Twitterrific by the Iconfactory is one of the most popular Twitter clients for iOS, and we’ve been hearing a brand new Mac version is around the corner as well. What at first may look like a minor update to Twitterrific for iPhone and iPad was released a few minutes ago in the App Store, and it adds a very welcome new feature: native Instagram support. I don’t know if any other Twitter app for iOS supports Instagram photos like Twitterrific does, but here’s the gist: instead of being forced to follow a link to Instagram to the actual website, Twitterrific will open the image into its dedicated popover, without leaving your timeline. That’s useful, considering how many people are using Instagram these days and how annoying it is to launch a web view every time. A similar integration can be seen on, where the inline media viewer can preview Instagram photos without opening a new browser tab.
The new Twitterrific update also introduces fixes to reduce API errors (I’ve been getting lots of them lately), support for photos shared on plixi and and restores the black theme as the default one. Last, Twitterrific finally supports the new Twitter links to tweets and usernames.
Twitterrific is available for free in the App Store. Our review here.