usually happens for long iOS / Android debates, or Apple’s events commentary) Tweetie will automatically post that tweet using Twitlonger – a service that puts a link in a tweet to read the entire message in the browser. It works pretty well, but it doesn’t look exactly great.

Twtmore is a service that’s been in closed beta for some months, until the developers opened up its APIs for everyone to use. It’s similar to Twitlonger, but it’s beautiful. This is a twtmore page, for instance. As you can see, it’s delicious. Tweetie Twtmore is a SIMBL plugin (yep, another one) that replaces the default Twitlonger shortening feature with twtmore.

To install Tweetie Twtmore, make sure that SIMBL is installed on your computer. You can go download SIMBL for free here. Once SIMBL is running correctly, download the Tweetie Twtmore bundle, extract it and place the file in /Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins or ~/Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins if you want to install it for all user or just your account, respectively. Restart Tweetie for Mac.

The plugin works great even if Tweetie for Mac will keep saying “Post with Twitlonger”. As you can see in the screenshots below, long tweets will be forwarded correctly to twtmore. Go download the plugin here. Read more

ReTweetie Adds Native Retweets to Tweetie for Mac

Tweetie for Mac is one of the most popular desktop clients for the Mac, even if version 2.0 still has to show up and the app hasn’t been updated to support Twitter’s latest functionalities such as retweets, lists, real-time streaming. As I said, though, Tweetie for Mac still manages to be one of the most used apps by Mac users.

Developer Nick Paulson, feeling the need of native retweets in Tweetie for Mac and tired of seeing the old “RT @” or “(via @) being used by the app, wrote a plugin that adds Twitter’s native retweet functionality to Tweetie for Mac. It’s called ReTweetie, and it’s available here. Read more

Pull To Refresh for Mail Is A Dream Come True | Cydia

Since Loren Brichter first implemented the popular “pull to refresh” functionality in Tweetie 2 for iPhone, lots of other developers were inspired by him to do the same in their apps. Hundreds of other Twitter clients can do “pull to refresh”. Even the official Facebook app has pull to refresh. Now Apple’s Mail app for iPhone can, too. Read more

Enable Keyword Filtering In Tweetie for Mac With a Preference Panel

Tweetie for Mac users have been able to activate keyword filtering for more than a year using a simple Terminal hack. For all those who prefer a graphical interface to a command line hack, however, TweetiePrefs is here to help.

Developed by Ash White and available for free here, TweetiePrefs lives in System Preferences and allows you to easily create, delete and activate filters for Tweetie. Every time you’ll create or delete a filter, you’ll have to relaunch Tweetie for changes to take effect.

Works fine, and it’s easy to use. Give it a try.