Applescript is one of those Mac OS features a few people master and many ignore. Truth be told, Apple has never published an “official” get-started guide to Applescript, so I understand all those users who just don’t get the point with it.
Anyway, Applescript is a human-language based code which enables users to perform actions. In case you’d like to know more about, take a look at my 25 Links to the Best AppleScripts Tutorials and Examples.
Today, I’d like to talk about this two neat applescripts I found here which let you easily convert your PDF files to .jpeg or .PNG formats.
The scripts are very straightforward. Once you’ve downloaded them, you’ll find two .app files waiting for you to drag them into the Finder toolbar.
Indeed, they aren’t usual .scpt files but scripts saved as applications or - as many users call them - droplets. This means they’ll activate once you’ll drag something over them in the Finder toolbar, that’s it.
See the little script icon up in the toolbar? That’s the icon of the app. Obviously, you can change it manually or with 3rd party apps such as Candybar.
The conversion process is fast and painless (seems like the script is based on Pyhton, I already had it installed on my Mac) and I converted a 50 pages PDF file to 50 single .jpeg files in 30 seconds or so. You can decide the resolution and choose some options for batch exporting.
A little gem that works great, no doubt.