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Posts tagged with "twitter"

Did Twitter for iPad Really Kill 3rd Party Clients?

Twitter for iPad came out two weeks ago and everyone’s still talking about it. Well, at least everyone in the Twitter / iOS-related sphere. Why? Because it breaks standards and, at the same time, creates new ones which are going to deeply affect the way we think of native applications for iPad. In a way, I think Loren Brichter managed to reinvent the whole Twitter wheel on Apple’s magical tablet, but I’ve already written a blog post about this. I’m not here to re-celebrate the innovations of Twitter for iPad. Instead, I’d like to focus on the impact that this app had (and is having) on 3rd party clients, from a casual user and geek perspective. Read more

Guess What, Twitter for iPad Is Apple’s App of the Week

As if providing a great app that sets new standards on the iPad wasn’t enough, Apple has now decided to feature Twitter in the App Store homepage by choosing it as App of the Week.

What’s interesting is that Apple usually doesn’t feature apps in that section is such a short time (the app was released two days ago), but I guess that they knew about the app and they knew that it would rock. I wouldn’t be surprised if Brichter chose some folks over at the App Review Team as beta testers.

Anyway, great job. Go download the app, it’s free. And now, let’s wait for Tweetie 2 for Mac - again.

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Thoughts On Twitter for iPad: This Changes Everything

Last night I stayed up late to check out Ping in iTunes 10 and catch up with the news I missed during the day. That’s what usually happens when Apple holds an event, not to mention the video livestream. I missed 3 hours of tweets while trying to download iTunes 10 and reading through all the new product descriptions on Apple’s website. I also finally moved my primary work email address to Gmail. Goodbye, Apple Mail. Good riddance.

So I stayed up late, and at 5AM I thought it would be a good idea to start organizing my revamped Gmail a little bit. I left Tweetie for Mac running in the background, fecthing tweets for me. I didn’t even look at it, I was lost in an ocean of labels and Google shortcuts. Then, 60 minutes later, I gave a glimpse at Tweetie. 6 AM, dawn, MG Siegler posts something about Twitter for iPad. The headline says Twitter has killed its website, too, because Twitter for iPad is that good. Right: it’s 6 AM and I’m seeing links pointing to Twitter for iPad, one of my most anticipated apps. Maybe I need some sleep, I’m starting to see things that aren’t even there. Like a proper blogging app for iPad. Read more

Icebird Updated with Retina Display Graphics

Icebird is an innovative Twitter client I reviewed back in April, and I know that there’s a pretty active userbase loving it. Developer Fabian Kreiser released an update for the app yesterday, which brings Retina Display support, possibility to hide direct messages and connect users with Address Book, improved caching and state saving.

The app is available here at $3.99.

FilterTwitter Safari Extension Guarantees Ego Boost

When @justin was mauled with millions of Justin Bieber fans mistakenly tweeting him about possible high school relationships, marriage, and preteen squeels of love, there was probably an intense scramble to filter out these horrendous tweets. But as fans wrongly dog piled on top of this poor soul, we return to the good ol’ days of geek knowledge to rehash an important value: “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.”

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