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Posts tagged with "twitter"

Twittelator Goes 3.5

Interesting update for Twittelator Pro, which I reviewed a while ago. Here are some of the most important new features:

App has landscape support everywhere;

You can tweet your currently playing song;

Threaded DMs;

Dropdown to refresh tweets (like Tweetie 2);

More efficient image caching;

Find people by their full name;

Many other improvements and fixes.

Surely it’s one of the most complete Twitter clients out there, though the interface is not as elegant and sexy as Tweetie’s one.

Twittelator Pro is available at $4.99 in the App Store.

Favorite Tweets of the Week Dec 13 - Dec 19

I usually tweet a lot of stuff: apps tutorials, news, videos, reviews, hacks and so much more. Everything that’s Apple-related and it’s interesting, it’s worth a tweet.

To keep up to date with all these links you can follow me on Twitter, but in case you missed here’s a small compilation of the best tweets of the past week.

You can find me on Twitter as @storiesofmac.


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Favorite Tweets of the Week Dec 6-Dec 12, 2009

I usually tweet a lot of stuff: apps tutorials, news, videos, reviews, hacks and so much more. Everything that’s Apple-related and it’s interesting, it’s worth a tweet.

To keep up to date with all these links you can follow me on Twitter, but in case you missed here’s a small compilation of the best tweets of the past week.

You can find me on Twitter as @storiesofmac.


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Beak Gets a Complete Rewrite. It’s Gonna Be Awesome.

I tested Beak some weeks ago and to me, it seemed just another simple Twitter client for Mac. I didn’t like the interface, it didn’t have interesting features..It was an average app. Now, I remember someone told me things were very likely to change, but I didn’t believe him. The good news is Beak is going under a complete rewrite, and it seems absolutely awesome.

Mike Rundle, the designer and developer of Beak, has announced yesterday with this blog post that Beak for Mac will be completely rewritten and that there will be an iPhone version too. Here’s a screenshot of a working build of Beak for Mac and iPhone.

Beak Mac and iPhone

Beak Mac and iPhone

Well, it’s gorgeous guys. But the most interesting thing is that both versions will share the same UI principle, a top toolbar instead of the “normal” bottom toolbar. Isn’t this “cross-platform” consistency?

By the way, here’s an excerpt of Mike Rundle’s post:

“First and foremost, I’m building Beak for me. I’m a designer and developer who has worked on the web for a very long time and I’m desperate to build something more tangible and real. Beak fills this need. Beak also lets me be creative and have fun without worrying if it will pay the bills since I have a fantastic full-time job that does that for me. I’m not building Beak to supplant my full-time income, I’m building it because it’s interesting and lets me learn new things.

Second, Beak is not competing for your Twitter application-purchasing funds. I want you to go out, right now, and buy Tweetie, Twitterrific, Birdfeed, Reportage, Birdbrain and every other beautifully-designed Twitter-related application for Mac & iPhone. Go support quality developers, it’s extremely important. When Beak 1.0 ships the new website will have links to my favorite Twitter apps at the bottom. Why? Because they deserve to be purchased and supported.

Third, Beak is a side project and will not have every feature you love. I have some strong opinions about which Twitter API features should be included in Beak and not all of them will be there, because, again, I’m building Beak for me. Lists & Retweets are in Beak 1.0 but they’ve got a twist. Things I don’t like about Twitter or that I think are pointless probably won’t be included, but that’s just because I’m going to work on what I want to work on, and lame features just aren’t fun to implement. I’d rather sweat the details on the things I choose to include instead of half-assed features that have been suggested that I hate.”

Favorite Tweets of the Week Nov 29-Dec 5, 2009

I usually tweet a lot of stuff: apps tutorials, news, videos, reviews, hacks and so much more. Everything that’s Apple-related and it’s interesting, it’s worth a tweet.

To keep up to date with all these links you can follow me on Twitter, but in case you missed here’s a small compilation of the best tweets of the past week.

You can find me on Twitter as @storiesofmac.


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Roundup: 40+ Twitter Clients and Utilities for Mac

As you may have understood reading MacStories, I’m in love with Twitter (I’m @storiesofmac) For this reason, I’m always searching for the best client around, hoping to find “that new one” which integrates all the features I would like to see in a Twitter app: slick UI, multi-timelines support, Growl, hashtags, url shortening and so on..

To help you in finding the best Twitter client around, here’s a list of 40 Twitter clients for your Mac. To download them, simply click on the link.

Obviously, I haven’t tested all of these apps, but I’m planning to write in-depth reviews for many of them.

Enjoy! :)

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Twittelator Pro for iPhone: Power Tweeting Made Simple.

I’m totally addicted to Twitter: in a matter of a few months, it has become my social network of choice, being a great place where I daily find interesting Mac / Web-design stuff I could share with my followers. Moreover, there are tons of Photoshop cool resources around, and that’s just perfect to me.

But anyway, this is my Twitter (remember, Twitter is what you make it!), and everyone knows that tweeting is a very personal experience, so I don’t want to be an example.

On my Mac, Tweetie is my favourite client: slick interface, stable, multi-timelines support, twitter search, dead-simple. It perfectly fits to my needs.

But what on my iPhone?

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