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Posts tagged with "WWDC 2011"

WWDC 2011 Session Videos Now Available

Right on schedule less than two weeks after WWDC, Apple has uploaded the session videos to its Developer portal and made them available for registered developers to download in iTunes, provided they log in with their Apple ID. Whilst the landing page for the WWDC 2011 Session Videos went live for a few minutes yesterday, the videos were not available yet. The videos are now available both in SD and HD at 109 files of sessions covering new iOS 5 topics like Notification Center and iMessage, new iCloud features, OS X Lion and memory management for developers can be downloaded now, for free and viewed on any iPhone 4, iPad, Apple TV, Mac and iPod touch 4th gen.

As usual, Apple reminds you that “content presented within the session videos and slides is Apple Confidential Information and is subject to the Registered Apple Developer Agreement.” The official Developer Videos webpage hasn’t been updated yet to reflect the changes, but the 2011 Sessions are available on iTunes.

Categories covered at WWDC 2011 include:

  • Apple Platforms Kickoff
  • App Frameworks
  • Core OS
  • Developer Tools
  • Graphics, Media, and Games
  • Internet and Web

Sessions can be downloaded as videos, or digital booklet slides.

If you think WWDC wasn’t successful, you weren’t paying attention

If you think WWDC wasn’t successful, you weren’t paying attention

Apple did a lot at WWDC, but one of the most important things was that they gave developers the roadmap for where they are headed (at least in the short term). That’s big for the end user because we are relying on those developers to make the apps that we use.

I spoke with countless developers last week and not one of them were disappointed with Apple’s announcements. Apple gave them hundreds of new APIs to work with to improve existing apps and to create new ones.

Jim Dalrymple from the loop tells it like it is. This year was a massive success by Apple at WWDC, and many genuinely see the distinction that make this month’s announcements revolutionary, and not evolutionary. And it’s not just about what was announced, but about what Apple does for its community.

Developers spent the week hunkered down in sessions with Apple engineers learning about the new code. That’s what WWDC is all about — code, apps, APIs, and more code.

WWDC is not about Apple releasing new products for consumers to run out and buy. It’s about educating developers so they can make great products for consumers to buy.

Apple is setting the precedent for some big changes, and I can’t help but feel there’s a lot of anxiety around the new announcements. I think this piece by August Mueller sums up the wide variety of emotions and feelings encountered at this year’s WWDC: Roll With It. Multiply the implications of what Apple is doing by the 5000 developers at WWDC, and you can imagine how serious this is. What Apple is doing might look like just an upgrade on the surface by and end user, but internally there’s going to be a lot of changes as Apple drives innovation, and heads in the opposite direction that Microsoft appears to be heading in. It’s all being done for us.

Whether you were a developer soaking in all that Lion, iOS 5, and iCloud have to offer, or a bystander witnessing the change in technology, WWDC 2011 was an event to be remembered.


Apple Goes Shopping, Comes Back with Over 50 Domains

In a move to protect key terms and product features related to Monday’s Keynote that kicked off WWDC 2011, Apple decided to go domain shopping. Obviously you’d want to protect product names like Lion and iOS 5 from being abused, but Apple may have overdone it with their acquisition of over fifty domain names, including goodies like “” and “”. Robin Wauters from TechCrunch was quick to point out that Apple still doesn’t own or, but what is Apple really afraid of?

You can tell Apple is clearly trying to protect their branding, but are they going too far? Do they have anything to worry about? I guess iTunes in the cloud is pretty important. But Mac gestures? Apple should definitely put a tutorial there.

Here’s some good examples of what Apple has picked up.


For the full list, be sure to hit up the source link below.

[via Techcrunch]

Apple’s 3rd Data Center

At around one hour, fifty-five minutes, and fifty seconds into Monday’s Keynote, Steve Jobs riposted, “If you don’t think we’re serious, you’re wrong.” The audience, wide-eyed with the announcement of iTunes Match, quickly hushed as Jobs paced across the stage. “This is our third data center that we just completed. It’s in Maiden, North Carolina.” Steve Jobs emphasized the enormous size of the data center, briefly revealing some of the technology inside. “We’re pretty proud of it.”

Apple’s 3rd data center had been at the center of speculation in the months leading up to Monday’s keynote, and while everyone agreed that the servers packed inside would host a myriad of iTunes content, no one really understood its true purpose. Many expected a much bigger announcement from Apple yesterday, with many eager to see music, video, and movie streaming at their fingertips. Instead, the iTunes services offered present a solution that met the demands for streaming half way: while files are still stored natively on devices, they’re available for access from iCloud itself. iTunes Match is agreeably head scratching, but the promise of a service that will just work by a Fall release gives me the feeling Apple hasn’t shown us everything there is to the un-locker service.

So with the focus on pushing content rather than streaming, the question that many are now asking is, “What exactly does Apple’s 3rd data center do if they’re not (yet) streaming content?” It’s a fair question, especially when Apple’s equipment is examined more closely. Many of the racks shown in Apple’s data center are capped with nothing but filler panels, and there’s an obvious mix of machines presented that were chosen more for show than to reveal Apple’s inner workings. With the brief glimpse Jobs gave us, however, it is possible to make a couple good guesses as we identify all of the equipment. Read more

The Big WWDC 2011 Keynote Roundup

Apple unleashed a volley of updates this afternoon to iOS, OS X, and introduced the new iCloud that’s bound to make an Apple user blush with excitement. With notifications, over the air updates, AirDrop, and wireless file syncing, Apple is addressing nearly all of the complaints I can think of from users across the board.

We’ve covered a lot on MacStories this afternoon between our detailed posts where you can learn more about new and popular features, to our live blog where we consolidated all of the news into once place. Below, you’ll find a briefing on what’s new in all of these components, and how they fit together in Apple’s vision of the future.

Read more

Lion Server to be $49.99 From the Mac App Store

What was thought of as an extension to OS X Lion will be a full blown upgrade for $49.99 from the Mac App Store: Apple has just launched a brand new Lion Server page detailing all of the management features you can expect from the Server App to Xsan support.

Let’s start with the basics: you get to manage AirPort wireless base stations and Time Capsules, monitor traffic and bandwidth, all while controlling who gets access to the server with simple account management options. The server supports VPN for encrypted access to your network, an internal wiki, private iChat services, Time Machine for company backups, calendaring, file sharing, email support, and contact sharing all in one place.

For iPad file sharing, there’s webDAV file sharing (which doesn’t sound as tasty as the features iCloud promises), but there are push notifications so Lion Server can notify users of important email or assigned meetings. Time Machine backs up on the server can be conducted for WiFi, ensuring everyone’s company essential goods are backed up in a safe place.

iCal Server 3 and Mail Server 3 are updated to take advantage of push notifications in Lion Server. While iCal Server 3 gives anyone the power to update a schedule or a meeting (which is subsequently updated on everyone else’s devices), Mail Server 3 allows you to search attachments on the server, and also includes a webmail component so you can check those corporate messages outside of the office in a secure environment.

Wiki Server 3 is another big feature in Lion Server that’s a cross between your standard wiki and 37 Signal’s Backpack, giving users the ability to upload files to a page and download them when needed. Wikis can contain information about people, podcasts, specific company pages, and more that can be easily navigated from the navigation bar. A special People Browser gives you web browser and computer independence for looking up contact information that can be browsed anywhere.

Lion Server also includes a profile manager that allows you to remotely manage iPhones and iPads from a central location. If you’re away from the office, the profile manager is available from a web browser so you can manage devices from anywhere.

Look for Lion Server to be released with Lion this July.

[via Apple]

Follow the 2011 WWDC Keynote Triple Play on MacStories

Lions? Check. Clouds that kind of look like modified iSync icons? Check. iOS 5? Check. Steve Jobs? Double check.

Our heads have been in the clouds for the last few months as Apple put the finishing touches on their Carolinian data center, convinced all four record labels to get onboard for iCloud, and Lion has been nothing but a leaky faucet when it comes to features, but iOS 5 and iCloud have been Apple’s best kept secrets to date. The big data center theory is that Apple will use iCloud for more than music, and I was happier than a clam when both the LA Times and CNet all but reaffirmed my suspicions about Apple’s desires for the new streaming technology.

On top of all the rumors, iCloud suddenly became the center star of speculation beyond the talks of media as AirPorts and Time Capsule supplies are beginning to run dry in Apple retail stores. Could iOS updates be cached on our wireless access points before installation? Could Apple be looking to distribute these updates without user intervention? Suddenly everything we know about iCloud, and Apple’s current odd child Mobile Me, has been turned on its head. What’s in store for Monday hasn’t yet made it into rumor-mongering hands. And that iSync-like icon? Highly suspicious.

We have a feeling that this WWDC is going to be the biggest we’ve seen in years, and we hope you’re certainly prepared for our caffeine-drip-fueled coverage starting Monday. Keep your eyes glued on MacStories for all the latest updates - we’ll be covering the Keynote with our friends from across the web (video or no-video), bringing you work-a-holics a consolidated text feed. We’re going to start early at 9:30 PDT for casual chit-chat, predictions, and maybe eat a donut or two before the show begins.

Until Monday, June 6th, PEACE!

Time Zones:

13:00 — New York, New York
10:00 — San Francisco, California
07:00 — Honolulu, Hawaii
03:00 — Sydney, Australia
02:00 — Tokyo, Japan
01:00 — Shanghai, China
10:30 — New Delhi, India
21:00 — Moscow, Russia
19:00 — Rome, Italy
18:00 — London, England

Don’t see your city? You can use this link to get your exact time. Read more

iCloud Detailed: Initially Free with iTunes Purchase, $25 a Year Subscription

The Los Angeles Times details the undisclosed features of iCloud, which has been reported by Apple to be a significant staple in Monday’s WWDC keynote. The LA Times reports that iCloud will initially be offered free with a purchase from the iTunes Store, meaning a digital download may fetch you free online storage or perhaps a free subscription, similar to Amazon’s current offering where they offer free cloud storage for a year with an album purchase (many took advantage of Lady Gaga’s $.99 album for this additional deal). Users will want to build their libraries relatively quickly, and the subscription is said to be available at as little as $25 per year. CNet previously suggested that the service wouldn’t be free, but could be around $20 a year. This looks like it’ll be a little of both as Apple introduces users to the service.

The LA Times says Apple initially plans to allow consumers to store their data on Apple’s servers, and would like to offer much more than music in the realm of movies, television, and and other digital content through iCloud’s publishing platform. Whether that storage involves uploading your own media or having iTunes scan your library is currently unknown, but we’re hoping for the latter.

The agreements, finalized this week, call for Apple to share 30% of any revenue from iCloud’s music service with record labels, as well as 12% with music publishers holding the songwriting rights. Apple is expected to keep the remaining 58%, said people knowledgeable with the terms.

The report comes when Apple’s network devices are reported to be ready for an upgrade, perhaps providing some form of iCloud caching for media playback. Apple just sealed the deal with Universal Music Group, and now with iCloud details leaking (as well as iCloud branding), it’ll be hard to keep the Lion in its cage over the weekend.

[via Los Angeles Times]